UPDATE: FREE National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard on Tuesday said the party is “outraged” at the “false assertion” that party Leader Dr Hubert Minnis attempted to expel four FNM parliamentarians at an emergency executive meeting on Monday night.
In an interview with The Tribune, Mr Pintard said the “tone of the discussion was insisting the FNM functions as one organisation” and to specify that “no one member of the party is bigger than the organisation.” He stressed that no issue of expulsion, suspension or disciplinary action against MPs was ever raised at the meeting.
Read the full story in Wednesday's Tribune.
AT an emergency executive meeting, called at FNM headquarters last night, committee members dissuaded party leader Dr Hubert Minnis from expelling four FNM parliamentarians for demanding a public apology from Senator Lanisha Rolle, who had publicly criticised them in a call-in radio talk show two weeks ago.
The executive committee met last night to consider the statement issued on Sunday by St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly and Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner demanding that Senator Rolle publicly apologise for her “unprovoked and extreme” remarks, which had left many FNM supporters “dismayed”.
The MPs said FNM supporters throughout the country “are waiting to see if Dr Minnis and Senator Rolle will act in an appropriate, collegial and responsible manner on this matter of principle and proper conduct by the Official Opposition”.
However, at the emergency executive meeting called last night, it was reported that only two members supported Dr Minnis’ plan to expel the four
offended FNM parliamentarians.
The remaining committee members condemned the suggestion of such a move.
Instead, the executive committee issued a statement saying that it “strongly and unanimously re-affirmed its mandate that party business should be dealt with internally”.
“The issues confronting our hard-pressed nation and long suffering people are too serious for members of the opposition to be distracted,” said the statement.
The group of four had supported earlier calls for an apology by Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, saying that if one was not forthcoming then Dr Hubert Minnis, the FNM leader, should insist on one from Senator Rolle.
Two weeks ago, Senator Rolle called a radio talk show to criticise members who did not support their leader, claiming some sitting MPs were jealous and envious of the favour which Dr Minnis has with the voters, and that Mrs Butler-Turner, who he defeated in a leadership contest in 2014, would not get support from the electorate to become a potential prime minister.
The National Executive also re-affirmed “the authority of the organs of the Free National Movement, most particularly the Central Council, and counsels all members of the Party to be guided hereby,”
Last week, Dr Minnis released a statement calling for unity and urged party members to keep issues internal, but did not condemn Senator Rolle for her remarks, saying there were no irreconcilable differences in the FNM.
None of the four members attended last night’s meeting. Mrs Butler-Turner was in her Long Island constituemcy while Mr Neilly was in North Eleuthera. Mr Chipman and Mr Lightbourn, although in Nassau, were not at last night’s meeting.
TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago
Leader Minnis look on positive side, it could be worse. Juan could have been one your red MP's. Aren't you pleased, Juan's on-air loyalty is split between to the Green Party's Bran and Loretta?
Comrades I am here scratching me head. Why? Cause I can't make up me mind's, if I get more depressed reading about the latest red party thing playing out publicly in real time, or listening Guardian 96.9's "Talkie Show" Host Juan "Vanilla-lite" McCartney's, depressing his listeners' while he lectures them. Somebody at Guardian 96.9 would be advised to install a safety valve on Juan's boiler that discharges his daily shouting compositional techniques powered by steam. It about ready boils over in them 96.9 studios. Only talk show airing that discourages listeners' call-in?
Careful Orthand H., you might be about lose your own talkie radio show's on-air handle- "His Eminence'.
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
More proof that Minnis isn't leader of the FNM, only two people supported him in the emergency meeting.
How can he be leader of the country is his own party doesn't respect his leadership?
GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago
Well "respect" does not mean that people should follow him blindly. Respect means more that you can lose a battle and still be a trusted leader of the party. Technically that's what should be different at FNM vs. PLP. PLP is a dictatorship, fear based, not respect based. The issue at stake is that Minnis follows the PLP model. He should leave the party actually.
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Prime Minister Christie on his 2017 election victory.
Please sir try to do better the next 6 years.
Congratulations on winning the 2017 election.....
jackbnimble 9 years, 1 month ago
Publius 9 years, 1 month ago
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago
If this is not proof Minnis has to go I don't know what is....
Economist 9 years, 1 month ago
Minnis needs to resign. By holding on he is hurting the country
banker 9 years, 1 month ago
Hilarious comments. Minnis should ignore democracy and just clean house. Kick them all out.
GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago
well the fact that Minnis cant even kick out people shows that he is the wrong leader as well.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago
If this is true........... this does not reflect democracy and should be condemned by any FNM ...... Minnis is becoming "unhinged"
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
the FNM are becoming (are already significantly) unhinged. Minnis in the pilot seat, but the plane is out of contorl
UserOne 9 years, 1 month ago
"If this is true.." is the point. If the FNM are keeping things in house, who leaked this information to The Tribune? Also, I am beginning to wonder if The Tribune reporters have their own bias against Minnis. Why run this story anyway? It is hardly newsworthy. Read this story in The Guardian; it sounds like a less biased report.
Zakary 9 years, 1 month ago
If this is true...
Good point. At this stage of the game, I’m convinced that the Tribune is just trying to bait reaction, and if it isn’t the Tribune then it’s these so called “anonymous sources”. You know what they say about anonymous sources and journalism...
We are all smarter than that. Let the convention happen as soon as possible. What we are seeing right now is downright disgusting.
marrcus 9 years, 1 month ago
PLP FOREVER.......get used to it.
shortpants 9 years, 1 month ago
Minnis is a sellout to the PLP
pharoah 9 years, 1 month ago
Dr Minnis is engineering the destruction of his own party! How in the world did he ever thought to advance such a motion at this time or for that matter at any time. Dr Minnis seems paranoid. Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. That motion to dismiss elected MP'S OUT OF THE PARTY IS ABSOLUTE MADNESS! WAKE UP DR MINNIS WAKE UP!!
GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago
Minnis operates fear based (losing his position), and like many Bahamian political leaders does not understand the democratic process, Beyond that throwing out MPs over a pile of chicken shit, clearly shows, that he does not have the Future of the Bahamians at heart but simply to solidify his political base. He needs to go unless the Bahamas wants more of the PLP (due to lack of alternatives...)
TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago
Comrade Userone the only 'wonder', would be to match the names of those reds (rejected by the people back in 2012) on the ‘condition of anonymity' list, the Tribune's does likes speed dials - who all they reporters does be phoning-up constantly to use as their sources when they still have 'wonder' what tantalizing reader grabbing copy to writes in the newspaper's daily headline stories - against Minnis?
Holy Jesus, they even speed dials up asks PLP's Georgie Smith for his opinions on Minnis. (And no, I didn't just make that one up).
shortpants 9 years, 1 month ago
Minnis and Perry in bed together, FNM will not win this election .Minnis is a spoil rotten brat that is only thinking about himself and not country.He tie up in so much bull that if people only know the truth about him they will rally they ass behind Loretta and kick him to the curb .This man has no vision for this country but himself.BEWARE of Minnis he's not clean either .
Publius 9 years, 1 month ago
Alas, here are the choices for the upcoming election - picking party led by the deranged devil you know or picking the party led by the neurotic, paltry neophyte you don't. Happy voting Bahamas.
TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago
Comrades isn't there 8 red House MP's, including Minnis?
If 5 red MP's have now publicly made it clear that they do not have confidence in their party's House of Assembly Leader. Likewise Minnis has now publicly acknowledged that he too has lost all confidence in the 5 red House MP's - what is there that would prevent the Governor-general, from summoning the 8 red MP's up to to government house to defend why the red party's status as HM's Official Opposition Party in the House, should not be revoked?
If not, shouldn't Minnis, now notify HM, through her Bahamaland's representative the Governor-general, that "he Minis" no longer has confidence of the majority of his red colleagues in the Honourable House Of Assembly?
If not, what is there to stop any red House MP, from calling for a vote of 'no confidence' in Minnis? What would stop MP "Potcake" Leslie or any PLP House member, from call for a "no confidence' vote in the reds as HM's official opposition party in the House?
What would stop the UBP's Greg Moss, from moving for a 'no confidence' vote in the red party as HM's official Opposition party in the House?
Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago
10- you forgot Rollins and Wells. So if you count Turnquest, Minnis and Key. So its a stalemate-5/5. Now you see why he needed the boys...
TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago
Comrade Greentea - Marsh Harbour's Edision talks big talk about party unity but he either doesn't show up in support of his red party when it's time cast his MP's House vote, abstains from voting, or votes along with the PLP government.
As for Rollins, didn't he just have a run-in with one his red House MP colleagues during a House session only days ago?
It must be becoming more taxing than VAT during these times to openly admit being red supporter?
Economist 9 years, 1 month ago
LBT has acted like a leader, indeed, in the house, she IS the Leader of the Opposition when you read what she has been saying.
Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago
The Man Gone Crazy! I cannot believe Minnis is calling for four of the eight "elected' members - to be sacked - and leaves "appointed" Rolle in place untouched? It is now obvious that Rolle was sent to do his bidding. She was his mouth piece. I have never seen anything like this. All I can say is- fix this - NOW- Aint no way we can survive another five years of the PLP. But it aint no way I would vote for a party led by Hubert Minnis- No Way. If Minnis cannot handle a party- he D$%m sure cant handle the country. This place will be in all out anarchy with him in charge and we are almost there now. the fact that he has already thrown Ms. Gomez under the bus because of pressure from that slick talking Johnson tells us more than we need to know. Now this? Lord where is our David or Davidette- cause Saul has truly lost his way.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 1 month ago
They always lie and say they are for government in the sun shine. So what are they trying to hide, and why? Dr: Minnis knows those four members do not support him. So human nature would dictates " Get rid of them" only a real fool would not seek to have persons who support them around them. Now I am not a fan of the Doctor but I can understand his position.
Voltaire 9 years, 1 month ago
And that, Birdie, is why you are a perfect PLP. You see, FNMs are supposed to think about the good of party and country, not just themselves. Human nature has nothing to do with it. Elected officials are supposed to be dedicated to service, for the good of us all, not about getting "rid" of those who disagree with them in a cynical bid for power. Minnis embracing the "All for me, baby" culture makes him a creature best suited for the governing party, not the FNM – just like it does you.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 1 month ago
Minnis and the whole FNM crew are about power. They have no vision for this country? college of the Bahamas soon to be university , NI , Free high school .Just to name a few came out of the PLP. Now the FNM did open the airways, Take that to the bank. The FNM party does not care about the poor Bahamians.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
FNM cares more about the poor than PLP. They're just nerds which seem booshy , something PLP uses against the crowd they can spew vile lines to.
Not the original PLP. How do those schools look now? Adequate? What about the strong PLP settlements with no toileys?
birdiestrachan 9 years, 1 month ago
The FNM party built a shipping port for the rich and gave them 20 years monopoly. They sold the cable Company to the Canadians. "Bahamians need not apply" They just about gave BTC away. Now that Company will be selling BTC for huge profits, Bahamians did not even get the job to build the roads all of that money went out of the Country. and now we hear those at cable Bahamas say the money will stay in the Country. 100% Bahamian owned. All I have posted is truth and you nor any one else can say I lied. make all the excuses you wish the truth remains. Did you hear Ms: Butler Turner when she was caught red handed in her foolish utterance say she was a junior minister They all laughed at her in the house. Just fluff. plain and simple fluff. no substance.
banker 9 years, 1 month ago
Hate to burst your bubble, but the Canadians under Phil Keeping started Cable Bahamas, not the other way around.
Like all PLP's, you make up facts, present them as gospel, and then believe them wholeheartedly yourself.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
Have you watched this term at all?
Voltaire 9 years, 1 month ago
Birdie, it was you who said you understand the position that "only a real fool would not seek to have persons who support them around them". Who the cap fit, let them wear it.
Voltaire 9 years, 1 month ago
You call what the PLP have done "vision for this country"? Jokes! Don't get me wrong, the PLP on paper have always been laudable, but they have never matched that potential in practice, not for even a minute... instead they lined their grubby little pockets at the expense of the rest of us from day one. Any psychologist worth his salt will tell you that the 'drug years' presided over by the PLP are the direct cause of the two failed generations responsible for our current crime epidemic. The College of The Bahamas will soon be a university you say? More like the laughing stock of international tertiary education. You can't just stick a sign on the door that says 'university'. How may PHD courses they running? How many foreign institutions accepting their credit? Can UOB be taken seriously while run by a politically appointed plagiarist? If my son plagiarized, will they give him a free pass too? Maybe they will give him a salary in the hundreds of thousands, like Perry's friend Mr Smith gets. As usual with the PLP, all surface, zero substance. Free high school you say? Well, how is the PLP's system of secondary education working out for us? D- is an acceptable average, is it? A department of Education not just mired in corruption, incompetence and jobs for friends, family and lovers, but so saturated with the above that the gears ground to a halt a long time ago. A glorious 'vision' indeed. And then there is National Insurance, the political slush fund extraordinaire. A tax (so sayeth the Supreme Court of the Bahamas) collected from the public which by law should go into the Consolidated Fund where at least a modicum of transparency can be applied, has instead since day one been funneled into a separate 'fund' that only his eminence 'The Minister' has purview over, and he can distribute said money to his friends and associates at will without the public ever knowing. Meanwhile, retirees and the ill get a pittance, not nearly enough to live on for all their years of contribution. Please cut the nonsense. If you want to argue that both main parties have failed to act interest of the public then fine. But do not try to hold the PLP up as some paragon of visionary leadership in the public interest. It is simply laughable. What they are is a bunch of petty gangsters who talk a good talk and convince the gullible that they mean what they say, just before they shaft us all for their own personal benefit. They have been doing it for half a century. Lately, they are starting to actually let slip that all they care about is themselves, which is probably the biggest open secret in Bahamian history, but still. Hence, your 'understanding' of Dr Minnis acting selfishly making you a dyed in the wool PLP. That's all I'm saying.
UserOne 9 years, 1 month ago
Having read the "update" on this story, I would say The Tribune have a lot to answer for. It looks like irresponsible journalism where the facts were not checked. Shame on The Tribune. I feel less and less like reading this paper as the level of journalism has been sinking lower and lower and the fallout is serious when scandalous stories are being printed with no truth to them. Sir Etienne Dupuch must be turning in his grave.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
Per the update they tried to save him. Wonder how long he was containing his desire to expel. Wonder how long it took to finally calm dictator down. Making a grave mistake with leader if defending that action. Stop only reading BlameDem, an obviously paid fan club who's job was to prop ONLY him up from the start.
Voltaire 9 years, 1 month ago
UserOne - why you so quick to believe the Minnis camp's press release over and above The Tribune? Surely at the very lest, they should be treated with equal degrees of suspicion. Its not like Camp Minnis hasn't stooped to flinging BS at the public before...
Godson 9 years, 1 month ago
WOW what a storm... Joaquin was really a joke. In any event, have you all registered yet to vote in the next general election? If not, time to GET POLITICAL and be more than talk but part of the positive change - register now and encourage others to do so as well.
'GET POLITICAL', as apart from 'GETTING into the POLITICS'. By registering and GETTING POLITICAL, you are empowered to make a choice; with politics, the choice is already made for you and don't necessarily have to be a positive choice.
'GETTING POLITICAL' does not mean that you are an adherent and follower of any 'party'. It is a statement that you deiced to retain the power of choice to yourself.
LET'S GET POLITICAL campaign encourages and promotes your empowerment. EMPOWER YOURSELF!!! REGISTER TODAY!!!
Godson "Nicodemus' Johnson
John 9 years, 1 month ago
The PLP spin doctors and mischief makers are hard at work. This is just a preview of what's gonna happen over the next 14 months or so. Of course you would not expect this from the Tribune and obviously they did not verify there story.
John 9 years, 1 month ago
Once the damage is done it will take forever to repair it. And notice the one line correction under the heading of 'update' rather than "correction "
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
Publius 9 years, 1 month ago
The Tribune's story was in fact, not true.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
Was Guardian's?
Was the story of Loretta demanding a public apology?
Stapedius 9 years, 1 month ago
Why is the PLP being blamed? This is a mess of the FNM'S own making. The Tribune perhaps should've done a better job at researching before coming to print. The article has nothing to do with spin and all to do with people within the party being immature and selfish. Keep your mouths shut and the media will have nothing to report.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
And you think he would have said yes I was considering my disciplinary options? No, because they know it would be against the wishes of most. Hence secret meeting instead of just saying the party maybe forced to examine the post of so and so because of undoubted misconduct.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago
Minnis doesn't actually have anything on this set they hoped to blame. Who would expect Mrs. PINDLING to approve a request of no confidence for her party's easiest opposer?
birdiestrachan 9 years, 1 month ago
Voitare each and every individual is responsible for their actions and this includes those who are criminals and those with "D" grades. Even our creator gives us a free choice to choose whom we will serve. There are many persons who depend on their NI . because they worked all of their lives for very little and were unable to save and others had a great time and spent their money foolishly.
Now let me tell you it takes a thief and a gangster to know one and you seem to be very familiar with both.
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