'Rebel seven' keeping plan quiet to avoid sabotage

Members of the 'rebel seven'.

Members of the 'rebel seven'.


Deputy Chief Reporter


LONG Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner suggested yesterday that the game plan of the “rebel seven” is still incomplete and will need further collaboration in order for their course of action moving forward to be further developed.

The newly appointed leader of the official Opposition in the House of Assembly told reporters yesterday that very little has been said of the group’s strategy as a safeguard against detractors who may attempt to sabotage the plans before they are off the ground.

She was asked by The Tribune to respond to critics who have repeatedly castigated the group for executing the revolt against Killarney MP Dr Hubert Minnis last week, removing him as leader of the Official Opposition. They argue that given the country’s political climate with a general election just months away, the MPs’ move was ill conceived.

Among the critics was former Free National Movement MP Pierre Dupuch who has said their actions guaranteed a win for the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in the 2017 election. Former FNM Cabinet minister Tennyson Wells has also told The Tribune that Dr Minnis’ ouster will likely amount to nothing.

However, Mrs Butler-Turner said this was not the case and revealed her ideas for Senate appointments. It is her aim to have a reflection of various subsections of Bahamian society represented in the upper chamber, Mrs Butler-Turner explained.

So far she has announced Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Leader Branville McCartney as the first appointment.

Last week, Mrs Butler-Turner and six other MPs submitted a letter of no confidence in Dr Minnis to lead them in Parliament to Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling, asking her to invoke Article 82 of the Constitution. They further revealed that the group voted for the Long Island MP to lead them in Parliament.

“The game plan, while I must admit has a foundation, it still has to be filled out and that takes collaboration,” the MP said. “So why are you placing these huge demands on one person? You’ve got an ineffective government at the end of their term and they still haven’t demonstrated their game plan even though they have given you a plan from 2011.

“We at this late stage we haven’t come out with our game plan. What you see evolving here has taken a bit of time and we know that it’s going to take a little more time to complete that. But when we present it it’s going to be understandable. It’s going to be digestible. It’s going to make sense and hopefully it’s going to be something that the Bahamian people are proud to have.”

She also said: “I could have chosen from anyone among many people who would have been obvious choices, but what I am trying to do is to reflect in the Senate almost a microcosm of our society.

“That is why we are waiting for the final senator to come in and maybe there will be some shock, some awe, some surprises, but you will know that that will be a direct reflection of the people that make up this country and that is a process of inclusion.

“It’s going to be different. You are going to have reaction. You might even have rejection, but every Bahamian must know that at somewhere in governance whether in the House of Assembly or in the upper chamber of the Senate that they will be reflected in that make up. I think that is the most important thing. “The Bahamas is a melting pot of persons and we cannot be exclusionary to one demographic. So I think you should stand by and watch to see what we are going to present. It certainly is not going to be friends, family and lovers or nepotism, cronyism or anything. It’s going to be representational of the Bahamian people and that’s what we need.”

Mrs Butler-Turner, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key and Ft Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins each signed a letter of no confidence last Wednesday in Dr Minnis as the leader of the Official Opposition.

Mr Dupuch on Tuesday raised questions of the end result of their revolt against Dr Minnis, saying now was not the time to cause a disruption within the party as an election approaches.

He further suggested that the MPs’ ousting of Dr Minnis could have been based on the vested interests of factions in the country who do not want to see the FNM ascend to office.

Pointing to Dr Minnis’ repeated pledge to do away with corruption, Mr Dupuch said this was reason enough for the FNM under the leadership of the Killarney MP to be less favourable in the eyes of some people.


licks2 7 years, 9 months ago

Well mother take sick. . .statements by LBT, Rollins, Bran making these seven people look so bad. . .no wonder them other five persons een saying nothing. . .these persons them "JOOKING UP" themselves all over the place. . .Rollins now saying that Minnis is no good and LBT is good. . .after he said that she don't tell the truth and is a schemer. . .and Minnis was the good one. . .now he will do everything to get rid of doc. . .BECAUSE DOC IS BAD AND LBT IS GOOD NOW. . . Bran said doc was weak because he did not get rid of the bunch when they cried for a convention last June some time! Now. . .they gee him one position and now the doc is the bad one. . .Lol!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 9 months ago

ROTFL. That's the best summation ever, did one bad and dat one good, LOL

realfreethinker 7 years, 9 months ago

If your plan is so great and well planned out and sound no one can sabotage it. JOKES

Publius 7 years, 9 months ago


“So why are you placing these huge demands on one person?

Is this woman serious? What an embarrassment.

Baha10 7 years, 9 months ago

The "Rebel 7" are in fact the "Treacherous 7" currently becoming the "Rejected 7" and soon to be the "Seatless 7" known as the "Embarrassing 7" and shortly thereafter the "Forgotten 7"!

History will record this as truly one of the most hilarious "what not to do" moments in our Political History.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

We are actually looking forward to witnessing this plan unfold ........... will Bahamians have the political IQ to embrace it?????? .............. can Bahamians think out of the two-party box?????

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Amazing. Every box of crayons should have at least one "bright" colour in it ...... but not so with this box of 7 dimwits !!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

Who do you support to lead the FNM?????????

DillyTree 7 years, 9 months ago

And Mr. Dupuch knows all about fighting corruption? Clearly Mr. Dupuch doesn't know much about Dr. Minnis. Would Mr. Dupuch care to comment on why Dr. Minnis said nothing about his "fishy" meetings with the now-infamous thugs Toggi and Bobo until he was questioned about his dealing with them? In a transparent and non-corrupt government, Mr. Dupuch and Dr. Minnis, Dr. Minnis should have refused the first meeting, and not continued to meet with them and get free fish! Sometimes it's just the little things, but little things mean big things. Hypocrisy doesn't look good on either of these gentlemen.

viewersmatters 7 years, 9 months ago

Is it me or has anyone noticed how close Mrs. Butler Turner and the prime minister are getting now that's she's taking seat? The PM looks quite calm and relax now, what's really going on with this whole story line?

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrades! I guess Loretta is saying that her appointment of the green party's Bran to be in charge of the opposition's senate business, is a reflection of how poorly qualified were the various subsections of her own red party's senatorial prospects bench that there just wasn't a suitable red shirts sitting on the party's bench for her to have drawn from...so what was she forced into doing....she picks the green party to represent the red party up in the upper red chamber.
Now, you just may be starting to get a much clearer picture, why both the Governor-General and the House Speaker, did the people wrong by appointing Loretta as Her Majesty's "Loyal" Opposition Leader...despite not having an ounce of intelligence at their hands, if she was in fact representing the red party...and if not the red party...who is she "loyal" to?
The Public deserves to see a copy of the "royal instruments of appointment" signed over to Loretta...does it name the red party or not?

Alex_Charles 7 years, 9 months ago

Why is it that every photograph with Richard Lightbourne captures him looking as if he's reflecting on his life decisions. lol

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