Rebel FNMs refuse to quit

Hubert Chipman, Edison Key, Andre Rollins, Loretta Butler-Turner, Richard Lightbourn, Neko Grant and Theo Neilly.

Hubert Chipman, Edison Key, Andre Rollins, Loretta Butler-Turner, Richard Lightbourn, Neko Grant and Theo Neilly.


Deputy Chief Reporter


IN THE aftermath of Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis’ call for the “rebel” seven members of Parliament to resign from the party or face disciplinary action, several of the signatories on the letter to revoke his appointment as Official Opposition leader in Parliament have said they are declining to quit, one of them insisting “I won’t be forced out” of the organisation.

Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key told The Tribune that Dr Minnis could not force him to leave the FNM. Mr Key maintained that instead of Dr Minnis calling for their resignations, he should be the one to bow out of the top post of the party because his parliamentary caucus no longer reposes confidence in his ability to lead them.

Mr Key, 78, said he expects to be expelled. However, he said, this does not mean anything to him.

Meanwhile, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant said he “respectfully” rejected the leader’s request to leave the party. Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly and St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, speaking to ZNS News, also said they had no plans to resign from the party.

“I am an elected member of Parliament,” Mr Key said yesterday when he was contacted. “He (Dr Minnis) can’t force me to resign. What he should do is the honourable thing and step down. The parliamentary group has lost all confidence in Dr Minnis and the stalwarts in the party should replace him.

“I am not resigning from the FNM. I am a member of the FNM. I have a card. It took me 10 years to get, but I am proud of it and I’m not going to resign because he requests that I do it.

“I won the Central and South Abaco seat with a very large number against the Democratic National Alliance and the Progressive Liberal Party. I am the elected member of Parliament and I am not going to resign because I am still with the FNM. I am not going to resign because he should do the honourable thing now as he has no one hardly with him,” Mr Key continued.

Mr Key said while only a few months remain until the next election, the party should move to elect a leader that is able to beat the PLP.

“If the party wants to win the next election or try to win, we better come up with a good leader. Somebody who people respect and who has a track record and can possibly win,” Mr Key said.

Meanwhile, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, who the dissident MPs voted to replace Dr Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition in the House of Assembly, said she was not prepared to speak on the call for her resignation until she received a formal communication from the FNM.

Mr Chipman had very little to say in this regard, only telling The Tribune: “Let the party do what they have to do.” He also said he had not yet received a formal letter from the party.

Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins did not respond to inquiries up to press time yesterday.

Dr Minnis was blindsided by the seven MPs when House Speaker Dr Kendal Major revealed on Wednesday morning that they submitted a letter of no confidence in the Killarney MP.

This letter was also sent to Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling, who has to officially approve the request, and appoint Mrs Butler-Turner as the new leader of the Official Opposition.

Last night it could only be confirmed that she formally acknowledged receipt of the letter.

On Wednesday night at the FNM’s headquarters and following the stunning move by the rebel seven, Dr Minnis called on them to do the honourable thing and resign from the party or face disciplinary action.

Speaking to a raucous crowd of supporters, Dr Minnis said he thanked God that the MPs launched their plot before the party was victorious at the 2017 polls, as their actions would have destabilised the government.

He called the plot a “stunning usurpation of the very essence of the democratic right of a political organisation to determine its leadership.”

Likening the party to a sea-faring vessel, he said that the ship has already left the harbour and no “mutineers” will stop its course towards Government House.

None of the dissident MPs were present at the meeting.


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 3 months ago

Tribune. Do a poll asking if Minnis should resign please..

birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago

Rollins "Mouth Almighty had no comments. how strange is that.It is beyond my understanding Why Doc believes that God is only with him and not with the others. After all he came out of the gate with a revenge full spirit . As if the FNM party is his and his alone.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Why are they called "rebels" .......... this suggests that they have done something treasonous ......... they used a power that is written in the Constitution ......... they are acting in the best interests of the Bahamian people ......... to think otherwise is cowardly .......... are the majority of Bahamians cowards???????? ............. is the media complicit in this cowardice????? ............. Minnis termed them "rebels" (his opinion) because they were bold enough to stand up to his deceitful, inept, visionless leadership ............... and this is my opinion

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

Why are they called "rebels" .......... this suggests that they have done something treasonous

Right, they have dissented, not rebelled. But don't count on the media to get such things right. Minnis getting anything right on the other hand....

GrassRoot 8 years, 3 months ago

How about the "Glorious Seven"?

Honestman 8 years, 3 months ago

The Magnificent Seven, lol.

Economist 8 years, 3 months ago

Correct, they are not rebels.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades don't you find it rather strange that just days out from their letter to the Governor General, not a singe MP from the Coup de théâtre are willing to reaffirm Loretta as Minnis's replacement. Is this a sign of Coup de théâtre brewing within a Coup de théâtre?
You thinks the Seven needs to appoint a Coup de théâtre Chaplin to provide them's with spiritual guidance through their political "Loretta" nightmare?
May God see them for what they's all are and all the people's empathy they could muster said...Amen!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Tal ............ I hope that all seven of them now form a coalition with Greg Moss and make him the Official Leader of the Opposition with LBT as deputy and eventually work towards a new party ....... a real CDR

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrade SheepRunner12, were you not among the many bloggers who rushed to these hereto Tribune pages to laugh when I predicated there would be a new "AHrange" political party to emerge from the Black Friday Protest?
Wanna guess who will emerge as the AHrange People's Movement (AHPM?

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

Greg Moss would be a capital A to put LBT behind him. At least Mortimer have sense, he tell them keep steppin'

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

What choice does he have?????? .......... do you take the UDP seriously??

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

He has a choice not to include them.

banker 8 years, 3 months ago

This is just a sorry bunch of losers with a sense of entitlement and no sense of patriotism (or democracy for that matter). Being a politician means putting the good of the country, the party and voters ahead of your grimy ambitions and petty garbage. These jokers haven't a clue about governance or responsibility or integrity. Good riddance to these eggplants.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

These jokers haven't a clue about governance or responsibility or integrity.

And Minnis does? Get a clue.

Space 8 years, 3 months ago

"Democracy" - You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

sealice 8 years, 3 months ago

Banker you just described every politician we have no matter what colour Tshirt they wear.. . . . .sorry bunch of losers with a sense of entitlement....

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades what is Marsh Harbour's Edision and the majority the other members Coup de théâtre talking about? I thought they had done given notices to "QUIT" their respective constituencies, long before they sent their letter to the Governor General?
I said it before but its worth repeating. These MP's who by their own public admissions were done on their way out as MP's are not constitutionally entitled to be considered as Her Majesty's Loyal Government In Waiting. The Governor General knows constitutionally she has to other option but to return that letter calling for Minnis's head back to its sender, House Speaker Kendal Major.
These MP's are not constitutionally legit.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

The FNM party is no more and the root cause of its demise was Hubiggity's piss poor sore loser conduct in response to the thrashing he received from Christie in the last general election. Hubiggity's angst and utter disgust at the conclusion of the 2012 general election resulted in shameful post-election bahaviour on his part. Hubiggity's disgraceful walkaway from the FNM party back then created a power vacuum easily filled by a blithering incompetent corrupt imbecile with zero charisma and absolutely no ability to think quickly while standing on his feet to address or debate anything. We all know Minnis was never possessed of the qualities necessary to be or become a political leader; he could never overcome his many obvious limitations. Hubiggity knew all of this when he observed Minnis maneuvering to fill the leadership role in the opposition and the FNM party shortly after the last general election. But, like a spiteful child, Hubiggity did nothing to prevent the disaster he undoubtedly knew would be coming the FNM's way under the failed leadership of Minnis.

Zakary 8 years, 3 months ago

So...if they had no plans to resign from the party, can someone take a wild guess as to what the super secret elaborate plan entails?

Again, we are too obsessed with who is leading a party rather than understanding what is at stake, and looking at the long game.

People are literally dividing and conquering themselves, no joke. I’m starting to remember exactly why this country is so messed up with a bunch of crazies steering the ship.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

So...if they had no plans to resign from the party, can someone take a wild guess as to what the super secret elaborate plan entails?

They have no plan, fret not!

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! If you're among those who believe the coup attempt could have been staged managed ... But there is another important aspect worthy consideration, which is.. whose UBPism moneys staged it? Who is the one that seeks Minnis ouster, the mostest...even to the extent to use the Seven MP's as their props?

killemwitdakno 8 years, 3 months ago

They're the seven principles of the party as laid out by Ingraham. Now do poll on whether Minnis should "do the honorable thing" before the queen has to step in.

jujutreeclub 8 years, 3 months ago

They planned this with no plans as to what they would do if it worked. Neko say they would have to regroup now. If there was a plan, then why regroup. You should have been grouped already. Is it to get rid of slapper Loretta, Ouch Andre. Watch out for the slap on the other cheek when you try to get rid of her as the leader she hopes to be.

JohnDoe 8 years, 3 months ago

There is no plan here as it appears that their primary objective was to weaken and destabilize Minnis such that there would be a spontaneous groundswell of anti Minnis sentiment which would force Minnis to resign. What their refusal to resign signals and confirms is that this is being engineered by forces behind the scenes that I suspect would claim that they love the FNM and the Bahamas. I am not a Minnis fan but he was duly and recently elected by the rules of the FNM in convention, a convention and a leadership election that they instigated. If HAI or any of these seven wanted to be leader of the FNM they were fully aware of the established process to do so. This silly amateur political exercise is not only selfish but it damages the FNM party even more than Minnis and all seven should now do the honorable thing and resign in disgrace for this ignoble demonstration of cowardice and selfishness.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! You Red Shirts need stop appealing to the PLP government to practice more responsible democracy, until you stop appealing to the Governor General to overthrow the responsible democracy that justified the House MP's to vote back in 2016 to recommend that the GG reconfirm to recognize the red MP's as the majority Official Loyal Opposition Party in the House. A Royal recognition that was silently granted by an extension of Her Majesty and only after the majority of red party's convention delegates voted for Minnis as party Leader, again in 2016.
My Dear Comrades, the Seven now former red MP's, many who had previously publicly declared themselves has non participants come the 2017 General, have no constitutional foundation to justify, why the Governor General has any constitutional obligation to extend to them even a courtesy consideration as Her Majesty's Official Loyal Government In Waiting.
I am in total shock that Minnis and his consulting red shirts legal brains King's Counsel's, do not understand this?

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Your PLP party now has to follow suit and rid themselves of doting Perry

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

These people let LBT fool them once again. She gat a plan alright, her plan was to get a secret meeting with the FNM council using this as leverage, but she bungled that too. She using these fools and gonna leave them high and dry. The one good thing coming out of this is nobody will follow her again. What a sorry looking group

Greentea 8 years, 3 months ago

This is not about LBT and stop trying to make it so. She is one of seven politicians making the decision and the best one among them to take the lead voice in parliament- since she 'can talk' in a way that seems to beguile Bahamians. Evaluate her on what comes out of her mouth for a change.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

Nothing? No plan? Beguile Bahamians? Don't make me laugh. Pindling could beguile Bahamians, and Ingraham in his good days

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! If the current monarch The Bahamaland is Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned over Bahamalander''s since the country became independent on 10 July 1973, is she not The Queen Bahamaland?


Baha10 8 years, 3 months ago

Traitors to Democracy, "Lock em' up" and let this stand as an example in History as to why we must never allow this Nation to have armed forces that could be manipulated against our own People!

Stapedius 8 years, 3 months ago

LBT would do anything to take the leadership away from Minnis. The FNM elected him and they had a process which she didn't want to adhere to and now she's complaining. Then why dance and put on a happy face at the convention? I'm no fan of Minnis but hey the party elected him. True the system of stalwarts and councillors is flawed but people like only when it works in their favor. Now had LBT won the party election she wouldn't have had an issue with the process. Our country is in trouble. We have asses in government and even more asses in opposition.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

Why are you talking about their Party's leadership when this has nothing to do with a political party's leadership? This matter is about the Leader of Opposition, remember?

Greentea 8 years, 3 months ago

As far as I know Minnis is still the leader of the FNM- just not their voice in parliament. Your saying "I'm no fan of Minnis but hey the party elected him. True the system of stalwarts and councillors is flawed but people like only when it works in their favor." Admits to a corrupt system- But in case you haven't noticed- he is still king under that system- just nowhere else where a true and open democracy prevails. This was a lawful political move and should have happened long ago.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 3 months ago

Party politics is not like a little girls teaparty. This is serious business and particularly now when this country has been brought to its knees by the PLP. Minnis would not entertain any kind of sensible coalition with the other opposition groups and that is where the whole thing has come unhinged. He thinks the FNM EVEN NOW can win the Government. He must be smoking medical marijuana or shooting up opium.

banker 8 years, 3 months ago

You notice who is at the head of the table and with the microphones?

John 8 years, 3 months ago

What Loretta Butler and her 'Rebels Dem' have done is swing the doors 🚪 wide open for Perry Christie to call a snap election. This will catch the opposition off guard and in disarray. With this advantage the PLP stand the chance of winning by a large majority. Another thing that can happen is four or more of the "Rebels Dem" join up with the DNA making that party the official opposition. If only one of the Rebels Dem join the DNA this will be history making as it will give that party a seat in the House of Assembly for the first time.

Greentea 8 years, 3 months ago

How many PLPs you think are registered? All those on the march the other day perhaps? Perry is in a no win situation right now. He won't call an election until he knows the numbers are in his favor. Last time he knew things were grim and waited until the last moment and still lost. This time will be no different.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! I suspect this is how the letter from Buckingham Palace will read.


alfalfa 8 years, 3 months ago

Call them what you will, but the seven jackasses just handed the PLP the next election on a platter. You all speak of their right to take action as a democratic process, but conveniently forget that Minnis was elected leader at a convention that was also a democratic process. Butler showed her true colours at this convention, and Lightbourn wrote his own political obituary. Edison Key is a dinosaur and a PLP deserter, whose main claim to fame is Haitianizing Abaco. Rollins is where you put me, and probably afraid of another bitch slap from the imposing leader of this revolt. Chippie is happy to sail on into the sunset and Neilly needs to try and sell some real estate. Mr. Grant should take a well deserved retirement as he is the best of this lot. Minnis should kick them all out of the party, but he has more class than that, otherwise he would not be in the position he is in. Dreamers, dream on if you think this move has strengthened the FNM. Perry try not to rejoice to hard at Olives, you got this one in the bag.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

but conveniently forget that Minnis was elected leader at a convention that was also a democratic process.

That is for Party leadership. That has nothing to do with Parliamentary leadership. Why is there such pervasive ignorance about this?

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

No one is ignorant about the difference between party leadership and parliamentary leadership,

Everyone fully understand the difference, I think what upsets most people, including myself, is the fact that LBT just went through a convention, whose timing SHE FORCED, she forced it, demanded it, to answer the question of who should be in charge.

There was a clear display that the majority of the party wanted Minnis. Then comes another antic, she QUIT, because she didn't want the record to show she'd LOST BITTERLY AGAIN. She has a press conference to say she couldn't be bought but agrees to a closed door meeting, agrees to terms and comes out with a unity speech.

And the kicker, she pulls this stunt that moves the entire country's focus away from that excuse of a representative Alfred Grey and his disrespectful statements, the absolute failure of Brave Davis and the Ministry of works, the disaster of Bshamar and the possibility of our country establishing ties with gaming mafia.

Personally I am livid that her selfish antics have taken focus away from real issues when there is nothing to gain other than her getting five months with a new title. Extremely self serving and shortsighted. it annoys me to no end when anyone speaks of this selfish act as an accomplishment.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

She is also no Donald Trump, such an absolutely false analogy, for one, Donald Trump didn't quit when the going got rough and he actually won the vote. The only real comparison between the two would be, they don't know what they're doing and lots of people dislike them. She stole the title when everyone told her they didn't want her to have it, plain and simple. If she had done this at any other time I might have looked at it differently, because I'm no Minnis fan, I think he is a bungler. But given her antics, she is the LAST person we need to lead this country.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago

She also has no grass root support, it's the upper echelon who are pushing her

Zakary 8 years, 3 months ago

Bahamas too obsessed with American politics!

alfalfa 8 years, 3 months ago

Pubilus, your comments are nonsense. A leader elected at the convention and who sits in the house is the party leader, period. This move is a vicious vendetta by these seven who had their designs quashed by the great majority of FNM's and have resorted to this childish tactic in an effort to get back at Minnis. Sure, she will be named leader of the opposition in the house, because of this parliamentary procedure you say I am ignorant of, but the party leader; the man elected fair and square by a convention that Butler fought and screamed for, is still Dr. Minnis. Her efforts have weakened the FNM as a party, and highlighted this groups lack of party loyalty. We shall see if your Parliamentary leader has more power than the party leader, and who has the support of the FNM electorate. Methinks it is Minnis who wields the power, and he is now following the party regulations in determining what action should be taken against these rabble raisers. He is exhibiting the constraint of a mature, sage leader in dealing with this, even thought the majority of the party want them expelled, post haste,

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

No one disputes that LBT is a big politician with a big loud mouth, but these qualities alone do not make her suitable for any kind of effective leadership role in Bahamian politics today or tomorrow. LBT's innate political instincts are insufficient in relation to her over-sized ego and grandiose sense of entitlement to one day sit on the high throne of Bahamian politics. But she deserves no coronation by Bahamian voters given that she is clearly unable and/or unwilling to achieve anything substantial in the political arena by well thought out reasoning combined with shear power of political persuasion and popular appeal. Time and time again we have seen her resort to instigating disruption in an effort to compensate for her intellectual limitations and unstable emotions. The last thing we need now is a political leader who is much more similar to Minnis than she would like to think, especially when it comes to holding grudges, having way too many axes to grind and possessing great fondness for the more destructive skullduggery aspects of yesterday's style of politics. LBT must be knocked off of her fleeting momentary high perch for the sake of a better Bahamas tomorrow for all Bahamians.

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