Moncur named as Senate pick

Rodney Moncur.

Rodney Moncur.


Tribune News Editor


AFTER foreshadowing that some of her Senate picks were likely to shock the public, leader of the Official Opposition Loretta Butler-Turner announced Monday night that she had selected controversial talk show host Rodney Moncur to be appointed to the upper chamber.

Mrs Butler-Turner also revealed that she had appointed former Senator Monique Gomez and political newcomer Jude Knowles to the opposition’s Senate bench.

The selection of Mr Moncur is likely to raise eyebrows and prompt questions, as many of his views are divergent from Mrs Butler-Turner’s stated positions.

Mr Moncur is not shy about vocalising on his conservative views. He has called birth control pills “evil” and “cancerous” and has frequently marched for all convicted murderers to be hanged.

Host of the radio talk show Freedom March, Mr Moncur has recently used the platform to advise people not to register to vote or take part in the 2017 general election.

A justice of the peace, he was also a vocal critic of the June gender equality referendum, calling the exercise “witchcraft” and erecting a billboard outside his office urging people to vote ‘no’ to all four questions.

Mrs Butler-Turner campaigned for the ‘yes’ vote. In June, she told this newspaper that Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr Hubert Minnis should accept some responsibility for the referendum’s failure.

While she was minister of state for social development in the Ingraham administration, Mrs Butler-Turner tabled a marital rape bill in Parliament, which proposed to make spousal rape a crime. After loud outcry and pushback from various sectors in the community, including Mr Moncur, the bill was shelved.

In her statement last night, Mrs Butler-Turner said her choices for the Senate “reflect a need to collaborate” and “find common ground.”

“I am pleased that Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling will, on my advice as leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition and after consultation with my colleagues, appoint to the Senate: Branville McCartney, Monique Gomez, Jude Knowles and Rodney Moncur,” Mrs Butler-Turner said.

“As I have said previously, some of the choices may strike some as surprising, but a major theme of these appointments is inclusion from a broad cross-section of Bahamians.

“The Bahamas is in economic crisis, paralysed by criminal violence and a precipitous decline in the quality of life for most Bahamians,” her statement added.

“The country needs the talents and energy of a myriad of individuals who want to contribute to rescuing and renewing our country in these perilous times.

“The choices for the Senate reflect a recognition of the need to collaborate, find common ground, and in particular, give voice to the difficulties and hardships experienced by every part of society, especially the most vulnerable individuals and groups in our country.

“There is strength in diversity, and it is a testament to their love of country that these Senate appointees agreed to collaborate in the interest of a common goal, namely rescuing the Bahamas from the quagmire of corruption and incompetence of the PLP.”

Mr McCartney, leader of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), was appointed leader of opposition business in the Senate last week.

Mrs Gomez, an attorney, resigned from the Senate two weeks ago, shortly after Mrs Butler-Turner and six other FNM MPs removed Dr Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition through a petition to Dame Marguerite. She resigned because she was one of four senators who were appointed to the upper chamber by Dr Minnis. Mr Knowles is a fisherman and contractor who hails from Long Island.

Mr Moncur is former leader of the now defunct fringe party, the Worker’s Party. He also ran and lost on the DNA’s ticket for the Bain and Grants Town constituency in the 2012 general election.

In May, he told The Tribune that he thought the gender equality referendum was “witchcraft,” urging people to vote against the changes in order to “save women” from themselves.

“We need to save our women from foreign men and from the four bills of this referendum. My group is completely in opposition,” Mr Moncur said earlier this year.

“We are not listening to any arguments from these vote ‘yes’ people. We are not going to reason with them. We are opposed to the woman having the right to pass citizenship (and) we do not want foreign men to have equal rights as a Bahamian man.

“We are opposed to the man passing his citizenship on to his children if he is not married. The man should be married having children. The fourth one is the most sinful one of them all. To insert the word (sex) is immoral and indecent. I do not trust the government. This entire exercise is confusion and underhanded work. I believe this is Obeah, this is witchcraft,” Mr Moncur said at the time.

In early 2012, when the controversial marital rape issue returned to the spotlight, Mr Moncur posted to Facebook: “Marital Rape in the Bahamas is a non-issue. It is the works of the devil! God’s holy name we praise.”

Mr Moncur also wrote that then Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham withdrew the bill after “thousands of descent (sic) Christian women objected to this evil.”

“That’s the end of that,” he said. “Let us not let the devil destroy holy Christian marriage!”

It should be noted that Mr McCartney had also objected to the bill.

Last night, Mr Moncur told The Tribune he was “honoured” by the appointment from the “decent” Long Island MP. While he would not say how he and Mrs Butler-Turner would reconcile their opposing views, he called on people not to be “jealous” but to instead pray for him.

He said his one regret is that his wife is not on the island to celebrate with him at this time.

When asked how he and Mrs Butler-Turner would work together given their different opinions, Mr Moncur told The Tribune: “At this stage I don’t want to be caught up in that. I don’t want to make it too controversial. I ask friends and foe not to be jealous but to celebrate the fact that after I began a march for a better Bahamas from 1974 . . . powerful forces have denied me an opportunity, but I persevered.

“I ask the country to pray for me and I ask friends and foe to be happy for me.”


Publius 8 years ago

Loretta is an embarrassment.

DDK 8 years ago

Is she stable? Her latest senatorial pick does not appear to be! In fact he seems to be downright dangerous.

realfreethinker 8 years ago

I guess the same amount of thought went into this selection as to what went into the decision to depose minnis.Jokes

OMG 8 years ago

She might be female (strike 1) but she is eloquent and feisty and whilst these nominations might seem a little strange do you really want the same old dreary aged persons running this country in the same old way? Look where we are after all these years of independence and ask your self will next year be any better.

Naughtydread 8 years ago

This guy thinks that birth control is "evil" and that woman should not have equal rights as do men.......... This guy is the definition of "old dreary" loool jesus take the wheel

realfreethinker 8 years ago

OMG are you serious? Pun intended. This ger be long

Greentea 8 years ago

No too long. About six months or so.

goodbyebahamas 8 years ago

She might be female(Strike1).....what do you have sex with, a goat? Are you a family member related to Sheepf$$$$r? Don't you realize that in your so called Christian Nation bestiality is a sin?

licks2 8 years ago

She is done. . .now watch for the "six" to distanced themselves from her, Mr. McCartney and Mr. Moncur. She bit off more than she could chew. . .now it will chock her to death politically. What ever happened to Mr. Scott or Brent Symonette et al? This charade is a low blow to our country. . .Lol!

themessenger 8 years ago

Now we have the lunatics running the asylum........ God help us all.

jackbnimble 8 years ago

Jesus, take the wheel! How do you pick the village idiot for such a high government post?
I guess he could finally stop calling himself Justice of the Peace (his only claim to fame) like it's some great badge of honour and now say Senator. I predict that he'll never drop the title even after he's out. God help us all!

sealice 8 years ago

Come on Lady.... Moncurs like an even crazier version of the BCC, some type of old fashioned Witch Hunt or some spanish inquisition shit.....

jackbnimble 8 years ago

Can you imagine his speeches...... I, RM, "Negro Senator"....

Lord, what a time!

jus2cents 8 years ago

This man (if you can call him that as he is so f#*1ing intimidated by women) is a bloody embarrassment to the human race. In any other country he would be the village idiot Without A Doubt!!!.

This is insane :(

No Loretta do NOT do this!!! WTF ????????????????????????????


PLP just won again.

Baha10 8 years ago

How embarrassing!

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

This photo says it all. This man will not change. He will create CONFUSION in the senate.

banker 8 years ago

Loretta Blubberbutt Turnover is the Donald Trump of Bahamian politics.

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrades! I guess the appoints of the newest three green party senators should be okay as long as Loretta's only criteria was met to avoid all controversy of them not being straight their legal citizenship papers.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

The senate is the place for WISE men. Parliament is the place where you place people to "represent" the common man. Loretta has got it ALL wrong.

Please Andre and "Others", write a letter to the GG posthaste to oust her as leader of the opposition either that or hopefully she decides to quit. Again.

Economist 8 years ago

This should be interesting. How this plays out will give us a clear picture of how well she is capable of leading.

It will either blow up in her face or she will clearly demonstrate leadership skills we need, if we are going to turn this Country around.

I wait with baited breath.

Publius 8 years ago

Oh come now. Yes, Minnis is a hopeless disaster and induces vomiting, but Loretta clearly does not have it and acts on the same plane as Minnis; spite, emotions, insecurity and neuroticism.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

LOL. Im hearing more and more supporters saying what the hell is Loretta doing?. I mean it was clear from the start that she had no plan.... What would be even more scary is if she had a plan and this was it.

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrade Economist, so you're intelligence telling me there still remains a possibility that she has used good judgement to bait your breath?

banker 8 years ago

Baited breath is halitosis. That is Bradley Roberts domain. Now if it were bated breath, it wouldn't smell as a bad as dead fish parts. I hate being the language cops, but like selling the country to the Chinese, someone has to do it.

Economist 8 years ago

Tal, I am just having fun watching this all play out. No matter who, or which party I look at, I keep shaking my head and saying "Lord please help us" because He is about the only one who can..

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrade Economist, it would be funny but this is a serious matter about a Seven-Member Coup of MP's, out to take advantage of a holdover clause connected to colonial times that allows another holdover colonial governor general to execute royal instruments to order Minnis''s government issued car and license plates to be turned over to Loretta - with taxpayers paid police driver and all.
I hope she has enough sense not ask her police driver be parking in spots reserved for the disabled vehicle parking occupants...I say that because she tends repeat things...right?
Unfortunately, 'this' is no joke - even if it's being played out like a joke....publicly!

Economist 8 years ago

I have to believe that she has a plan and knows what she is doing.

I have no faith in Minnis and his gang of old men who run the FNM.

I know that the PLP can't deliver on anything.

I see our Country heading for financial disaster sooner, rather than later.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

I guess it's sooner because Moody's downgraded us while she was working on shocking and awing us. I've never heard a more silly politician...I take that back, Alfred ?Grey, Shane, Brave, Wisdom, Watson,Dorsett just crossed my mind. I bet they looked at her and said, she just sank the oppositions chances, likelihood of a PLP govt for another five years, it's inevitable, "downgrade". Thanks Loretta.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

I don't think you get it, this was her plan. I don't know how much more evidence you need. Remember "shock and awe"?

hallmark 8 years ago

The Senate is a useless, rubber stamp institution anyway and the debates and discussions were as interesting as watching paint. I will give them a chance. Can't do worse than that elitist, all for me baby crew in there now. God Bless them and keep them and grant them wisdom to continue to act on behalf of the Bahamian people.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

Yes it is. But Loretta told us she was going to be DIFFERENT. is her method to be different, to appoint rubber stamps to the senate?

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrade ThisIsOurs, the wrecking ball psychology behind the appointment someone who's like a rubber ball bouncing from one political party's color t-shirt to another but not before having worn their own fringe party's colours. My advice the other Six-Coup Rebels, would be to put this woman on cruise control.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

My advice would be "get to writin' another letter to the GG asap"

Emac 8 years ago

Well LBT just got a vote of no confidence from me! This is too confusing. Why would she put someone in this position who vehemently opposes her philosophies and someone who views are archaic and demeaning to women, to say the least. Is she out of her f&CK$% mind???? Damn we in problem. My eyes were on the DNA but now they too seem to be mixed up in this cesspool. :-{.

Honestman 8 years ago

Rodney Moncur? Senator? Give us a break LBT.

Alex_Charles 8 years ago

As Rodney would say "The Negroes was appointed..." This is the same guy that said women don't need equal rights, the same man that said dirty man sucking on da woman dem breast causes breast cancer... The same man that said infidelity causes prostate cancer and that birth control is the devil... the same man that stood against LBT in 2009 on the marital rape amendment that failed, the same man that said Loretta's husband wasn't doing his job as a man with his wife standing up for these causes?

It's better with Loretta right? Good job, bravo. This is truly quite the legacy to have being the first female leader of opposition and appointing an archaic misogynist who is best described as the village jackass. Well if Trump can win, Duterte can be popular, Brexit can happen, and our own damn government can sell off our future and sovereignty meh... anything is possible in this third world country.

gangof4 8 years ago

LMAO, what an absolute s**t show this has become!! The village idiot is now an appointed member of the legislative branch of the government of the Bahamas!!

I swear, you can't make this stuff up.

Baha10 8 years ago

Thank you LBT, you are a good Operative, both Opposition Parties effectively destroyed, You may come Home now.

MonkeeDoo 8 years ago

I think that Bran must now resign to save his own skin.

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrades! I remain constitutionally baffled as to how is that the Governor General, could have picked Loretta, when in Bahamaland the Leader of the Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in the House is to first be the leader of the largest opposition party in the Peoples Honourable House of Assembly. ... and this is often the case immediately following a change in the peoples government....Tell me, Mr. Speaker, what damn party does Loretta claim to lead? If its the obvious, the green party, then damn well force her stand up in the House to admit to it?
Frankly speaking, Loretta and the Six other Coup's rebel MP's, should have been a soft target for Minnis to have taken down....so, why hasn't Minnis, not applied the pressure to force The Speaker to act to have put an stop to this damn parliamentary abuse? Minnis, needs tell the Governor General, where she can stuff her royal instruments.

Genus86 8 years ago

For someone who talks so much on these political articles you really don't know anything. She does not need to be a leader of any party to be the Leader of Opposition in the House. She and the 6 are the majority of persons who "oppose" the Government. Hubert Minnis and the 2 are less than her 7. Stop being stupid.

goodbyebahamas 8 years ago

Eight more days of this third world government, I love you Lord for helping me out of this hell on earth.

Voltaire 8 years ago

I am willing to give this a chance. The political class of this country needs to be shaken up. It will not be shaken up by more of the same 'honorable' characters. Don't get me wrong, this could all blow up, but I am with Economist. The lady has my attention now. Let's see how she handles this new opposition...

242in404 8 years ago

Interesting... Look like she's trying to drain the swamp. I'm curious to see where this leads...

DEDDIE 8 years ago

Strange move indeed. If someone like Hubert Ingraham made such a move I would most likely give him the benefit of the doubt. LBT on the other hand is in the process of trying to establish legitimacy. I don't see how this appointment aids her in the mind of right thinking voters. Maybe right thinking voters are not her target with this appointment.

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrade Deddie, I am conflicted what do about our Rodney because as one who publicly with my blog posts, I openly campaigned in support Rodney's run for the Chairmanship of the Red Movement Party, if only we were here discussing red politics under normal circumstances and not clouded in "green party" mystery, I would have also loaned my support to elevating Rodney to the upper red chamber. I think the poor performance by the current red chairman, speaks volumes for why I was correct to support Rodney.
Make no mistake about it, Rodney's heart is with and for the laboring class and let's not deny who are the people are that this good Bahamalander's heart, best beats for.
I regret to see Rodney, who is no shenanigan but is allowing himself to be used to prop up the real shenanigans, who are starting to realize that, that label is what the majority people see them as.

The_Oracle 8 years ago

You do not drain the swamp and re-fill from septic tanks! Bad enough she went fringe but now embracing the fringe! There has got to be something in the water they drink..........

242in404 8 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I'm not applauding this move. I'm quite perplexed like most. And I agree Deddie with you in regards to establishing legitimacy. I don't think this move was for the "right thinkers". This one was for the hood. lol She's gotta capture a well rounded group of supporters. Many Bahamians do relate to RM.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

"For the hood". It's an absolutely false rationale. The senate's purpose is to make sure no absolute $#*% laws get passed. Their job is to review legislation to make sure it makes sense. They have nothing to do with representing anyone. Her statement about having a microcosm of society showed me how badly she is in over her head. The senate is the place for your best legal minds and at minimum your best thinkers.

my people perish for lack of knowledge

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

While Loretta in the corner doing bull distracting the country, the PLP have free reign to destroy the country. Downgraded again. Thanks Loretta, brilliant plan.

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrade! The Red Movement Party didn't just start to lose the upcoming 2017 General Election. This election was lost two and half years even before the "2012" General's bell had got rungs by Papa Hubert, and he damn well knew it would end in defeat.
Of course Papa being the astute politician he is decided it was the right time to become a Cooper's Town hobby fisherman.
Loretta was wll positioned in the red cabinet and she and her cabinet colleagues sure as hell were not much in the mood back then to have been thinking about the common man's and woman's that Rodney represented then and still represents today.
Seems Loretta didn't start thinking of the poorer class, until just as she started see Rodney as her coming to Jesus' poor moment?
Something tells me that the MP for Long Island won't be sticking around as leader, long enough to see if she can trickle down to the politics of the poor?
Not much have flowed downward from the elite reds three governing administrations to pass through the hands poor people.

Alex_Charles 8 years ago

Jokes and political punting aside, for the love of God can some party just hold firm atlas long enough to oust this government? pretty please?

You only need to do one thing correct just 1 goddamn thing! Cut the motherF'n budget and get us to either balanced or a surplus! Stop this aggressive and incisive spending.

Naughtydread 8 years ago

All of the sudden Doc has gained credibility...... This is something else!

licks2 8 years ago

No. . .he did not "just" gained credibility. . .we were telling yall "reds" around here that the public see "things" different from yinna when is comes to doc! Only thing happened now is that LBT is focused on saving her lil bit of "credibility" she told people she had. . .while being a "under minder" of all efforts put froth by doc.! NOW BOTH ARE ON THEIR OWN. . .UNDER MINDING HIM NOW MAKES NO SENSE FOR HER. . .AND BLEAMIMG HER FOR UNDER MINDING HIM AS AN EFFECTIVE LEADER MAKES NO SENSE FOR DOC EITHER. . .THEY BOTH NOW HAVE SEPARATE STAGES. . .THE WORLD WILL NOW SEE WHO IS WHOM! THIS IS GOOD FOR OUR NATION AND THE UPCOMING ELECTION. . .NOBODY CASN HIDE BEHIND ANYONE. . .THIS I LIKE!

licks2 8 years ago

Well mother take sick. . .Rodney went to get sworn-in dressed as a Lawyer! I talked to my lawyer friend who said that he could ware whatever he likes. . but the out-fit is designed for lawyers!

jackbnimble 8 years ago

Roach in a coat!!

licks2 8 years ago

Oh bouy. . . Sen. Maynard-Gibson and Sen. Moncur are in a heated row in the Senate. . .Moncur is "taking over" in a high handed manner and letting everybody know that he is a new Senator and telling them what he did not see and or understand! Well child. . .that place "jumped" all over him. . .Sen. MG asked him: "who you callin she"?

jackbnimble 8 years ago

LBT sealed her fate with this one!! Jesus.

sheeprunner12 8 years ago

Rodney Moncur (as a Senator) will be memorable ............. we will enjoy watching him spew venom at AMGibson ............ he will represent the Negroes well

He will serve in the spirit of Bumpy Watkins (RIP)

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