IAN FERGUSON: How companies can get into Xmas spirit

Sacred scripture reminds us that to give, rather than to receive, is more blessed. Despite high unemployment, increasing social ills, a significant natural disaster (Hurricane Matthew) and the uncertainty that comes with it, all economic indicators seem to indicate that corporate Bahamas fared moderately well in 2016.

With one week left before we celebrate Christmas, in the spirit of the festive season we encourage businesses all over the Bahamas to celebrate the gift of giving. It is quite easy to become so consumed with the ‘bottom line’ and maximising profits that we forget our Judeo-Christian heritage, and the powerful principles and blessing in giving.

Today’s reminder helps to restore this necessary spirit in our community as we close the year. Here are seven quick tips for companies before the close of the year:

  • Staff bonus

Nothing makes the smile brighter on an employee’s face than a cheque marked ‘profit sharing Christmas bonus’.

No matter how small the pot, a few extra dollars on the pay cheque goes a long way in financing the many gifts, Junkanoo tickets and other treats people are compelled to buy this season.

  • Christmas party

A classy hotel ballroom or ‘Back of the Yard’ holiday celebrations always seem to bring people together.

In addition, the message is conveyed that employees are valued, and we want senior leaders and front-line employees to eat,drink and be merry together.

  • Gifts for the unfortunate

There are any number of government-sponsored children’s and senior homes around our communities. These seasons can be quite emotional for the abandoned and forgotten, and any act of kindness reminds them that hope lives.

  • Toy and clothes drive

Allowing employees to participate in giving to the community and less fortunate is a powerful gesture that engages them in the spirit of giving. New or used gifts, clothes and household items can be given during the season to the many Bahamians suffering during these difficult times.

  • Christmas feeding for the community

There will certainly be no shortage of ham, turkey and stuffing in most corners of the Bahamas at this time.

But as difficult as it might be to believe, there will still be hundreds, and perhaps thousands, who will have some challenge finding a meal on Christmas Day.

Providing meals by personally delivering them to inner-city communities is a corporate social responsibility action of high merit for any participating company.

  • Promotion exercise during Christmas for the deserving

Outside of the Christmas bonus or profit sharing, a title change and promotion for the diligent employee prepared to assume a greater role is fitting during this season. It serves as motivation to other employees, and reminds them that hard work pays off.

  • Employee Environmental Awareness

A company-driven and funded coastal or community clean-up is a beautiful way to give back to the Earth and space that we have been blessed with.

Once again, it removes employees from the traditional work space to join forces for the good of the community.

• NB: Ian R. Ferguson is a talent management and organisational development consultant, having completed graduate studies with regional and international universities. He has served organsations, both locally and globally, providing relevant solutions to their business growth and development issues. He may be contacted at tcconsultants@coralwave.com.


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