The facts of the letter

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IN this age where everything for knowledge is available on the internet, suggest there is absolutely no excuse that people do not take the time before opening their mouths and talking so much rubbish. Listen to the Talks Show callers, not one checked.

The Letter to the Governor-General from the Seven FNM MP’s;

Editor unlike the Article of the Bahamas Constitution which governs who will be selected to be Prime Minister there is in the case of the Leader of Opposition no mention of ‘Party’ - the Article. for reference - please look it up. Article: 82-2 simply states the MP who is on the opposing side to the government who has the majority support of those opposing.

Correctly The Constitution provides for the removal of the Leader of Opposition and the Prime Minister - in the case of the Leader of Opposition the process is clear in Article: 82-4.... Simply by showing the Leader no longer holds the majority support of those MPs who are in opposition to the Government then that person on bringing that to the attention of The Governor-General the Governor-General shall remove that person from the position of Leader of Her Majesty’s loyal Opposition.

On Wednesday last the majority of MP’s who are on the opposing side to Government wrote to the Governor-General and confirmed they no longer support Hon Hubert Minnis as Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.

For the Executive of the FNM to send a communication to the seven-MP’s charging them with anything is totally ridiculous and shows that Dr Minnis and his advisors put emotion before Law and compliance with the highest authority - Bahamas Constitution.

The seven-MPs have absolutely nothing to answer to - they complied totally with the Law.

Where to now? Good question - if the FNM Executive refuses to comply with the Constitution of The Bahamas then it has to be suggested Hon Loretta Butler and her six-MPs commanding the majority will have to bring a Writ in the Supreme Court to require the FNM Executive to be compliant with the Constitution. Exit Minnis. Only solution.



December 10, 2016.


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