Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie spoke frankly to party supporters yesterday, telling a crowd that he would not allow anyone to put a “proverbial political gun” to his head telling him when to demit his post.
Speaking at a Progressive Liberal Party Women’s Branch meeting at PLP headquarters, Mr Christie said the party may be embroiled in a “divisive race” at its November convention instead of focusing on the important issues of crime and unemployment. Mr Christie also revealed that several members of his Cabinet have asked him to stay at the helm of the party during such “perilous” times.
PLP insiders have speculated that Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis will challenge Mr Christie at the convention.
“We’re going to subject ourselves to a major divisive race,” Mr Christie said at a PLP Women’s Branch meeting at the party’s headquarters yesterday. “Not that I have a problem of defending. Not that I have a problem of believing that I will successfully defend, but people must understand the importance of a convention.”
“All you’re going to do is descend into a race between us and them and quite frankly I don’t believe it will be much of a race.”
“We today have the twin problems of unemployment, particularly with our young people, and crime, and our focus, necessarily, must be on both.”
He added: “This country is going through some perilous times. I want you to know that members of my Cabinet, I will leave it to them to identify who they are, have been coming to me and asking me to stay on.”
“I want you to know that leaders of the party, trustees included, have been coming to me and saying I don’t have the right to decide that by myself. I want you to know that I just don’t make those decisions just like that.”
“And I will tell you one thing - I’m not going to let anybody in this country put that proverbial political gun to my head and tell me ‘you got to go’. It is not going to happen,” he said to roaring applause from the crowd.
Mr Christie also said: “Even though I am the subject of the concern of those who might wish to run against me, I have an obligation always to ensure that as leader, I communicate to the people of our party, about what is the right thing to do in all of the circumstances.
“The chairman of our party is well aware that when it’s a question of that kind of race, you’re not supposed to guess who is eligible to vote. Before it happens you are supposed to settle the voters’ list, you determine those who are qualified to vote and it’s done in an orderly fashion.”
“When I make the decision to move, my replacement will be selected that way.”
Last Thursday, Mr Christie finally put questions about his future to rest when, at a North Andros PLP branch meeting, he declared: “I will go in (to the convention) as party leader and I will come out as party leader.”
Last week Mr Davis was evasive when asked about his ambitions. On Wednesday he told reporters that “a lot of people” support him for the leadership post, adding that he has “always been ready” to ascend to that position.
Mr Davis, however, declined to say if he will make a leadership bid in November, telling reporters that he will disclose his intentions in “due course.”
Asked if he has started making assessments about the support he has in the party, he said “not yet,” but added that he is “warmed by the support” he has received from those who want him to make a leadership bid.
Mr Davis declined to comment when asked if he has been in talks with PLP stalwart councillors, who will ultimately decide the party’s leader when they vote at the November convention.
Mr Christie, 72, has served two, nonconsecutive terms as prime minister and has been the PLP’s leader for 18 years.
Some in the party have suggested that he step aside and allow a new leader to take his place and marshal the party into the next election, which must be held by early 2017.
Former PLP Senator and MP Philip Galanis has publicly voiced his support for Mr Davis to run for the party’s top post.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
No ! You won't be forced out and you don't have the sense to resign ! You are a despot Mr. Christie !
CommonSense 9 years, 6 months ago
You'll be forced out alright. Wait until 2017 for it you idiot.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
Mr. Christie, you know everything that is wrong in the country and you have been the Prime Minister for three years. Are you stupid enough to think that this is someone else's fault ? I guess so by your blind determination !!!
Honestman 9 years, 6 months ago
What in the world does PGC think he has to offer the Bahamas? He should have retired long time ago. Here is a man who is totally consumed by the trappings of power and a determination to create a meaningful legacy. Robert Mugabe has the same mindset and he is still desperately clinging to power at age 91. Anyways, it will all become irrelevant come May 2017. The PLP is a busted flush.
banker 9 years, 6 months ago
I strongly believe in the underhandedness of the PLP party. There are currents swirling. Either the PLP will jettison him or the voters will. Bottom line, een long now.…
Cobalt 9 years, 6 months ago
Lol lol lol!!
PKMShack 9 years, 6 months ago
Worst PM out of the 3 we had. He has out done LOP. AMAZING and the color pride folks will vote yellow again. Sending our country backwards even more. Thanks TAL and Birdie. But all others please for this Bahamas and your fellow countymen/women vote with brains if nothing else vote for your relatives.
Sickened 9 years, 6 months ago
Speechless! PGC is truly delusional. But, with all the Chinese and Numbers money I really don't see how the PLP can lose.
Tal, how do I get my 'loaded' PLP shirt at their rallies. Is there a special line, or does someone need to vouch for me, or a special hand signal or something? I need to know man, I'm out of work (Baha Mar) and need the money.
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrades over the 3 years since PM Christie's PLP party were returned to governing, there have been many noticeable incidents of well placed reds only too willing to practice "irresponsible journalism" directly targeting the PM. But now the PM has been singled out to be the sole recipient of pure, unadulterated "rotten journalism".
Who among even you red Comrades, could have imagined that one day you would bear witness to the mainstream media's mobilization around a single leadership contender to replace the Honourable PM Christie, as the leader PLP. I all shookin up, by just thoughtin such a crazy "rush da PM out he post" thing.
Good Lord Almighty, what manner man's and woman's, are these pro "Brave-Heart" Media Houses Owners?
You would think the PM actually ushered the words - "Mark your calendars. I will lead the PLP into the 2017 General."
banker 9 years, 6 months ago
Or .... wait for it ... or ... erryone just wised up to the fact that Christie is a bumbling idiot who don't know his ...never mind. He just sold out to the Chinese, and the media recognised that not him or his merry band of brigands een fit to lead the country, and neither is the fringe third party, so there is only one logical choice.
I'm surprised that a good communist like you doesn't know the Mao Red Book quotation "An ant may well destroy the whole dam".
What if any one with brains figured out that there is an ant to be stepped on before he destroys the dam? But you haven't figured that out yet. The Chinese have another saying -- "A closed mind is like a closed book -- its just a block of wood!".
I guess we all have our own perspectives. The view from the intellectual giants says that Christie has to go. The view of the mental midgets is different -- they get used to the stench, because as the old Chinese saying goes -- a crowded elevator smells different to a midget, and that's all they know.
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade Banker, how comes you missed out on reading the one that says like this:
" Despite the fact that dogs do catch mice, people still believe that is the business of cats." Therefore, the true lesson this proverb refers to someone like Banker who is too inquisitive and cares about PLP leadership things that are NONE of his damn business.
Honestman 9 years, 6 months ago
The destruction perpetrated on this country by the PLP is EVERYONE'S business!
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Oh really, who said it's Comrade Honestman's business meddling in the internal affairs of the PLP. Now, you've never read where Comrade Tal, perpetrating his nose into who should lead the red party? So much so, only you reds can bring Papa Hubert back as leader.
BaronInvest 9 years, 6 months ago
I'd say you'll let him right where he is now so other parties have a better chance... in the end it'll be better for this country to have the whole crew changed.
banker 9 years, 6 months ago
You're a good sheeple foot soldier! God Bless! Imagine thinking that the leadership of the country isn't a concern of a citizen. I need some of that Kool Aid - and the lobotomy powder necessary to adopt your views as well. How fortunate you are.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
No Perry you dont have to be forced out ............ but retire now and let the next generation pick up the pieces that you and your old PLP cronies have driven our country into the ground
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 6 months ago
If I had a boss who was dumb as a rock and corrupt as all hell, I could steal anything any time I wanted and I'd ask him to stay on as leader as too.....
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
Thats why the PLP Cabinet members will sit tight and grin and bear it ..... the gravy train ....................... but this time the PLP will all be retired by the voters.
DEDDIE 9 years, 6 months ago
The unemployable will take their vengeance on any government. Going forward it is one term and you are out."what ya mean that I gat to be better than a D."
realfreethinker 9 years, 6 months ago
Captain the ship is sinking. Perry is too delusional to see that. He is too in love with the trappings of being PM.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
sickened: Best you look for a new job. Izmirlian wrote on the wall in this morming's Tribune that he has already arranged a debt for equity swap with China Import Export Bank so guess what. They already have 5,000 displaced Chinese hotel workers from the White Horse Village 白马村的 ... getting ready to come work THEIR hotel over here. Housekeeping, CHINESE LAUNDRY, CHINESE RESTAURANT, CHINESE DISHWASHERS, Bars, Front Desk, Reservations. Bahamians need not apply. So unless you gat squinty eye and such, get da yalla shirt and go by old Roywest building fa ya tings ! CCA going to finish construction and get the remaining equity. The Bahamas will have no claim on equity and no jobs for its people. I hear they going to fill in under Comrade Tal's dock and she going to be the only Bahamas Employee. Just cause she is a Communist.
Sickened 9 years, 6 months ago
I ga find me one Chiney gal and have some Chiney babies. They will be guaranteed jobs and can take care of me in my retirement. If da children eyes really squint then they may even get a superwisor job and I'll be rollin' in cash!
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
We just need to set up one young gal for a one-night stand at Bahamar with a bag full of Viagara to finish Perry off .............. LOL
Emac 9 years, 6 months ago
"We just need to set up one young gal " GAL???????
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
What???????? u saying he is a switcha?????? ahhhhh lawdddd
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago
Just ask Fweddy Boy!
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrades what the hell. if It ain't's downright rude to call Asians, "chinks," I knows, its not rude be calling ya'll, nothing but a low-life bunch of "red blogging monkeys". Hands these red bloggers a bunch ripe bananas.
Lord Jesus, we islands nation, does needs your emergency intervention. Do make it quick - time running out on majority good and decent people.
Sickened 9 years, 6 months ago
You just stay down below and keep bailing. Your captain will land your ship exactly where is needs to go... to the bottom of the ocean blue.
TruePeople 9 years, 6 months ago
why you callin jesus when you got perry ?
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade, cuz if you mess with Jesus, he sends you directly to hell. With the PM, him only tells you you "could" go to hell.
Emac 9 years, 6 months ago
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade Tal: I would love to know where you live and work and buy grocery and all a dat. Where in the Bahamas can you find "majority good and decent people". You gats ta be jokin lady.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
sheeprunner12: I thought about that too. switcha - aceydoocey. Bernadette say she goin to Atlanta to find a REAL MAN !! Perry say PLEASE FIND ONE FOR ME TOO !!!
banker 9 years, 6 months ago
Once upon a time, a weary good time, monkey chew tobacco and spit white lime. I tell you story from a far off land. Two very high profile gennelmen, real generals they were, was kilt. Brutally. Deader than a mackerel on da dock. One was battered to death with a clothes iron. The old folks say that he was a purse-maker. The po-po couldn't solve da crime. Impossible dems say. When the news of the demise of the purse maker reach, a noted politician almost broke his ankles rushing over to take his picture off the bedside table of the deceased bag stitcher.
And the crime scene was being guarded by a nice young manly police officer who let this politician in. The politician pull da curtain, close da blind, and put the pitcher down his pants. He then stiffly legged outta da bedroom of the stiff, walking like a mugwump tief with stolen dillies in his trousers.
Da next day, there was speeches and such, and condolences for a po murderered men, and to dis day, the popo are mystified while da cockroach have a high old time. And it all caused me to come here now and tell you dis big lie.
Emac 9 years, 6 months ago
Well das sumtin ay????
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago…
Before the winter comes I think we should all spend the weekends at the pools. Retaurants are not open so bring Hibachi's and whatever you want to cook as well as your beverage of choice. Courtesy of Osprey Developers
John 9 years, 6 months ago
That is the problem with our political system. Rather than go to convention and all the delegates to choose a leader, we do "ground" work to prevent potential candidates from running for leader. OR even when there is a race for leadership those with power and resources stack the delegates in their favor. No true democracy anywhere.
UserOne 9 years, 6 months ago
I cannot understand why the bloggers are so intensely concerned with other people's sex lives. Sometimes it is nothing but gutter talk. I wish the discussions would stick to the topic at hand.
John 9 years, 6 months ago
The problem is Perry (in this instance) hasn't broken any laws. Nothing in our system to prevent you from running for PM more times than Chris Brown ran around the world for the Bahamas. Nothing to say you too old to rum for leader/pm. Is them set that come behind that have to fix the law and/or have the gonards and will power to stand up and fight for leadership. The mantle is not being passed on gracefully. So the fight for it must be fierce and deliberate. There will be casualties but is ever a battle won without one.
Greentea 9 years, 6 months ago
I agree. No politician just goes into the sunset when they have the option to stay. They most be forced out- one way or the other. Fight it out and put him to pasture, with a year's supply of hair dye! We can do better.
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
I never trust old men who dye their hair!! Wat they trying to prove?? Who they think they kidding?? Next thing they be trying to dance like they young!! Jokey old dude, looking like buffoon! Nothing wrong with being "snow head"!! Sign of respect, mark of seniority, badge of the elderly!
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
Userone ....... look at all countries whose leaders became involved in unnatural sex ...... they failed
But on a more serious note ......... I am now a fan of Brave or any other senior MP who is MAN enough to call Perry's bluff and challenge Perry both in Parliament and at the PLP convention for leadership on the same grounds that Australia's MPs did to a lousy PM .......... and Perry is far beyond lousy at this time ................ Perry is hapless, hopeless and wutless
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
............. and what does he mean by telling would-be challengers to "do the honorable thing"???? ............. what does he know about honor??
He knows about VOMIT
newcitizen 9 years, 6 months ago
Name one single country that failed due to the sexual orientation of their leaders. There are none.
Don't be a bigot. No one is forcing you to participate.
John 9 years, 6 months ago
October 5 is when you get the document that can retire any pm, elect a new on or re-elect an old and gray one. New voter registration. Ain't long after that.
Greentea 9 years, 6 months ago
Brave is too close to the top to stop now. He can taste power and can't step back. So he must challenge Christie's position. This is going to be interesting. Because in this case Peter definitely ain't better than Paul. Can someone tell me once and for all whether of not the rumor that he (Davis) is unable to travel to the US is true? I have heard that for years.
Emac 9 years, 6 months ago
@Userone-Sorry, but like I always say, when you run for public office, you are susceptible to all kinds of criticism. People will say all kinds of things about you, some true, some false and some nasty. It comes with the position. Those who can't stand the heat in the kitchen, simply stay out! I tell you what though, when people see that you are doing wrong and are trying to harm them in some way, they will bring out your dirty secrets, just because they are mad and they feel no weight or guilt throwing a low blow your way. Sometimes this is a last resort. If Mr. Prime Minister was doing his job and looking out for the people, none of these talks would be floating around. Most people would think to themselves, "he is a good man and what he do in he private life ain none a my business."
And by the way Userone, you say people should stick to the discussion-The discussion centers around the man, who wants to stay on as leader of his party and God forbid hold the office of prime minister again should the PLP win the next election. In my opinion, one who vies for the highest office in the land should possess good moral standards, he should love his country and be a hard worker. He ain' none of the above. The people are angry. What makes matters worst is that this man does not know that the people are angry. At least I hope he doesn't know, cause no one could be so stupid as to see the writing on the wall and keep on pretending that all is bright and cheery.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
Agreed ................. Republicans (including some running for President now)said Obama is a foreigner and a Muslim ............ so what??????????
asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago
WE will vote you out, simple!
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