Opposition must unite to take on PLP, says Rollins

Andre Rollins

Andre Rollins


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins said Bahamians must question if they are willing to “risk” another five years of the current government by experimenting with “grand ideas” of forming new political parties “at this late stage”.

He suggested that opposition forces and independent representatives form a coalition to take on the PLP ahead of the next general election instead of splintering into different groups.

His comments came a week after Marco City MP Greg Moss, expressing a desire to disrupt the country’s political status quo, announced that he will form and lead a new political party.

Dr Rollins said yesterday that he does not believe Bahamians are in the mood for a new political group, adding that the opposition FNM, third party the DNA and un-affiliated people should instead join forces.

Mr Moss and Dr Rollins both resigned from the PLP in June.

The independent Ft Charlotte MP suggested that parliamentarians of like minds should form a “coalition of independents” in the House of Assembly that seeks to hold the government accountable and that has the potential to “organically” grow into a political unit if the appetite for it exists.

“I believe it would be far more useful for Mr Moss and other like minded persons in the House of Assembly who are dissatisfied with the performance of the government to amalgamate forces,” Dr Rollins said when contacted for comment. “And even if Mr Moss is averse to working with the opposition, I would be supportive of working with him in a coalition of independents which would be keen to speak to the issues affecting this country and to promoting solutions that will help to advance our country and our people.”

Dr Rollins said it is unrealistic to expect a new political party to win the next general election.

He added: “And we must all ask ourselves this very important question: are we prepared to risk another five years of the type of governance we are experiencing now by experimenting with grand ideas of forming political parties at this late stage? I remain convinced that we should be working on the amalgamation of opposition forces without being preoccupied with who will lead that movement.”

Noting that he does not wish to undermine Mr Moss’ “valid point of view that many among the younger generation are losing confidence in the established parties’ will to effect true change,” he called for a pragmatic approach to determining this country’s future.

“The opposition is only as strong as our willingness to be a part of a cohesive unit that is minded to bring about change. We’re not going to bring about that change if we’re all headed in opposite directions, each wishing to lead with small groups of people following us but not able to, any of us, draw the kind of numbers needed to win the next general election.”

“If it is that Mr Moss’ objective is to seek to change the government, he must be asked how realistic he believes change is if the opposition is divided, as opposed to if it is united.”

Dr Rollins expressed hope that Mr Moss would reconsider his plan to form a new party, saying all opposition forces “should be at the same table trying to negotiate a partnership or attempt a coalition.”

Dr Rollins added that it is important that people not preoccupy themselves with leading a movement, adding that voters are becoming increasingly wary of politicians.

“We should not be preoccupied with leading a political party or being prime minister but instead use the platform we have in the House of Assembly as independent members to focus the public’s attention on the shortcomings of the government and, in some instances, the failings of the government that threaten the future safety and prosperity of our nation,” he said.

“Good talent like Mr Moss’ can easily be squandered if we create perceptions that we are only prepared to participate in the political process if we are asked to lead it. What I believe is the most effective use of our talents as independent members of the House of Assembly is not to insist on being leaders of a political party based on our own personal ambitions, unless of course we’re called to lead by the public. But I don’t hear the public calling for the formation of a new political party. I hear the public becoming really disenchanted with politicians and politics. For the public to regain confidence in politicians, it is important for us not to create the perception that we are fixated on grabbing power and becoming prime minister.”


Romrok 9 years, 6 months ago

Sign wit the DNA. I'm sure there are a fair few that will never vote for the 2 crooked parties until there is no other option. He'll in my opinion the plp should be disolved to save the country's face, preferably with all of the MPs and lady ping sent to Haiti without Bahamian status. We can then see if the magic independence party can make lightning strike twice, or will they be killed by people that actually will work for change, and not have it handed to them like us in the Bahamas did.

bahamalove 9 years, 6 months ago

Ever since Mrs. Butler-Turner b**ch-slapped Mr. Rollins, the latter has been spewing good political commentary and ideas ever since. Maybe if we line up all of our politicians and have Mrs. Butler-Turner slap each one of them we could have a better-managed Country.

asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago

The way this country is going today, jail time seems to be in order for many that sit in the HOA not to mention the cronies, some of them should be hung as traitors to the nation!

sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago

That is a great idea !!!!!! But first line up the cabinet and bitch slap them back to reality .......... then move to the FNM and independents and the DNA

But I agree with Doc Rollins .......... a grand anti-PLP coalition is NEEDED.

newcitizen 9 years, 6 months ago

I think we'd all pay good money to see that, probably enough to pay down some of our debt.

licks2 9 years, 6 months ago

I must agree that Mr. Rollins has put forth the best idea for the total eradication of the criminal PLP party for ever from out of our nation!

All parties should put up one third of candidates to form a single Coalition party to wipe the PLP off the map so to speak!! The DNA, FNM and Mr. Moss new party can keep their historical party base and continue as a political party. . .but come together to form the next government as national patriots to take our nation away from the PLP for the safety of our future.

If this idea is not accepted. . .then the FNM will be the next government. . .which is a god-sister party to the current PLP party. An FNM win will put our nation's future growth back for about 10 years. . .we would have to remove them and replace them with a group of young and honest leaders.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago

That is a great idea Licks!!!!!

If each major splinter group can come together with the FNM and vote on a competitive candidate for each constituency and take on the PLP (one on one) there will be little room for the PLP to win the next election ....... a dividied Opposition is a sure win for the PLP in 2017 (God forbid)

It will set a new political tone and culture to build the next generation and banish the PLP forever ........ without Perry, the PLP has no credible leader

Observer 9 years, 6 months ago

Seems that Mr.Rollins has had an epiphany. Makes practical sense to amalgamate forces instead of forming another political party at this time. He is right on that score.

birdiestrachan 9 years, 6 months ago

One can rest assured that no party wants Rollins. He acts like a spoiled little child . who falls down on the floor and kicks when he does not have his way. Wells is BAD NEWS.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Let us begin, by calling for the redesign of Bahamaland's National Flag.
Comrades, certainly, I feel Dr. Andre and his supporting bloggers, should be entitled hold their own opinions, beliefs and views. But lacks credibility, if it means we are to remain under the existing colonial political parties mindset at the end of the 2017 General - cuz we will still be a small but beautiful nation whose political system, is founded upon a colonial system of government.
There is no change to be had, in simply blending likewise political parties colonial minds together. However, when you bring together fresh minds, willing to adapt under a new political parties system, we will as a new peoples, begin do beautiful governing things by fresh thinking office holders - backed by the full decolonization of her citizens.

The_Oracle 9 years, 6 months ago

A noble idea, save the fact that the FNM is marginally better, and in some ways worse. Until we start seizing the assets of those who have pillaged, robbed and proven themselves to be self serving in elected or appointed office, we will endure the same. Re-instate and enforce the rules as written, not as interpreted by those who rule afoul of them! Where is the down side for any of them if they are their own judge, jury? Ever seen one of them hang themselves burdened with shame?

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrade-Oracle, is it not the blame game crutchs that props up the PLP and FNM political parties. It's their only survival lifeboats, isn't it?
I had hoped the late Comrade Nelson Mandela might have taught us Bahamalanders, that you cannot move forward by looking backwards.
Is not arresting and jailing your political foes and enemies, looking backwards?
Comrade, I say to you with all my heart, I cannot stand with you, if it means you could ever trust any of your nation's leaders when it comes down to which peoples would be randomly selected to be jailed and for what crimes?

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago

Minnis would still have to be booted from the leadership position of the FNM for any possibility of the PLP being defeated in the next general election......and Christie knows it!

Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago

The majority of Bahamian voters would only have confidence in a NEW PARTY provided it starts with a strong presence in the HOA, and uses this presence to mount a vigorous attack on the corrupt PLP Government.

Historically, SUCCESSFUL new political parties in The Bahamas have ONLY been formed from a splinter group.

If it is true that FNM house members are dissatisfied with "Hubert Minimus," then break away, especially if you can take the FNM " Money Men" with you, and form the "Free FNM".

Then recruit the independent MPS to swell the ranks in the HAO and then REALLY start to be worthy of the name OPPOSITION PARTY!!!

See if any of the PLP HOA members are honest enough to jump ship and swell the ranks to keep the momentum building.

Then absorb the DNA, who will realize by this time that they are a "spent force" and would not stand a chance against the new OPPOSITION ALLIANCE, and rename the party SCP, The Squeaky Clean Party !!! (or something better!!!)

Within 6 months the result of the next election would be a foregone conclusion, especially if the new party runs on a platform of anti-corruption, transparency, F.I.A., environmental protection, an investor friendly policy, social services, job creation, crime reduction, and self sufficiency in food production.

The only tricky issue is who would be the leader! Guess What? Give DEMOCRACY a try!! Have a convention and ELECT a leader, each member of the party gets one vote, and then each and everyone SUPPORT your leader unequivocally!!

sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago

Great idea ....................... let's keep the great ideas flowing ........ something may stick on dem in da House now ........ but who can lead a credible Opposition coalition (other than HAM)?????????

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