“We March” organiser Ranard Henfield addresses the crowd at the Black Friday march in Rawson Square. Photo/Shawn Hanna
Tribune Chief Reporter
SEEKING to ramp up pressure on the government following its ‘Black Friday’ march, We March Bahamas organisers have threatened to initiate a national strike if Prime Minister Perry Christie does not give a national address on steps taken to meet protest demands.
In a letter to Mr Christie, lead organiser Ranard Henfield reiterated that there was no reason to meet privately with the nation’s leader because all issues listed were well within his permit to immediately effect change “with the stroke of a pen” given his portfolio as prime minister, minister of finance, and minister with responsibility for Crown land.
He said that if Mr Christie met some of the demands in good faith, via a public address by December 8, he was prepared to convene a meeting with the more than 40 affiliated organisations and the media to discuss controversial issues.
The letter read: “The monumental Black Friday event of November 25, 2016, has forever redefined the memory of ‘Black Friday’ in the Bahamas. No longer will its history only be associated with the half price sales around Thanksgiving or slavery. It will now forever be remembered as the day when Bahamians of all creeds, colours, social statuses, political affiliations and religious views came together as one people united in love and raised up chants of our national anthem, our national motto and our national pledge as we demanded better governance and representation.
“Tears flowed as thousands came together in the most racially, socially and politically diverse display of solidarity and national pride seen since Independence. Never again will Bahamians be so easy to divide and conquer as we now appreciate that once united, we are more powerful than the people in power.”
Organisers issued a list of 23 non-partisan demands to the prime minister and several of his Cabinet ministers on November 9, and again on November 22. Mr Christie responded to organisers by letter on November 24, in which he invited leaders to meet with him at his office. However this offer was rejected.
Just over a thousand protestors marched from Arawak Cay to Rawson Square on November 25, with more generous estimates putting the figure around 1,500 persons.
Organisers have another march slated for Majority Rule Day on January 9, but have dubbed the day “United People Day”.
The protest attracted significant support from activists and civic organisations, as well as the support of the country’s two umbrella unions, the Obie Ferguson-led Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the John Pinder-led National Congress of Trade Unions Bahamas (NCTUB).
Mr Pinder, president of the Bahamas Public Services Union, ended his second term as leader of the NCTUB on Tuesday, and was replaced by Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) President Bernard Evans. Bahamas Electrical Workers Union (BEWU) President Paul Maynard was named first vice-president.
Yesterday, Mr Pinder told The Tribune that while his union has a significant number of issues presently before the Labour Department, it does not have a strike vote, and will not participate in a “national strike” without it. Notable issues include disputes with resorts, Sandals and Ocean Club.
In the Sandals matter, union leaders had started sensitising their memberships for a collective call-to-action in response to the contentious nolle prosequi in September. That effort, tagged the “Joint Labour Movement”, foreshadowed a national strike or, at the very least, a mass demonstration.
Mr Pinder said those plans were put on hold with the passage of category four Hurricane Matthew, and as such, unionists regarded the ‘Black Friday’ march as an opportunity to protest outstanding matters.
The letter sent yesterday outlines 33 demands, 13 of which are directly related to matters currently in dispute between unions and the government, and does not provide any further details about the national strike.
Other demands call for an immediate cease order and moratorium on all government dealings with China or any foreign interest with respect to natural resources; a public declaration from Mr Christie that he will not issue any further leases of seabed or Crown land for the remainder of his term, and a commitment to remove it from the portfolio and establish an apolitical body to administer the distribution of Crown land; the announcement of the 2017 general election and legislative amendments to establish a fixed date; to release the completed draft Freedom of Information Bill and table it if there are no objections from civil society; and the public disclosure of a number of audits and reports.
Mr Henfield drew parallels between the November 25 march and protests staged by the Progressive Liberal Party, and also pointed out the large contingent of PLP parliamentarians that attended the demonstration. As such, he said that his organisation did not expect the prime minister to be obstructive given the sentiments expressed in his previous letter.
Mr Henfield also highlighted the PLP leader’s failure to publicly disavow disparaging statements made against protesters by senior Cabinet ministers and PLP MPs.
He referred to statements made by Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell, and Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller.
“Should the nation not hear from the Office of the Prime Minister in support of the demands listed above, we the organisers of We March intend to initiate further acts of peaceful civil disobedience on Friday, December 9, for the sole purpose of reminding our parliamentarians that the power of the people is greater than the people in power,” Mr Henfield said.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago
Go right ahead Mr: Hendfield and strike. You are over estimating your power. a thousand or a little more persons marching is only a small portion of the Bahamas population.
Cobalt 8 years, 3 months ago
Ohhh......... you suddenly decided to poke your head up after going mute this past week amidst the critical onslaught of your PLP government huh? You had done well to keep your idiotic mouth shut but I guess stupidity once again got the best of you as you now assume that the novelty affect of last week"s march has worn off. Well let me re-orient you to reality. Last week wasn't a dream and it wasnt a fluke! It was a concensus indictment against the worthless PLP government who you so blindly follow. It marks the beginning of the end for the incompetent Perry Christie and his sycophants like you "birdiestrachan." Bahamians like Mr. Hendfield are finally realizing that power belongs to the people and we have the right to hold any government responsible for their actions or inactions that doesn't benifit the people! This is a revolution of the people by the people that will only continue to grow no matter how you and Fred Mitchell choose to ignore it! So carry ya stink ass birdie!
goodbyebahamas 8 years, 3 months ago
Your day is coming you PLP member birdstrachan, you know and see your people are suffering, but yet you continue to support and glorify the PLP's oppressing ways; what kind of a Bahamian are you? You talk about God and the Bible, do you really think Jesus would be on your side with the PLP? Look around you, is this the Bahamas your father's fathers dreamed about, I don't think so. The march will only get larger, and the people will only get Angier, you and your leaders have on conscience, evil to the core. Stop talking foolishness here about God, you hold his name in contempt, MONEY is the only god you and your PLP believes in.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago
That should not even be a threat at this time ............ it is a MUST.
The PLP has effectively reduced The Bahamas to beggar status this election cycle and they have to GO!!!!!!!!!
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrades! The silence coming from the most vocal community blogging advocates just might not get there to the General Strike with the organizers Black Friday Protest....the likes of:
sea lice, Don Anthony, Voltaire, Harry Wyckoff, DDK, Alex_Charles, real free thinker, Bahama Pundit, BMW, Apostle. SP, Jet flt and my Dear Comrade Friend Banker.
realfreethinker 8 years, 3 months ago
TalRussell I am right here I can't be silenced. That will only happen when I close my eyes for good.You need to wean yourself off that yellow liquid,it's not good for your health
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrades silent reading isn't so silent at least not to your brain if you will allow it to wonder to the degree of the cuss words you would be reading about how the bloggers have become so damn upset with having been such fools to have come out in support the Black Friday Protest. And...they often post how I am the one lacking in intelligence but never once questioned my Common Sense.
BahamaPundit 8 years, 3 months ago
It amazes me how thinned skinned the Bahamian people are. If you want change, you have to be willing to give up everything and even die for it. One mention of strike, and people start running scared. The real reason for the retreat I imagine is that Baha Mar is close to opening and people don't want to miss out on the "gold rush." If your silence can be bought, you never yelled in the first place. The Bahamas must lose the fakers or it will continue to be ruled by fake men like the current PM.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago
Amen ........... do we not see how Americans, Canadians and European protest against their governments ........ or we prefer African-style butchering????? ........... It is time to peacefully protest and occupy Bay Street until the PLP quit and call an early election ......... NOWWWWW
Cobalt 8 years, 3 months ago
Gold rush??? There isnt going to be a gold rush whether Bahamar opens or not. Bahamians are deluded if they think that any kind of monetary wave is going to take place as a result of the opening of this resort. Bahamar is already millions of dollars in debt. Not to mention, its owed by the Chinese. If Bahamians think that this is going to be a cash-cow for our economy, theyre going to be sadly mistaken. Best case senerio........ hundreds of Bahamians making minimum wage. But of course, I imagine that Bahamians will be content with scraps they will recieve from the Chinese table. There yinna go...... "A Bahamas for Bahamians."
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago
I think a letter was fine. But the requests seem unreasonable and that's not good. It's like the Chinese asking for 500 citizenships to restart Bahamar. Its a sign that you're not even serious about getting your requests answered. They should have listed no more than five to ten requests that are EASILY doable in the short term. I worry about who encouraged Renard to execute this shoot from the hip action. BUT fully on board for the January 10th march, that one makes sense and is more than appropriate
Honestman 8 years, 3 months ago
Another march is fine, a strike would be counter productive. The people have suffered enough and no need to add to that suffering. In six months' time everyone will have a chance to punish this government - at the ballot box.
The_Oracle 8 years, 3 months ago
We Bahamians need to stop asking "from whom do I need permission" and start asking "who will stop me?" We have been dumbed down, cut short and generally treated like fodder for mushrooms, with self preservation being the strongest gene, developed because of our generally easy and well fed lifestyle. That has changed, gradually for decades but getting more severe. The PLP will not meet the demands, and that is just fine. Because the next Government will perhaps understand "business as usual" is over. And that is a good thing.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago
An independent body examining the track record of candidates is a great idea,it's something the media should be doing for all these fly by night people, it even works for established candidates, but budget limitations I guess. The Gatekeepers are another organization to commit a recent faux pas. If you don't know a candidate's beliefs, place of employment or something as simple as whether they're married, please do not make the statement that you "vetted" them. When you misstep like that people start to question your judgement, even if it's not warranted. So make sure you have a wise mentor, (not John Bostwick), and constantly examine your tactics against the longterm strategy
BMW 8 years, 3 months ago
Rawson square needs to be occupied and people need to demend that our head civil servant ring the bell. Tal been on the kool aid again, careful that stuff bad for your hearing.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago
Agreed ............. that should be the next step for We March Bahamas ........ Perry should not feel comfortable to wait until he thinks he has enough "safe seats" OR has weathered the political crises/storms (in July-August 2017) to call election ........ we need to DEMAND that an election be called by or before May 2017
SP 8 years, 3 months ago
............................ “Kites Rise Highest Against The Wind – Not With It!” ...............................
Hang in there Mr. Ranard Henfield, no need to reinvent the wheel. Wait for the wisest counselor of all....TIME!
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." --Henry Ford
SP 8 years, 3 months ago
................ Protesters Prevent MPs From Entering Bermuda House of Assembly ................
Bermudian demonstrators show there's more than one way to skin a cat!
stoner 8 years, 2 months ago
It is only going to get worst in your land. When Cuba opens up to U S Tourist,your Country will be in very bad condition and it is getting worst by the day. Crime is out of control while there is no crime in Cuba. Just look at how many murders this year over 110. It is going back to the year after your Country gained Independence from Britain. That was a year after 1973 and I was there. I say bring back the death penalty and hang them high at Fox Hill Prison. Guns ,drugs and murders are out of control. The Prime Minister and his cabinet can't control it and it will get worst before it gets better. God will not help these criminals. Nassau and the surrounding islands are truly beautiful and i have visited them including Stanial Cay Yatch Club. The Govt has to bring in a strict LAW NOW before it is too late or maybe it is too late already.What a way to spoil a beautiful Country. Even the Cruise ships will not authorize their passengers to go along Bay Street.
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