Rollins says PLP hurricane fund undermines private efforts


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins yesterday blasted PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts over his appeal urging Bahamians to donate to the political party’s Hurricane Joaquin relief fund.

The independent MP said by facilitating its own fund, the PLP has implied that it wants Bahamians to believe that they can trust a partisan political organisation more than well-meaning private citizen groups to get aid to those in need.

He further claimed that FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis allowed himself to be “paraded” around with the government on storm assessment trips, adding that the invitation for Dr Minnis to travel with the prime minister had nothing to do with promoting bi-partisanship.

Dr Rollins said the government has so badly managed the response to the storm that it wanted to put forward an image that hurricane relief is shared equally between the government and the opposition. He said it had absolutely nothing to do with promoting bipartisanship and the PLP’s notice is proof of that.

“First, they parade Dr Hubert Minnis, leader of the opposition, around with them to declare that hurricane relief is not a partisan effort and that Joaquin did not see red or yellow when it hurtled through our archipelago,” Dr Rollins said in a Facebook post in response to Mr Roberts’ announcement of the party’s plans for its relief fund.

“Then, both the government’s social media supporters and the leader of the opposition discouraged members of the public from making donations to reputable private citizen groups for storm-ravaged islands.

“Notwithstanding any of this, the PLP, the nation’s governing party, uses this advertisement to politicize the hurricane relief in violation of the prime minister’s, and leader of the opposition’s, statements that the response would be bipartisan and apolitical.

“Additionally, they see fit to use their vast social media presence to advertise the means by which the public can make financial contributions to their political (party) – not a recognised government or charitable entity – on behalf of hurricane relief, but have not seen fit to convince the government, although they operate as one in the same, that there should have been a media blitz to inform members of the local and international community about how they can contribute to the government’s national disaster relief body - NEMA - or the local Red Cross.”

He added: “So, what this says is that even though they have already contradicted themselves, they want Bahamians to believe that we can trust a partisan political organization more than we can trust well-meaning private citizen groups to get aid to those in need, and that their philosophy is that they would wish for Bahamians to be dependent on, rather than independent of, politicians for their survival.

“Think about that for a minute and now you understand why the culture of political dependency is so pervasive in our country – that is the only way for ‘old school politicians’ to survive. If you have the will to help yourself, what use are they to you?”

He went on to question why both political parties did not hold a joint press conference encouraging Bahamians to contribute to NEMA or the Red Cross.

Dr Rollins urged all Bahamians with the means to do so, to contribute to NEMA or the Red Cross or any reputable private humanitarian relief groups that have registered with the government, because it is they who are designed to provide relief in the wake of humanitarian crises and not political parties that are designed to collect monies or material to wage political campaigns.

In a press statement on Monday, Mr Roberts said in the wake of the devastation the party has opened a bank account to facilitate a fund-raising drive to further defray clean up, recovery costs and reconstruction costs that have already been estimated in the tens of millions of dollars. He said every “red cent” counts in this national and international effort that both tests and demonstrates our humanity towards each other.

He said the party planned to join the disaster relief efforts by making a cash donation to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to assist in the ongoing disaster relief efforts.

Senator Alex Storr, the party’s deputy chairman was appointed to head the party’s Disaster Relief Committee, Mr Roberts said.


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 2 months ago

Who would be fool enough to give the PLP money for relief?!?!?!?

SP 9 years, 2 months ago

Don't conveniently forget that it was YOUR FNM CABINET that received the $600,00.00 BEC bribe!

This situation just explains ONE EXAMPLE of how the system works! We always knew both parties were corrupt to the core.

Now we have empirical evidence provided by Uncle Sam that YOUR little dictator emperor "Mr. Clean hands," AIN'T clean after all.

  • All PLP and FNM Cabinet ministers from 1967 to date need to be throughly investigated and every Cabinet deal forensically scrutinized! *

Greentea 9 years, 2 months ago

What does anything u say have to do with proudloudandfnm said? The fact remains- most sane people won't give a dime to the PLP for relief! of FNM for that matter. Let Roberts reach into his own fat pocket.

sealice 9 years, 2 months ago

how much of every dollar donated to the PLP relief fund goes into "administrative" fees....

SP 9 years, 2 months ago

... Donate in the wake of the FNM Cabinet $600,000.00 BEC bribery scandal expose? ...

NOBODY, not even die hard PLP and FNM's in their right minds would intrust a wooden nickel to the PLP or FNM for hurricane relief or anything else ever again!

Donating to NEMA is equally questionable because they are actually managed and governed by government.

People with sense should donate to the Red Cross or other charitable organization SEEN to be accomplishing what our lousy ass government should be doing.

The_Oracle 9 years, 2 months ago

Dr. Rollins you are trying to ascribe to them a rational logical philosophical position, something they lack in all aspects. Common Sense. They will be at each others throats within hours again sparring with bad intent and bad English. The root of all of our pressing National Issues are always either directly caused by or convoluted by Government incompetence and political misfeasance. Political Malfeasance can often be found lurking with its two bits.

Stapedius 9 years, 2 months ago

What a loser. I'm so sick of hearing from Rollins. Close your mouth and simply go and help. Not everything requires commentary. Ok, fine you may feel the government handled the responsibility poorly and Minnis is being paraded. But I just feel this guy doesn't know how to simply observe and learn. It is always for him to open his clapper and go on as if he has all the answers.

gangof4 9 years, 2 months ago

You know, I might not always agree with everything Rollins might say, but one thing I really hate are people who "shoot the messenger".......those are the REAL losers. Rollins made some legitimate points, comment or disagree with those, not the fact that he said them.

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