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Do you think the events in the FNM over the past week will benefit the PLP in the general election?
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Deputy Chief Reporter
DESPITE turmoil in the Free National Movement, two of the party’s newest candidates told The Tribune yesterday they have no regrets about joining the party, one of them insisting that the FNM has an “excellent” chance at toppling the Progressive Liberal Party led government in the 2017 general election.
In separate interviews yesterday, talk show host and attorney Jeff Lloyd along with businessman Dionisio D’Aguilar both insisted that while the party is going through a contentious time, they remained confident in the leadership capabilities of FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis.
Mr Lloyd said while the FNM’s seven dissenting MPs were constitutionally permitted to act as they had by ousting Dr Minnis from the post of leader of the Official Opposition, at the end of the day those with the real power in society will soon have the final say.
Meanwhile, Mr D’Aguilar said FNMs would be naïve to think that the recent events have not hurt the FNM’s brand. However, he insisted that the FNM is still the better party when compared to the PLP.
The talk show host was ratified as the party’s South Beach candidate nearly one month ago and Mr D’Aguilar was announced as the official Montagu candidate in October at the party’s headquarters on Mackey Street.
“They are not an authority unto themselves,” Mr Lloyd said when he was contacted yesterday. “They (the seven dissenting MPs) were not appointed by anybody other than the electorate guided by their political affiliation.”
He went on: “As nature teaches us there is process and the process is defined in all organisations by its rules, regulations, its charter, its constitution. There are clearly defined documented processes and every member of an organisation duly authorised by virtue of membership is entitled to participate in the choice of management or leadership.
“People have had that chance and the results are well known, but if persons have another ambition and if roles benefit them, in this case the House of Assembly permits it, which obviously it does, then let them go ahead.
“This is a democratic society. There are no bounds except those which are prescribed and defined in the Constitution or other laws that prevent people from exercising what they consider their contemplation to be.
“So those who have chosen this path, eventually the real power base of any society will have the final say and they will decide whether they approve of this or disapprove. I am sure that at the end of the day that decision will not be mistaken by anyone. It will be very clear,” Mr Lloyd added.
For his part, Mr D’Aguilar said he still believed the FNM is the better alternative to the failed PLP. He said he will refuse to take a side in this battle, but instead will remain neutral as a member of the FNM.
He said: “I obviously made a decision to join the FNM and I am quite comfortable in that decision. I think they offer the best chance to rescue this country from five years of a completely inept and corrupt government.
“I am a man governed by numbers. So I made my decision to join the FNM based on the fact that there were a certain number of factors on the ground. Our economy was on the decline, unemployment was up, we received three downgrades in the last five years, our debt to GDP has gone from 60 per cent to 86 per cent, taxes are up and debt is up. I thought that as a businessman I could bring that expertise into the realm of government.
“Dr Minnis is the duly elected leader of the FNM and there is nothing you can do about that,” he said.
Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner was appointed to lead the Official Opposition on Sunday after she and six other FNM MPs submitted a letter of no confidence in Dr Minnis to House of Assembly Speaker Dr Kendal Major and Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling last week.
Voltaire 8 years, 3 months ago
I concur wholeheartedly. They should talk to Loretta - chances are, they can retain their nominations on a ticket that can actually win the government.
jackbnimble 8 years, 3 months ago
That will be some mess aye if they cross over to the coalition. Minnis would die!
To their credit, though, they just don't know the "REAL" Minnis. Give them some time. They will be singing a different tune.
Economist 8 years, 3 months ago
As long as Minnis is your leader I will not vote for you.
He is incompetent.
He keeps talking of what he will do if he is the Government BUT his track record shows that he has done nothing a Leader of the Opposition.
Nothing Leader of the Opposition + Nothing Prime Minister.
FNM=PLP=FNM no difference.
Perry done nothing as Prime Minister= Minis done nothing as Leader of the Opposition.
Regardless 8 years, 3 months ago
..... the verbosity of Jeff Lloyd is beyond ridiculous! The man seems incapable of getting directly to the point on anything. It will be comical to watch him with the electorate of South Beach.
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrade Regardless, thanks reminding me other than I don't knows any, why I prefer not use larger and more complex words. Looks like I might make for a good Peoples Representative.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago
Oh if all of our politicians knew some big words, could string them together, and deliver a sentence that made sense. Not so bad in my opinion.
Jeff Lloyd has a loooonnnng history of interacting with and helping disadvantaged young people, I suspect that he knows how to communicate better than you or me.
MonkeeDoo 8 years, 3 months ago
I don't know how you know to get up in the morning Tal. If it were not politically incorrect I would like to take you to Rawson Square for people to look at you and wonder.
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Tell me, my Comrade MonkeeDoo, you means like you wants take me Rawson Square as your show and tell?
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrades! How does Dionisio D’Aguilar make God crackup? Tell Him about his well placed plans to outwit Loretta's exit from Long Island, in the fight over the (one and only) Montagu House of Assembly seat.
MonkeeDoo 8 years, 3 months ago
It is difficult ( and sad ) that D'Aguiler has not been able to see the light of day in this. It was sad that he would be tapped by Minnis, while there was a sitting FNM Member in the party but Minnis is a fool. I guess he is too. Although I did like him.
EasternGate 8 years, 3 months ago
Well, it looks like D'Aguiler and Jeff have the foundation to be successful politicians. They know how to lie. Really, they think Minnis is a good leader?
Greentea 8 years, 3 months ago
What about Dames?
Alex_Charles 8 years, 3 months ago
I mean what the hell do you expect the man to say? Minnis brought him int the bloody party. I'm positive in private he has different views but publicly what he is doing is smart.
Zakary 8 years, 3 months ago
Exactly, the comments here make me laugh, they are sometimes too reactionary.
Economist 8 years, 3 months ago
Minnis, you are doctor, why have we not heard from you over the latest NHI proposal???
Cat got your tongue or is it that you just incapable of dealing with this?
Come on an d man up, don't hide behind your FNM executive. Be a man aa real man.
Publius 8 years, 3 months ago
If you knew what kind of Minister of Health he was, the answer to that question would then be very clear.
shadow242 8 years, 3 months ago
On the topic of NHI Dr. Minnis should be the one of the leading spokesperson for sound recommendation to the government. But it is apparent that silencing Dr. Sands for political maneuvering has not benefited the needed contribution of a clear and concise solution to the archaic healthcare system that we currently have.
DillyTree 8 years, 3 months ago
Dear Tribune writer, in your article headline you say "Lloyd and D'Aguilar Back Minnis for FNM Leadership", and yet despite reading the article very carefully, I could only find that Mr. D'Aguilar stated the following -- "Mr D’Aguilar said he still believed the FNM is the better alternative to the failed PLP. He said he will refuse to take a side in this battle, but instead will remain neutral as a member of the FNM.
Please explain how you manage to contradict yourself between the headline and the article? No where does Mr. D'Aguilar say he supports Minnis -- in fact, you write that he "will refuse to take a side in this battle, but instead will remain neutral as a member of the FNM."
Sloppy writing and editing is getting more and more common with The Tribune these days -- which is why I gave up reading The Guardian!
Publius 8 years, 3 months ago
I said the same thing
gangof4 8 years, 3 months ago
Exactly. No where in this article does he say that he supports one faction over the other. He CLEARLY states that he supports the FNM. This ain't his battle
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
I think you all mixed-up. . .you are mixing D'Aguilar's and Frank Watson's take on the matter. . .Watson said he will not take sides in this battle. . .he will remain neutral. . .he is still an FNM! I suggests that you continue to read. . .he who sensors the news mediums because he is "mad" with how they do something just serves to make himself an ignorant person. . .that's a sign of a closed mind. . .one who can't chew gum and walk the same time cognitively. . .so to speak!
DEDDIE 8 years, 3 months ago
Its obvious that the majority of the bloggers contributing lack good political judgement. The gentlemen mentioned above positions are quite sound. To go against Minnis, you will be going against the FNM council. The choice they have is a third party or the FNM. We know the history of third parties. LBT may of wrestle control of the opposition(parliament) from Minnis but getting the council to concede to her demand is a different ball game. I can assure that this will not end well for LBT.
Economist 8 years, 3 months ago
Minnis can't lead the FNM itself let alone the country. This is well known by most. Under Minnis the FNM is no different than the PLP.
Many were either not going to vote at all or for a third party or an independant.
Minnis can't win the 2017 election so the FNM will have to remove him no matter what LBT does.
Greentea 8 years, 3 months ago
DEDDIE you keep making this personal. LBT will be fine however this goes. Her life is not politics and unlike the majority of Bahamians, she has some change in her pocket to cushion any blow. This is about the bigger picture which FNMs don't seem to understand. 410 delegates don't represent the country- they represent the party. And the FNM cant win with just 410 FNMs- or just self proclaimed FNMs. It needs independent voters like me. I WILL NOT put one incompetent man in to replace another. No way. I have not heard one good argument as to why anyone should support Minnis. That duly elected stuff is BS- that is party politics and I could not give a rats ass as to what the FNM or PLP do in those meetings. I care about the country and Minnis has not demonstrated ANY capacity for leading it. I truly have not seen anything so laughable as his performance in my entire life and he thinks just because he wins the FNM leadership we will be so disgusted with PGC and the boys that we will vote for him. We did that a couple times in both directions- but NO MORE. He is so incompetent that with all the stuff the PLP government has visited upon us he might as well cross the aisle and sit with the PLP because that is what his silence and inability to debate has supported. I have zero faith in our current crop of politicians and you can say what you want about LBT and Bran- in this moment, when non fnm/plp insiders are sick of those pus filled boils known as the PLP and FNM- they have a chance. I am just hoping they don't blow it.
EasternGate 8 years, 3 months ago
So very true!
BMW 8 years, 3 months ago
Why cant the fnm and council figure out how the electionvwas lost in 2012 ? Itxsure as hell looks like lbt has. Having said that my take is common sensevis not that common be it minnis or crooked christie.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago
Wow! All it took was a Senate seat to get Bran to turn over the DNA to LBT thereby abandoning and betraying all longtime supporters of that political party. Next will come a most interesting re-shuffling of the DNA's leadership apparatus along with changes to its slate of candidates for the next general election. It seems Bran was always about Bran and Bran alone as many of us suspected, explaining why his party was never able to secure a seat in the HOA. The implosion of the FNM now seems to have led to the implosion of the DNA, leaving only the PLP standing. Crooked Christie's enrichment of the Dimwitted Doc's pocketbook has bought Christie much more than he (or his Red China friends) could have ever expected or dreamed. Yes, it certainly looks like Red China has decided and made it possible (by dishing out the cash) for Crooked Christie to have another five-year term. And to think the Obama-led U.S. government is worried about the Russians having interfered with the recent U.S. elections! What a joke!!
Who in their right mind would now cast their vote for Lloyd or the little white-haired yapping poodle?
DillyTree 8 years, 3 months ago
Branville hasn't "sold" anything. History will tell you that the reason the PLP won the last election is because the DNA siphoned off votes from the FNM, and despite winning the majority of votes, did not win the majority of seats.
So what to do this time around? Surely those esteemed FNM Council members and Dr. Minnis can with their combined IQ realize the FNM must somehow not allow the DNA vote to be used against them again.
Mrs. Butler-Turner and the other 6 MPs have surely figured this out - why can't the rest of the FNM see it. Or maybe the FNM just wants to hand the government back to the PLP in 2017...
An alliance is far better than whatever Minnis has done (or failed to do)
Economist 8 years, 3 months ago
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
The DNA is now irrelevant. . .Bran talked a "high-road" and with a lil taste of power he became "just another power hungry wannabe politician" who join in with skullduggery that stinks! He joins in with the LBT faction. . .a faction funded by the old guard UBP-FNM faction who want to keep the FNM party their toy that they paid for!! I don't care what Bran says now. . .he has thrown in his lot with the primary exploiters of the people. . .THATS POLITICS AS USUAL!! !
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrades! What do you make of the church in The Bahamaland despite having frequently played a significant role in anti-PLP governing politics - have decided to play no role in the opposition party's still unresolved Coup de théâtre being played out in and outside the Peoples Honourable House of Assembly. Certainly, the Coup de théâtre presents a greater challenge to the nation's continued democracy than were the Numbers Man's and Constitutional Gender Referendums. In fact, the church seems more excited to march alongside the organizers of the upcoming Black Friday's January 9, 2017 protest.
DillyTree 8 years, 3 months ago
Tal, you're very good at trying to stir the pot. Will your masters give you an extra cookie for your loyalty?
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago
Just do like most of us do and ignore the idiot. Tal & Birdie are both paid trolls of the PLP tightly connected to Fred Mitchell and his ex-convict brother Matthew.
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
I hate to say this. . .I never expect to see the day when I can tell Tal he/she is being more sane and balanced that the whole LBT cheering section around here! Yall sound like yinna been smoking dope. . .hehehehehehehehehehehehe. . ."do right in". . .
sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago
The FNM should not be all that concerned about this coup ....... The FNM has a solid voter base and better 2017 candidates than the Rebels right now ......... Minnis' reaction to this coup can go a long way in making him more acceptable to Bahamians who are anti-PLP and who do not see LBT or Bran as a credible third force .......... But Minnis seems to have already gone back into his shell (be is absent from Parliament and not making any contributions (while LBT is busy)
realfreethinker 8 years, 3 months ago
sheeprunner you kind of have the correct perspective. They keep talking about this coalition between lorreta's group and the dna. The fnms will not accept a coalition led by lorreta and so as you may the fnm has a base of 43-45% so no coalition can succeed without them. the numbers dont add up
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
Why must he do anything. . .the FNM party is "picking off" LBT for him. . .they have rallied around their man to protect him from LBT. . .Minnis is dangerous when he is quite. . .LBT now has a Mexican-stand-off. . .this juncture requires brain and strategy. . .and unless Papa is in the back ground and advising her. . .SHE IS NO MATCH FOR DOC IN THE BRAIN DEPARTMENT. . .
birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago
D:Aguilar is full of himself as a business man was he advising Mr: Ismirlian?' His problem he is better than the average Bahamian and he alone knows all. As for Lloyd he put his hand to the plough and turned back so it is very easy for him to jump ship.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago
Rumours are running rampant that Bran has promised LBT she can run under the DNA banner in the Montagu constituency if she senses Long Islanders will not give her the support she believes she deserves and that this apparent fact has greatly offended and incensed the constantly yapping little white-haired poodle who has very foolishly and prematurely proclaimed his undying loyalty to the Dimwitted Doc Minnis.
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. . . you think that the member of the seven ger sit back and let LBT "jook" him and take over his seat. . .why you think he in the house fighting with LBT. . .he wanted to get to run again! I don't expect you to see that far. . .but then again. . .I think that you could. . .just blinded by hate for doc. . .but you do know what that will do in the seven aye. . .FNM war IIII. . .that white dude and LBT! Lol!
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