Tribune Chief Reporter
FORMER Progressive Liberal Party Cabinet minister George Smith yesterday said leader hopefuls should see Prime Minister Perry Christie’s intention to stay at the helm of the party as an invitation to challenge him rather than a threat to cease and desist.
Mr Smith explained that the PLP leader was not a bully despite his recent attempts to discourage a “major divisive race” at the party’s upcoming convention.
The former Exuma MP said he did not think those with ambitions to lead the PLP should be deterred by Mr Christie’s decision because they were every bit as entitled to vie for the position.
“I don’t think words will frighten anybody from doing what they intended to do,” he said. “PLPs are made of sturdier stuff than that. We took on the ‘Bay Street Boys’, brought Majority Rule, Women’s Suffrage, lowered the voting age. There are big challenges facing this country and the PLP is the party best equipped to do it.”
Mr Smith added: “Men aren’t frightened by words, they are challenged by words. I view that as an invitation more than a threat and it’s not in Christie’s nature to be a bully. He’s not a bully.”
Last week, Mr Christie finally put questions about his future to rest when he declared that he would go into the November convention as leader and emerge as leader.
Then on Sunday, the 72 year old told party supporters that he would not allow anyone to put a “proverbial political gun” to his head telling him when to demit his post.
Mr Christie said the party might be embroiled in a “divisive race” at its November convention instead of focusing on the important issues of crime and unemployment, adding that several members of his Cabinet have asked him to stay on as leader.
Yesterday Mr Smith explained that Mr Christie will have to justify that his decision is in the best interest of the party in the lead up to the convention, and if successful, also explain to the Bahamian people that his leadership is in the best interest of the nation.
“It’s his (Christie’s) right to do, he’s certainly entitled to make that decision,” he said.
“I’m sure he pondered it and has decided that it is from his point of view the best course of action for him.
“He obviously has to justify that and show what would make it (a leadership race) a distraction. Anyone in the organisation has the right to oppose if they feel it’s the right thing to do for them and then let the delegates decide what to do. I don’t think anybody should be deterred in their intentions.”
Mr Christie has served two, non-consecutive terms as prime minister and has been the PLP’s leader for 18 years.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works Philip “Brave” Davis and Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe are the only sitting members of Parliament who have openly expressed an interest in running for leader of the PLP, though both have previously said they would only seek the nomination if Mr Christie declines to do so himself.
Mr Davis, however, last week declined to say if he will make a leadership bid in November, telling reporters that he will disclose his intentions in “due course”.
On Sunday, Mr Christie told reporters that Mr Davis would have to resign from Cabinet if he intended to run against him at the party’s convention. He added that Mr Davis, a long-time friend, has not given any indication that he will challenge him for the PLP’s top post.
Former PLP Chairman Raynard Rigby has also hinted that he might run for the position of PLP leader in November.
Yesterday, it was Mr Smith’s opinion that Mr Rigby had the potential to make a great prime minister in due time, adding that he expected the former chairman to win a seat in Parliament at the next general election.
Mr Smith said the party’s biggest challenge will be finding a slate of candidates that would collectively address the multitude of problems facing the nation.
He lamented that the party had disregarded its constitution and not held a convention every year. The PLP’s last convention was in 2009.
“It was wrong for those who held office to delay having a convention for this time. That has never happened before and it’s wrong. We should have one every year unless there is a national emergency or an election.
“I fully expect the PLP will have a convention next year in October when the constitution suggests a convention is normally held,” he added.
The_Oracle 9 years, 4 months ago
The only tool available to those who would rule by tribal means is fear. Not the style of Governance provided for in our constitution, but obviously the preferred method of our current crop of leadership and their blind followers. It is probably the biggest factor in the downfall of this little country with so much promise, but so many bodies and people discarded and destroyed.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 4 months ago
Here's what one well-known Bahamian journalist had to say about George Smith's role in the history of the Bahamas as far back as 1982: ".....the Bahamas was in the throes of a criminal takeover by South American drug cartels. The Colombian flag was raised over Norman's Cay in George Smith's Exuma constituency by the notorious gangster Carlos Lehder, who drove ordinary visitors away at gunpoint and orchestrated hourly cocaine flights to the US. The 1984 Commission of Inquiry found that Smith had accepted gifts and hospitality from Lehder, who is now serving a long sentence in an American jail. In fact, one parliamentarian said at the time that 'Pindling and his crew make the Bay Street Boys look like schoolchildren.'" Smith will tell you he has since welcomed the Good Lord into his life and sought, found and received forgiveness and redemption for all of his earlier transgressions.....WHAT A BUNCH OF POPPY COCK FOR ANYONE WHO REALLY KNOWS THIS SCOUNDREL!
EasternGate 9 years, 4 months ago
Spot on
CatIslandBoy 9 years, 4 months ago
Brave Davis should definitely challenge Perry Christie for the Leadership position, as Mr. Christie is power-drunk and will never give it up. Even if Mr. Davis does not win, he will be in the lead challenger's position next time around. This being said, I will not vote for Brave for the Head Dog-Catcher position.
TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago
The best you could do is Davis?! might as well do nothing bey
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 4 months ago
Best bet is for Brave or any challenger to do it in the house. If he / she has the support of a majority of Members. PGC can then suck the hind tit at the convention.
The_Oracle 9 years, 4 months ago
Until we stop hanging on everything that dribbles out of these self serving malfeasant's mouths the Bahamas is trapped in a dead end game. Until the effort is made to seize the ill gotten gains these politicians of all stripes have stolen from the People of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, we will be broke and in debt as a country.
TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago
Comrade Georgie, yes there's bragging rights number progressive accomplishments by the PLP but you need recheck your party's true record, when it comes to the long hard fought fight by the Women’s Suffrage Movement to win voting rights for Bahamaland's woman's.
Granted, the PLP have been consistent at fudging for years their contributions but not to the extent to give your PLP party - honest bragging rights. Now, did it.
At the very best, you could say the PLP, were late to match their words with real action to advance the right woman's votes.
TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago
Aye, is woman who voted no in all the referendums for legal gender equality i remember, and conventional knowledge is more woman than man.
Who y'all want to praise / blame?
sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago they fear Perry or despise Perry??????????
Stapedius 9 years, 4 months ago
Both Perry and Bradley have to effin joking. I have no respect for these dudes whatsoever. I don't think Brave would be a good leader for the party but my God where do these two clowns get their balls? I am so annoyed at the lack of courage and good sense the people in the PLP have on this matter. Simply put, Perry needs to carry his rass. The sooner the better.
TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago
Comrade MonkeeDoo, Jesus Christ suffered the maximum penalty the Romans could have inflicted upon his earthy body made of flesh. And, Jesus did it for any sins that may have been committed by the ex PLP House of Assembly member for the Exuma constituency, so we ALL could be forgiven through the atonement of Jesus. Don't you also wish to be forgiven, for your own sins? I sure do.
You ain't not so saintly to be judging the sincerity of the heart of another human being. I wouldn't go there.
TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago
Tal guh keep turnin she cheeks till she run out a cheek. Get Slap up , and still say PLP is doing her the world of good
TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago
Oh my, how mistaken is Comrade TruePeople. If you thinks you seen somethin exciting when Sister Loretta gone slapped her fellow House MP, then you ain't never seen no real slappin takin place, until you was raise your hand this way.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 4 months ago
Comrade Tal, check yaself. I aint say nothin bout JC or Redemption !. Stick to the dock gal!
Wideawake 9 years, 4 months ago
I am looking forward to "THE BAHAMIAN SPRING", the time when the number of intelligent and informed Bahamians reaches a CRITICAL MASS, when TRUTH, SOCIAL JUSTICE, REASON, LOGIC, LOVE AND COMPASSION prevail, when SCALES fall from eyes, when HONESTY and INTEGRITY overpower RACISM, CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, and GREED!!
That is the time when we will see REAL MEANINGFUL CHANGE in The Bahamas, as the OLD, OUT DATE, and REDUNDANT political system is cast aside to be replaced by a NEW, REALLY DEMOCRATIC, and RIGHTEOUS Bahamas Government!!!!
Meanwhile, as I wait for "THE BAHAMIAN SPRING", I support the FNM, which at this time, is the only REAL alternative to this STINK PLP GOVERNMENT!
TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago
Ya bey, but you forget, dem same intelligent informed Bahamians is leaving the country either by choice or force. They're contributing to the betterment of countries abroad.
Wideawake 9 years, 4 months ago
The Bahamas is still a fantastic place, although spoilt by it's politics, especially over the past 3.5 years. Once we awaken from the "Winter of our Discontent", those that have left will be on the first plane coming back!!
With proper governance, with a fair and equitable taxation system and with proper social service to help the less fortunate to lift themselves up, The Bahamas will become what it has always destined to be; the shiny jewel of the region, the most desirable and wonderful place on Earth!
sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago
My my........ so eloquent and wistful ........ FNM is the most obvious choice for 2017
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 4 months ago
"the 72 year old told party supporters..., "the 72 year old"??? Well, at least they didn't call him "feisty"
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