Gomez passes Election Court brief to Munroe


FORMER State Minister for Legal Affairs Damian Gomez.


Tribune Staff Reporter


ATTORNEY Wayne Munroe said there are issues of practicality when it comes to State Legal Affairs Minister Damian Gomez’s declaration to file Election Court petitions to make the Killarney and Long Island House of Assembly seats vacant.

According to Mr Munroe, who joined the Progressive Liberal Party last week, there are concerns of whether it would make sense to cause a bye-election with less than two years until the next general election.


Wayne Munroe

He said it also has to be determined whether constitutional offences truly exist.

Mr Munroe was contacted after questions were fielded at Mr Gomez, who declined to speak on his promise to file petitions in Election Court to oust opposition MPs Dr Hubert Minnis and Loretta Butler-Turner from the House of Assembly over allegations of constitutional violation. Instead, he advised this newspaper to speak with Mr Munroe.

However, Mr Munroe did not elaborate, saying because of his work on the Baha Mar case he has not had the opportunity to properly look into the matter. He also said he has not received the needed documents to make conclusions at this point.

Mr Munroe said: “There are some practical issues to consider regarding whether it is smart to cause a bye-election with just 18 months to the 2017 general election.

“There would also have to be a determination whether there are election offences and if it is a matter of permanent disqualification.

“But I haven’t received the information I need and I have been tied up with the Baha Mar matter. So right now I have just been thinking about the questions that arise and questions that I should ask.”

On August 23, Mr Gomez revealed he planned to file petitions at the end of that week to have the two opposition seats vacated.

However, he has not yet done so.

The controversy centres on the Stat Care contract signed between a company which Dr Minnis has interests in and the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) in 2005, before Dr Minnis entered politics. The arrangement was continued while Dr Minnis served as health minister from 2007 to 2012 and continues on a month-to-month basis.

Dr Minnis has said the issue is a moot point because he disclosed the matter after he was elected. He has also said that while he was minister of health he ordered the PHA to move its facility, however the agency has not yet done so.

The alleged conflict with Mrs Butler-Turner reportedly centres on a government department renting space from the Milo B Butler and Sons building, a business operated by members of her family.

Mrs Butler-Turner has said she was not in any way involved with this.


GrassRoot 9 years, 6 months ago

so Munroe is now the PLP's fixer. I wonder whether he fixes also Gambling commission to ensure the pipeline from the number boyz to the PLP opens up again.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

I don't needs be no Comrade King's Counsel (KC) to be determining there are no constitutional offenses existing, if it would appear you been photographed napping on job as MP? Fact is, constitutionally it has be so written to allow for any MP to have their nap times - cuz they're at their very best, when they be napping - that is unless they's s known for sleeps talkin.


jujutreeclub 9 years, 6 months ago

TAl. Need to get rid of Gomez and replace him with Munroe as Dep. AG.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrade, the minister is on cabinet membership life support - no assistance required either us. Don't be too shocked if a snap General Election is called. I doubt the same horses be contesting.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago

Lord what a bunch of smart asses ................ they will all have to return to private practice in 2017 though ................... to represent some more drug lords

realfreethinker 9 years, 6 months ago

gomez trying everything in the book to save face. He as off base from day one now he is looking for any out he can get.and this is what we have for assistant AG ??

jujutreeclub 9 years, 6 months ago

Munroe gat sense. He know to go to by-election now will only destroy our party. This would be the momentum that the opposition need to get rolling. We can't risk that unless Gomez is trying to destroy our party. And as deputy AG, you don't think he should know that what he was trying couldn't work. We need to get rid of him. Goes to show what that bright minded Dep. AG is thinking. Replace him with Munroe.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 6 months ago

Gee, I wondered what assurances Wayne Munroe received to join the PLP. Bradley Roberts bowing to him, Shane Gibson bowing to him and now Gomez..he must be the new leader

Zakary 9 years, 6 months ago

  • ..he must be the new leader.

Yes, I told someone this, he’s the boss now, and commanding respect like nobody’s business.

Bahamianpride 9 years, 6 months ago

Tal, That's that KFC.. makes ya drowsy, especially if u eat the whole bucket with biscuits dipped in honey..

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrade Bahamianpride, must confess I loves my KFC - preferring bucket size cuz provides more finger lickin. I even suck on bones. My friend has for years been swearing on his ever present bible, how all their chickens eggs are hatched - without any eyes. He says all the chickens comes into their coops, like totally blind. You ever heard that before cuz I thinks, he's off his rockers.

cmiller 9 years, 6 months ago

What the????? Wayne is the PLP's new savior? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.........what next with this bunch of incompetent thieves???????

Social media and its glaring spotlight and its digging out of secrets is killing this shady group of small, cowardly men.

The_Oracle 9 years, 6 months ago

Social media and their own nefarious activities are their undoing, but they have no conscience, no shame, no guilt. Nor apparently any intelligence. The dangerous part is they think they are all knowing. They have laid waste to this country in their ignorance and personal lust for power, wealth, They build nothing without destroying others. But we fund, elect, follow, worship, revere, and otherwise crown them. Until that stops, nothing will change for the better.

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