Tribune Staff Reporter
DNA Leader Branville McCartney declared yesterday that the Free National Movement is “dead” and has been replaced by the same incompetence and corruption “that has come to define the Progressive Liberal Party”.
Mr McCartney said that after watching the FNM’s failed convention, the public now sees what he knew seven years ago – the FNM of accountability and transparency is gone.
Mr McCartney made his comments while announcing the DNA’s upcoming convention, which is scheduled for September 29-30.
“I take no pleasure in making these statements. To come to this point is a very painful reality for many Bahamians. But both of these parties are mere shadows of their former selves. The DNA truly believes that the people of this country are its most precious resource, above all natural or material resources,” Mr McCartney said.
“This is not the PLP that led us to majority rule. This is not the PLP that led us into Independence and gave us National Insurance. Likewise this is not the FNM that opened up the airwaves, or provided critical infrastructure on our Family Islands. The vision that existed in those parties is long gone. But now, what we must decide as a people, is where do we go from here.”
Mr McCartney said for those who believe in democracy,the DNA is extending an invitation to join the party and tune in to the convention.
“For those of you who tuned in to the FNM’s convention but were highly disappointed by the lack of ideas or solutions being offered, we again invite you to take a serious look at the Democratic National Alliance,” he said.
“On September 29-30, we will show the Bahamas what a real democratic convention looks like, where all positions will be open, and where all ideas are welcome. We invite you to tune in, and to hear real solutions to our problems. We extend this offer to you, the progressives, freedom fighters, millennials, young, old, rich, or poor – join us, as we move this country forward, where real opportunities will exist for all Bahamians.”
bahamian242 8 years, 7 months ago
Proverbs 24:17
Publius 8 years, 7 months ago
Economist 8 years, 7 months ago
This will be interesting. It can be the defining moment for the DNA. There is now no difference between the PLP and the FNM so it is up to the DNA that they are a viable alternative.
licks2 8 years, 7 months ago
Maybe. . .but the problem for the DNA as an alternative is the leader himself! He is more unpopular than doc and the PM! HE ALSO SPEAKS LIKE DOC AND PM DAVIS . . .his ideas are fairy tales like. . .etc. They are talking abut him on Chrissy Love show now. . .all having a good laugh! How he putting some "bass" in his voice for election!
What makes them the same. . .they are both full of black people or what? I am confused. . .or it is just you "smarting"!
Economist 8 years, 7 months ago
They are both making promises that they have no intention of keeping.
None of their economic ideas are complete and neither have the balls to fix the Civil Service which is perhaps the biggest cause of waste in this country.
The fact that the Civil Service is not accountable to anyone means that they don't process things in a timely manner.
hallmark 8 years, 7 months ago
Romans 8:31. Go DNA!
Publius 8 years, 7 months ago
Wrong scripture! ha
John 8 years, 7 months ago
McCartney is wishfully thinking. The FNM had a lot of housecleaning to do and now persons can see what the real party looks like. Some are still uncertain whether they can support the "Minnis led FNM and yes they are very disappointed with how things transpired. Fuel was added to the fire been Hubert Ingraham seem to be endorsing Perry Christie for another term as prime minister. And it leads one to wonder what led to this. So no the FNM is not yet dead but s lot of dirty political trickery is afoot and at hand, for that matter.
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 7 months ago
I agree. The FNM is dead.
But the DNA is deader.
Bran is not paying attention. The national conversation is about PLP and FNM.
DNA are still not contenders...
Alex_Charles 8 years, 7 months ago
FNM/PLP same shit different day. DNA is not appealing to me either, either these guys do a coalition and stop doing crap or other parties such as the Gatekeepers, which also don't appeal to me with that theocracy crap, or the BCP will eat up their potential candidates. It's almost like these campaigns are run by rank amateurs who follow the lazy example of pathetic governments that came before them Rallies, rum, T-shirts and a couple of dollars won't work anymore, adapt or die
TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago
Comrades! But only mere weeks away from the DNA's scheduled party's convention, it would be a politically wise move if Bran would shine the true transparency spotlight when it comes to the number of delegates to be selected and the process for delegates selection?
The Red Movement's convention is said to have cost over $400,000 for gathering the 410 delegates. The PLP's convention which it is doubtful PM Christie will risk holding their party's convention before the 2017 General's bell gets rungs, would cost in the $2 million range. So, what's the DNA's convention budget and where will the moneys come from?
I can think of no more of a perfect opportunity for Bran to demonstrate that the DNA is really a political movement being built from the ground-up, by the people, for the good of the people and not just his 'personal vehicle' for staying current in media's headlines?
Although, am I the only one left all confused as to how just mere weeks back, does Bran goes from being all ready to fold the DNA's green tent to hitch up with the Red Movement to holding a DNA convention? Did I miss something?
Honestman 8 years, 7 months ago
The DNA has not evolved since the last general election and it has ran out of time to be a serious alternative come May 2017. The DNA will pick up the protest vote, will probably increase its share of the total vote but will end up with only a few MP's at best. The sad reality is that a vote for the DNA will be tantamount to a vote for the PLP.
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