AG says 'justice system is working'

Allyson Maynard Gibson

Allyson Maynard Gibson


Tribune Staff Reporter


ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson insisted yesterday that the “justice system is working” despite the country’s murder rate, which is set to outpace last year’s figure.

The country has experienced seven murders in the past five days, bringing the murder count for the year to 107.

The latest murder took place near Pinewood when the murder-accused boyfriend of a well-known activist was killed in his home.

Asked about the crime situation yesterday, Mrs Maynard-Gibson said: “Obviously one murder is one murder too many. The government is taking the matter of crime very seriously, working very hard on this. I also want to say that the facts convey that the system is working.

“Many, many cases are coming to trial within a reasonable time. We don’t want to promise that we can fix the systems overnight but the fact is the systems we have put in place are working. I want to commend those in the justice system for working hard to see these excellent results.”

“When people understand that the system does work and the rule of law does prevail in The Bahamas, this decreases the fear of crime. It also lets those who exploit deficiencies of the system know that we are closing those doors and we are ensuring that people cannot play the system. We want to assure people that the evidence shows things are moving in the right direction.”

Mrs Maynard-Gibson’s comments come as the government faces a firestorm of criticism from both sides of the political divide over it’s handling of crime.

This week, Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller called the Christie Administration “gutless” as he urged the government to “get a grip” on the problem.

“We got elected to make the laws needed to protect our people. We have failed at that, the murder count is proof,” Mr Miller said.

“Everyday, it seems like everyday, you wake up and read the paper you see the stories of murder, murder, murder,” the former Progressive Liberal Party Cabinet minister said.

“When are we going to get that these people – these damn heartless criminals – don’t give a care in the world for the lives they are ruining?”

“I am sick and tired of the culture of crime we see in this country. How many people have to die before we realise that this soft, weak, pathetic approach isn’t working? I guess a couple of (politicians) have to die before we get it.

“Maybe they need to kill a couple of us first before we build up the courage to look at the Privy Council and say that hanging is needed to save lives in the Bahamas.

“Why the hell are we so gutless?”


TruePeople 9 years, 6 months ago

the justice system is not working for murder, nor is it working for corruption. It's only working for those criminals that it protects

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