Loretta Butler-Turner, leader of Opposition in the House of Assembly, with Branville McCartney, leader of the DNA, as she announces his new position as leader of Opposition business in the Senate. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff
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Tribune Chief Reporter
WEIGHING in on the current standoff in the Free National Movement, Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney called for Dr Hubert Minnis to resign and cautioned the embattled party that steps taken to expel “rebel” MPs could see a downgrade in the party’s ranking in Parliament from official Opposition to third party.
Mr McCartney said that many persons who identify as FNMs, secretly do not support Dr Minnis as party leader during his appearance on radio talk show The Revolution with host Juan McCartney.
Mr McCartney said: “Dr Minnis needs to resign, what happened on Wednesday when more than half, 75 per cent of his parliamentary team said they don’t have confidence in him, he should have resigned that same day.
“He is doing what Perry Christie did after these referendums, staying on. The proper thing to do for Dr Minnis is to resign. He has taken that party and it’s a shadow of what it was. I used to be in the FNM, I used to be there, I know what the FNM used to be.”
Mr McCartney added: “You have a government today like the PLP, this is one of the worst governments I’ve ever seen in my life. I have never seen a worse government and the opposition under the leadership of Dr Minnis couldn’t hold these people’s feet to the fire.”
Mr McCartney pointed to the FNM’s control of the Public Accounts Committee as an example of how the party wasted opportunities to demand transparency and accountability from the government. The PAC is headed by St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, one of the “rebel” seven FNM MPs.
“The FNM should have been in a position to tell us where the money gone, or force the government’s hand, but we have a dismal government at best and a dismal opposition.
“Perry Christie and Hubert Minnis, I don’t know who would be worse as leader of this country, and I say that and let me be quite honest with you, I know many people in the FNM who still claim to be FNMs under the Minnis situation but they don’t want Dr Minnis.”
Official Opposition Leader Loretta Butler-Turner named Mr McCartney as leader of Opposition Business in the Senate on Monday, deepening speculation over the “end goal” of the seven MPs who wrote to Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling expressing no confidence in FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis last week.
Mr McCartney praised the Long Island MP as a history maker, insisting that her achievements could not be denied regardless of whether persons accepted the politics of her actions.
While Mr McCartney stressed that the move represented an alliance with the opposition forces, and welcomed all persons seeking change to collaborate regardless of political affiliation, he maintained that he would not work with Dr Minnis or the two FNM MPs who have rallied behind him.
He underscored that past talks between himself and the FNM leader “came to naught” because the established party was insistent that the DNA be dissolved and refused to credit the organisation as a viable political force. Mr McCartney noted that the discussion was remarkably easier with Mrs Butler-Turner, who focused instead on national goals and was “very much on the same page” as he on national issues.
“Discussions (with Dr Minnis) going on from that seemed to have come to a standstill, a road block, knowing full well that we want what is good for this country but having those discussions were, seemed to have been, difficult to say the least.
“The discussions with (Mrs Butler-Turner), we are on one accord with regards to where the country ought to go. It was very easy discussion for the most part.”
Mr McCartney noted that while many Bahamians have acknowledged the need for change, that desire has not led to a serious effort to disrupt the status quo.
“If you want change,” he said, “you’ve got to really mean that you want change and vote for change. But if you really want the status quo, you want Perry Christie, you want government that is going to keep lying to you, you want Chinese to continue to come, you want Mandarin to be your first language, well, PLP.”
He added that Prime Minister Perry Christie was not trustworthy and that people could not believe what the nation’s leader says.
“I just don’t understand how we as Bahamian people just continue to accept that.”
Mr McCartney, then the Bamboo Town MP, quit the FNM in 2011. Yesterday he said that his former party had gone from “bad to worse.”
Since his departure, Mr McCartney has had notable clashes with his former colleagues over personal and national issues.
In 2011, he called for the resignation of Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key, who had claimed in Parliament that Mr McCartney accepted money from the government for legal services but never did the work.
Mr McCartney vehemently denied the charge, and challenged Mr Key to make the statements outside the House so that legal action could be taken.
When questioned about the spat yesterday, Mr McCartney said: “The situation with Edison Key ain’t change. He was untruthful at that time, so bottom line I maintain that, and I don’t run away from that. He was very untruthful.”
For Mrs Butler-Turner, she and Mr McCartney found themselves on opposing sides during the gender equality referendum, and on legislation to outlaw marital rape. Mr McCartney initially opposed bill four of the referendum, which sought to make it unconstitutional to discriminate on the grounds of sex, but later sided with arguments laid out by former Court of Appeal President Dame Joan Sawyer, who called the referendum a “waste of time”.
On the matter of marital rape, Mr McCartney has said that while he did not personally support such legislation, if elected, he would “put it to the people”.
Yesterday, Mr McCartney noted that any differences in position on legislation debated in Parliament would have to be discussed with a view to compromise with respect.
In line with attitudes expressed by a wide-section of Bahamians following the shakeup, Mr McCartney fielded questions that focused largely on the nature of the deal struck between himself and Mrs Butler-Turner; and the prospect of a coalition, specifically his considerations on the resulting political hierarchy of such a move.
The reluctance of both sides to term the move a coalition, or reveal details concerning the same, proved frustrating for some, with one radio show caller asking whether such a merger hinged on Mrs Butler-Turner’s status within the FNM.
Noting that expulsion of the “rebel” MPs by the FNM was imminent, another caller asked Mr McCartney to disclose what position will be offered to Mrs Butler-Turner by his party once Parliament is dissolved.
“How committed would you say the DNA is to forming this coalition?” asked one caller.
“What I’ve heard you said previously on this show is that you will not speak to the three people who now represent the FNM, but now (on Monday) I heard that you said you are for a coalition.
The caller continued: “So how seriously should I take this coalition, I really like the idea of a coalition I feel like it’s a good thing to get rid of the PLP but how serious are you the DNA is this all contingent on Loretta or is it something more than that?”
Another caller questioned whether Mr McCartney asked the Opposition leader to appoint any other DNA members to the Senate.
For his part, Mr McCartney reiterated that there was no coalition and urged listeners not to speculate over the outcome of the FNM’s disciplinary proceedings. He said that in discussions with Mrs Butler-Turner, he concentrated on his own Senate appointment, but made the distinction that he “didn’t ask (Mrs Butler-Turner) for anything.”
Mr McCartney said: “There is no coalition between the DNA and the FNM, or the DNA and the seven (MPs). There is an understanding that the seven will be the opposition force in the Lower House and the DNA will be the opposition force in the Upper House, that is where we are now.”
“Let’s not speculate,” he said, “the seven are still under the FNM banner and there are really two options that can happen. They either remain with the FNM or they are removed from the FNM.
“We don’t know what’s going to happen, and no decision, no discussions, no agreements, have been made in terms of any type of them coming to the DNA, or there being any type of new party.
He added: “I can tell you one thing, that if the second option occurs where they are removed from the FNM, and FNMs you listening carefully, the FNM will become the third party in the House of Assembly
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago
Now much more like FNM 20%, DNA 25%, Undecided 45% and PLP 10%, with most of the Undecided to vote for who they perceive to be the better person regardless of the voter's past party affiliation or the candidate's current party affiliation or lack thereof. It's the 45% Undecided that will keep the register of voters to an all time low until the last minute possible. They simply don't want (and don't need) to tilt their hand and for good reason. They want to make sure the Boundaries Commission has no opportunity to throw them into a bucket of voters where their vote will count less towards the outcome of the election they desire in their constituency. Bahamians thankfully are not as D - stupid as the PLP might think and have uncanny instincts.
Honestman 8 years, 3 months ago
Agreed, Bahamians should wait until the boundaries are confirmed before registering.
realfreethinker 8 years, 3 months ago
You must be living in the same alternate universe as perry christie Dna 25% ? Fnm 20% plp 10%. you really believe that the plp will go from 48+ % to 10%. You must be one of Lorreta's advisors
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago
Sorry Brad....the PLP is already at 10% or lower so your insinuation that the PLP cannot possibly "go from 48% to 10%" has no basis in reality whatsoever. Suggest you get out of your well insulated bubble and mingle with the voters.
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
Hehehehehehehehehehehehe.................................boy I can't laugh . . .this crew daff for real!
goodbyebahamas 8 years, 3 months ago
Come to the March on Jan. 9th, you will see the PLP $hit in their pants live, you will see Comrade Russia give up drinking, you will see Sheeprunner12 give up smoking crack, and best of all you will see Birdie get the F-ing $hit beat out of him if he even thinks the word PLP while he's in the massive crowd. All you PLP scumbags reading this, your F-ing days are number!
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrade's! You think there is the right (and wrong) way to grease-up your graying hair makes it slick back...and still look likes sexy politician man's?
Comrades I have admit that Loretta is making me take a second glance at the Green Party's DNA's leader Bran.....but only cause I honestly thought she had been photographed standing next to that other former party leader Cassius Stuart. I guess we will have to wait see if the noticeably graying haired Bran will be equally promising to bring the same "sexy" to the Red Party as Cassius had promised the red shirts? Although, on the downside looking back it might be but a mute observation cause even if Bran applies some kind specially recommended Loretta conditioner when you consider how all did not end well at the polls for the "2012 electioneering alliance" between Cassius and the Red Party's former leader Papa Hubert.
That is some major all puffed-out ego of a chest on that green Party's Bran.
Only Jesus Christ, himself "might" still want have anything do with Bran, after he and Loretta are done each other!
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 3 months ago
Voter registration is extremely low, 50% of 2012 to date maybe less.
That one fact alone is a direct indictment on ALL of the opposing parties.
This is fact.
So who knows?
LBT may very well be the answer if she can unite the FNM and the DNA.
Rhetoric 8 years, 3 months ago
The selected leaders want the elected leader to resign? Jokes
Voltaire 8 years, 3 months ago
i think so too. If only the rabid Minnis worshipers would get out of the way and let the country progress!
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
I don't get you. . .LBT can unit the DNA-FNM. . .only if the Minnis supporters can get out of her way? What ya mean. . .she can't get the support of regular FNMs them within her own party? So she don't have the support of the party? So pray tell me why yinna want her now. . .because the public fer dang sure don't want her! You really do know that "yoon" making no sense aye!
EasternGate 8 years, 3 months ago
Spot on
TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago
Comrades! Word off the streets has it that a secret Bay Street Boys funded survey of the two aligned opposition parties, solidly points to the number of the disenchanted party members from both the red and green parties, approaching the 90% mark within another week by the time Bran will be dumped as the leader "loyal" opposition party's business in the senate. In fact, unless I incorrectly heard Bran yesterday on Guardian's The Revolution talk show, it sure sounded likes Bran thinks he is "in-charge opposition and not just the opposition's business" up in the red chamber senate?
birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago
six of one half dozen of the other. But where does :"Pretty boy" bran get the nerve from to ask Dr: Minnius to resign. .When Doc was elected as leader twice by those who voted for him.
Rhetoric 8 years, 3 months ago
This charade has gone on long enough these to mulattos do not have the best interest of the average Bahamian at heart neither of them can win their seat without holding onto the coattails of one Hubert Ingraham
Come next year it will be PLP or FNM and none of the rebels will win their seat nor will the DNA win a seat
Pure distraction from the real issues These clowns are fighting over who the PLP Speaker or President gets to tell to sit down and shut up first
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago
Rumours are running rampant that Bran has promised LBT she can run under the DNA banner in the Montagu constituency if she senses Long Islanders will not give her the support she believes she deserves and that this apparent fact has greatly offended and incensed the constantly yapping little white-haired poodle who has very foolishly and prematurely proclaimed his undying loyalty to the Dimwitted Doc Minnis.
gangof4 8 years, 3 months ago
"For his part, Mr D’Aguilar said he still believed the FNM is the better alternative to the failed PLP. He said he will refuse to take a side in this battle, but instead will remain neutral as a member of the FNM."
So when did he "proclaim his undying loyalty to Dimwitted Doc Minnis"? I must have missed that one!! Idiot.
Franklyn 8 years, 3 months ago
Define Evil = the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness.
Economist 8 years, 3 months ago
The only reason that this has occurred is that a group of very old men (Wells, CA, Moore, Thompson and Dupuch with some of the original fossils of the FNM) have hijacked the party. They have resisted, as much as they could, having young council members and, by and large, have kept the old and decrepit as a large majority of the Council.
If they had allowed and encouraged a younger council we would not be in a situation where half the FNM's traditional voters want nothing to do with the FNM.
I keep running into people who either are not going to vote or will vote DNA again to protest the FNM.
Some have said that if Sears were to win the PLP leadership they would consider voting for the PLP before they vote FNM.
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
Alex_Charles 8 years, 3 months ago
Minnis whopped LBT's backside 3 times in a row for FNM leadership. With that being said end this fuckery for god's sake. I don't care about this ego trip or the power struggles between these millionaires. I want policy positions that aren't asinine. Cut the Pump and pageantry and all this "historical" BS. Lay out policy and a roadmap through legislation.
Because if LBT lost to a horrible leader like Minnis she must suck 3 times as much o not gain her party's support. Some argue Minnis had his cronies vote for him... guess what? That's kinda how democracy works lol. Move the ship forward with or without the FNM, bring out a policy platform that will make the young people vote.
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
Phew. . .someone around here who "see the goal" and don't take us non-party affiliates for fools!
Economist 8 years, 3 months ago
She was whopped by a the FNM council which does not reflect the real voter. It is controlled by a group of "has beens" who's loyalty was with Cecil under whom they could not win an election. They still have no idea of how to run a winning party.
They only know how to pick and support losers like Minnis.
LBT may not have been the choice with a young dynamic group. They could have chosen someone else who one of the other MP's would have stepped aside for and been elected in a bye election.
This old crowd have no idea of how to create a winning party.
Alex_Charles 8 years, 3 months ago
I understand that but you are missing the point. Forget the FNM and move the hell on. the party isn't going to change and she doesn't need them. If she is as strong as she and her supporters claim then she needs to lead a platform elsewhere. The fight with Minnis is a complete waste of time. Forget trying to get him to resign. For fk sake you don't need the two major parties to win.
licks2 8 years, 3 months ago
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 3 months ago
"For his part, Mr McCartney reiterated that there was no coalition and urged listeners not to speculate over the outcome of the FNM’s disciplinary proceedings. He said that in discussions with Mrs Butler-Turner, he concentrated on his own Senate appointment, but made the distinction that he 'didn’t ask (Mrs Butler-Turner) for anything.'
Mr McCartney said: 'There is no coalition between the DNA and the FNM, or the DNA and the seven (MPs). There is an understanding that the seven will be the opposition force in the Lower House and the DNA will be the opposition force in the Upper House, that is where we are now.'"
This is a giant mess. He said he concentrated on his own appointment. Just as everyone suspected. When he showed up in a blue tie Maybe he misspoke. He didn't misspeaks when he said there's no coalition with the seven MP's though. He don't want none of them, hehe. Loretta gonna save her own skin and leave them high and dry.
alfalfa 8 years, 3 months ago
Everyone wants to be a leader. Even if you have to destroy that which you wish to lead. In their blind quest for power, they are handing this country to the PLP in 2017. God Help Us All.
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