Symonette would prefer earlier FNM convention

Former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette

Former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette yesterday admitted that he would have liked to see an earlier date set for the Free National Movement’s convention.

He also suggested that if party members presented “practical” reasons to reschedule the event sooner in the year, some consideration could be given.

Mr Symonette further expressed “surprise” over the direction the party’s nomination process for a new chairman has taken. He hinted that there was an understanding that only one person would offer for the post.

Former DNA candidate for the Bain Town and Grants Town constituency Rodney Moncur and former Local Government Minister Sidney Collie are the only candidates vying for the post. The nomination process ended on Monday.

The FNM announced last Friday that a full convention is expected from November 15 to 19. At this time all positions, including the leader, are expected to be open for challenge.

“That’s the date the council has set,” Mr Symonette said when contacted, “everyone was asking for it and the council has had their say.”

Asked if he thought the convention could have been set for an earlier date, he responded: “I can see both sides of the argument from those who want it to be much earlier and others who have no problem with it.

“Personally I would have preferred an earlier convention. There is some feeling in the wider community that they would have liked this to be able to review the performance of the leader and then have sufficient time to act accordingly if needed.

“But nothing stops them from bringing it forward in the event that it’s not acceptable. Someone would have to go back to council and say why they think it can’t be and then they would decide whether to make the change for some practical reason.

“If you do it in November, then it would be closer to an (election) and I suppose tougher to manoeuvre.”

Regarding the upcoming vote for national chairman, Mr Symonette said: “I am surprised there was more than one hopeful. Usually in these things a person offers and there is an understanding that that will be it. But hey, it’s a part of the democratic process.”

Last week, the FNM announced that Mr Collie had been nominated for the chairman’s race.

Then on Monday, Mr Moncur announced his intent to vie for the post as well. He told The Tribune he believes he is the best choice for FNM chairman because the party lacks “a fighting machinery” and needs more people who “connect” to grassroots Bahamians.

Mr Moncur also criticised the FNM and the governing PLP, saying neither organisation had presented adequate strategies to prevent crime or pin down issues within the law that prevent murderers from being executed.

He said: “Essentially based on my political experience for the last 42 years, I think what is lacking is a chairman who has the capacity and the ability to organise the party and take the fight to the Progressive Liberal Party.

“The party lacks a fighting machinery and I think I have that capacity and this is fundamentally it.”

Asked whether he was concerned about criticism of his loyalty, having been a DNA candidate in the 2012 general election, Mr Moncur was adamant that he was not a turncoat. He said he was a Bahamian who was greatly concerned about the well being of this country.

Before joining the DNA, Mr Moncur, JP, headed the now defunct Workers’ Party.

This follows former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson’s admission to The Tribune that he expects the next FNM chairman to be someone favoured by FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

Acting Chairman Brensil Rolle told The Tribune on Sunday that he will not run for the post. On Monday he said he planned to focus all of his attention on his 2017 election bid.

Mr Rolle was appointed as interim chairman when former Senator Michael Pintard resigned last month.


TalRussell 8 years, 11 months ago

Comrade Brent. I respect your call for an earlier convention but I'd do some deep soul searching before taking the earlier convention option.
Brent the red party rushed through nominations for former Chairman Pintard's replacement - all within but days - and look at the two and only two candidates for chairman - you're about to select from?
No Brent the termites rot which has infested the red party will not be solved simply by calling an an earlier convention. The red party must fumigate with gas to exterminate them deadly termites.
Some believe it may be necessary to cover over the Big Red Tent with an exterminators tent to gas the suckers.
You cannot use a convention not to come clean with what exactly went on with the red party and the alleged hit man's and fire-bombers?
The public would like to know, have the red party paid, or agreed to directly/indirectly pay, or channel, any moneys for legal fees for anyone involved in this mess?

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 11 months ago

We need a convention in May.

Minnis must be replaced as soon as possible.

We now also need a good candidate for chairman. Collie and Moncur can just go sit in the corner.

The FNM is dying. We can still save it but Minnis must go ASAP......

mangogirl01 8 years, 11 months ago

Yes, a convention is needed as soon as possible and Minnis must go! It was pathetic to see how the Prime Minister spoke to him like a rude child last week in the HOA and he was quiet as mouse! I don't understand why he is hanging on; just the fact that he wants to be prime minister does count, country first does. Dr. Minnis please go! The late Charles Maynard was on point when he said Dr. Minnis and Mrs. Butler-Turner will be given 12-18 months to prove themselves. Dr. Minnis never did and still can't cut the mustard todate!

TalRussell 8 years, 11 months ago

Comrades I blogged the minute it was announced a new red chairman would be elected "selected by General Council" " that this cannot be tolerated by the party's general membership at large. That it must no be allowed to proceed.

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 11 months ago

Well Tal we agree. FNM Central Council has to go. Bunch of morons. Especially those two that signed for Rodney.

TalRussell 8 years, 11 months ago

Comrade "Proud Loud & Free FNM,"from the growing signs disappointment you may soon have to change your bloggers handle? Rodney is a good man and yes he has a right to answer to the call to run for party chairman. But it doesn't mean the party's general membership have to risk he has a 50% chance of being their new chairman?

Publius 8 years, 11 months ago

Speaking of preferences, people also would have preferred FNM money men not funding the DNA in the last election - but we can't always get what we prefer, now can we Brent?

B_I_D___ 8 years, 11 months ago

Definitely a slippery situation...the FNM under Minnis is in a complete shambles. I fear that the FNM won't be able to save themselves before the next election, and the PLP will get back in by default almost. Especially if we are still running a 3 party election...FNM/PLP/DNA...PLP will win by a MINORITY vote yet again and we have 5 more years of the crap we are going through now. Very challenging situation, being a governing party when the MAJORITY of the electorate voted against you.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 11 months ago

Someone needs to tell Brent that nobody in Bahamian politics today wants a show of support from him because the Bahamian people rightfully will be suspect of or altogether not trust the motives of any politician that seeks or needs the support of the Symonette family.

licks2 8 years, 11 months ago


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 11 months ago

Too bad Brent is white. He'd have made a damned good PM I think....

licks2 8 years, 11 months ago

I do think so too. . . and his color will be an asset with the rest of the world. . .now if he runs for leader and win I still can consider the FNM in the next election. . . his color don't bother me none!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

I agree ................ Brent would be a good alternative to what we have had for 50 years ............. swap Paul for Peter

Honestman 8 years, 11 months ago

Only Hubert Ingraham has the respect, experience and skill to save the FNM and the country from the evil clutches of the PLP. Why should he come back to serve an ungrateful electorate that rejected him TWICE however?

cmiller 8 years, 11 months ago

Brent would make a great prime minister, but black Bahamians are tooooo racist for this to become a reality. ( FYI I am a black Bahamian)

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