Tribune Staff Reporter
FREE National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard yesterday hinted that “all forms of a political collaboration” are presently being discussed with persons focused on moving The Bahamas forward.
Mr Pintard was asked about the FNM’s stance on a potential coalition between the party and other political groups ahead of the next general election.
The FNM senator said: “Conversations are always going on behind the scenes between like-minded individuals who are positioning themselves to rescue political power away from the PLP.”
When asked to expand on this, Mr Pintard added that there are members within the third party, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) and the governing Progressive Liberal Party that the FNM views as being capable of moving the country in the right direction.
He said these are the persons the FNM has already had open discussions with.
“No one group has all of the answers needed to fix all of the issues currently ailing the nation,” he said.
“There are many challenges that exceed the political divides, those are the issues we know we need to find answers to, prior to 2017. There are people out there that have those answers, and to offer the best solutions to the Bahamian people we are working to pull these persons in.”
When contacted for comment, FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said he and other senior members of his party have gone on record to state that the FNM is an “open tent, a group that welcomes anyone interested in defeating the PLP and improving the lives of Bahamians.”
When asked if the FNM has had conversations with other political groups, Dr Minnis said: “We have welcomed everyone that is truly serious about improving the Bahamas.”
Meanwhile, Mr Pintard admitted he is a “person eager to field the best political platform ahead of the 2017 general election.”
He said the DNA has “a number of valuable Bahamians that show the skills needed to move the Bahamas forward.”
Meanwhile, DNA Leader Branville McCartney yesterday acknowledged that while there has not been any official discussion between his party and the FNM, he has had some private talks with “a couple of my former FNM colleagues about how best to move the country forward.”
He added that he, for quite some time, has been open to having discussions with anyone interested in bettering the country. However, he stopped short of explaining what the parameters of such discussions would be.
He went on to say that the DNA is here to stay.
On Tuesday, former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette said he would be open to brokering discussions with the FNM and DNA, suggesting that a coalition of some sort between the two groups provides voters the “best possible choice” in the next general election.
If the DNA were to merge with the FNM, Mr Symonette said he doesn’t see Mr McCartney coming in as the new FNM leader or deputy leader, but said some “concessions” would have to be made.
Mr McCartney, responding to those comments said: “I have tremendous respect for Mr Symonette, my time as his junior minister were truly good times. He is someone who I have a great amount of admiration for. With that said, I find it difficult to believe that the FNM can win the next election without reaching out to other groups. The DNA has grown tremendously in the time since the 2012 election and we got 10 per cent of the vote in that election. We want to triple that number.”
Earlier this week, independent Ft Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins told The Tribune that opposition forces and independent representatives should form a coalition to take on the PLP ahead of the next general election instead of splintering into different groups.
Dr Rollins quit the PLP in June.
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
It would be so much better for the FNM and the opposition forces in this country if Mr. Mc Cartney recognizes the undeniable fact that he and the DNA are seen by many to have become a "SPENT FORCE". If the prime concern for all opposition parties is to unseat our corrupt PLP government, this is best done if the smaller parties, and the independent members of the HOA, swallow their pride and join the ranks of the FNM.
It would be much more patriotic, much more effective, much more satisfying and much less egotistical, to be a respected member of "TEAM FNM", than to be, once again, an isolated, irrelevant, seatless wonder, leading a seatless party, spinning dreams of all the things he and they could do...if only they had the chance!
The usefulness of the DNA to the FMN is not Mc Cartney, or his small group of party officers, of whom we know little, and from whom we hear nothing!!
The value of the DNA to the FNM is the enthusiasm the DNA generated in 2012, and the voters who voted for the DNA during the last election and might vote for them again in 2017 (or 2016). The new ideas and the new beginning promised by the DNA, that excited so many young and disenchanted voters in 2012, should be adopted, refined and developed by "TEAM FNM".
DNA supporters must be shown that the FNM has really " shed its skin" and has become a new and more vibrant party, with a new, innovative, and forward looking agenda.
This new and improved "TEAM FNM", incorporating all of its new members, would hold not only the promise of a new beginning for The Bahamas, but also the promise of an election VICTORY for it's supporters, something no one believes the DNA can achieve.
In politics, as in many other areas of life, everyone loves a winner, and in politics, especially, everyone wants to be part of a winning team!
Mr. Mc Cartney has a responsibility to his dedicated and loyal supports in the DNA to lead them into the NEW "TEAM FNM", and thereby allow them to taste the sweetness of victory in the next election!
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