Lightbourn told of criticism at FNM meeting


Tribune Staff Reporter


MONTAGU MP Richard Lightbourn said he was accused of being “racist” during a Free National Movement policy meeting, admitting to The Tribune yesterday that he is concerned efforts are underway in the party to define him as such because of his criticism of FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

He was contacted about the matter after The Tribune received a tip from a reliable source about rumoured efforts to discredit the MP.

Mr Lightbourn said he is aware of the criticism, adding that he had been informed that Tennyson Wells, a former parliamentarian and Cabinet minister, recently called him “racist.”

Mr Wells confirmed that he believes Mr Lightbourn is “racist” when contacted yesterday.

Though many have suggested that friction in the FNM stems from Dr Minnis’ leadership issues, Mr Wells offered a critique of a party he said is divided along racial lines and is reckoning with its history of being dominated by “white interests.”

Asked what the connection is between “racist motivations” and other black Bahamians in the party who are opposed to Dr Minnis, Mr Wells said: “There are a lot of Uncle Toms in the party.”

The controversy springs from Mr Lightbourn’s views on key platforms put forth by Dr Minnis, namely his promise to transform inner city communities into tax-free zones.

The plan aims to revitalise the communities by spurring business development in them through tax incentives.

Mr Lightbourn said when he argued in a policy meeting that the plan will not spur growth to the families that need it most, he was accused in the meeting of being a “racist” person who would prefer to give tax breaks to the “Bay Street Boys.”

“I intimated to them, that I have no problem with that policy, but the issue is what you portray as being the result of that policy,” Mr Lightbourn told The Tribune. “I don’t see how you can suggest you’ll give some big tax break Over-the-Hill and it will give a benefit. People can’t afford electricity and water for their house in the area. Yet you think their homes are just going to explode in profitability? When I said how I felt, it was thrown back at me that I was being racist and that I was happy giving that to the Bay Street Boys.”

The experience, he said, made him realise what he’s “dealing with.”

“You have to be careful of what you say in these settings,” the Montagu MP added.

However, Mr Wells indeed questioned Mr Lightbourn’s motive yesterday and said a growing number of people in the party are taking the view that racism is contributing to divisions within the FNM.

“When the platform committee was putting together an economic position to expand the city Over-the-Hill to get more benefits from tourism, Mr Lightbourn was opposed to that and said they weren’t capable and entitled to the same benefits people who owned property on Bay Street had,” Mr Wells said. “That sounds to me like a racist view. He opposed the position they were putting forward.”

Mr Wells, who resigned from the FNM to become an independent in 1999, said Dr Minnis is facing resistance from some in his party because he is “standing up for the poor and middle-class.”

“The white oligarchy has controlled the FNM since its inception for the last 40 years,” he added.

“This is the first time where the FNM has the possibility to represent the middle-class white people and middle-class black people. I support Minnis because he is putting forward a platform to extend the city over Over-the-Hill and make it more business friendly. But he is running into problems from the white oligarchy who has controlled the party forever.”

For his part, Mr Lightbourn suggested that he is often frustrated during meetings where Dr Minnis’ operatives – whom he described as “jokers” – try to intimidate various members through offensive behaviour.

Dr Minnis, however, could not be reached for comment yesterday.

On the accusations of racism, Mr Lightbourn said: “If this is involved as a message to discredit me and others not married to the leader, it’s a dangerous game to play.”

He added that Dr Minnis hasn’t demonstrated the ability to unite the party.

“Even if you suggest a convention people jump over you,” Mr Lightbourn said. “You’re dividing the party by telling us we ought to shut up and sit in a corner and do exactly what we are told. They have insecurity that they need to deal with and if Minnis is of the view that he is such a good potential leader then he should have no concern going to convention and getting people to support him.”

Mr Lightbourn’s statements come at a painful time for the FNM, a party that has struggled to maintain unity even as the Christie administration has grappled with several scandals this term.

Just yesterday former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson said he thought tensions were cooling down and that the members would meet in the next few weeks to work out their differences.

But when contacted and informed of Mr Lightbourn’s comments, another high-ranking party member lamented what he said would be another week of negative coverage for a party that has seen its dirty laundry aired in public recently.


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago

Did we not get rid of Tennyson Wells a few years back?

Can we keep him out please?

The FNM does not need that loser to come back. Who really cares what Tennyson says? Other than a judge of course.....

reverendrichlive 9 years, 1 month ago

Mr. Well knows of what he speaks. Most open-minded Bahamians are aware of the old UBP control of the FNM. There is nothing " Free " about and within the FNM. Our great Father of the country use to say the same thing, until the FNM can shake off the " haunting ghost " of the UBP they will never be viewed as authentic to the Bahamian masses. The RACIST spirit of the UBP MUST BE CAST OUT AND CAST OFF. Minnis, listen to Mr. Wells...a man who was apart of but separated himself and ran and won as an Independent. Get rid off the ole BAY STREET BOYS, they have never thought anything good of our Independence from that racist country, Britain...I still remember how the Concky Joes wanted Abaco to stay with their bastard masters, Britain when we were pursuing our Independence.

Honestman 9 years, 1 month ago

Sadly, the DNA is more of a one man show than a party. Branville will prove to be nothing more than a distraction unless he can encourage some big hitters to join him. If it was going to happen it would have happened by now in my opinion.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 1 month ago

So basically anybody who opposes Dr Minnis is racist or an Uncle Tom. Lol. You cannot make this up. The party is destroying themselves from the inside. These issues existed before Lsmisha Rolle spoke up, but my God look at the gigantic ball of confusion she has unleased

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

Who was Adam and Who was Eve? Don't complain Adam... Don't say the woman you gave me made me do it... take responsibility for the choices and action you make!!!

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 1 month ago

That's a very good point!!

proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations to Perry on winning 2017!

Honestman 9 years, 1 month ago

The FNM needs to rebrand and just call itself "PLP Lite". The country needs a vibrant new party with a new vision for the country and a new and trustworthy leader. It seems that the FNM is not really serious about becoming a governing party. The FNM appears to be in complete disarray at a time when the country is crying out for a clear headed and self assured opposition party. Meanwhile over at "Incompetence HQ" the blundering PLP continues to get a free ride whilst stockpiling tanks and grenades just in case they are needed!!!

reverendrichlive 9 years, 1 month ago

The country has anew party, THE DNA ! They just need to put forth their vision and platform more aggressively to the Bahamian people. Their weakness is that they appear too soft, so, they are not being taken seriously. Get in the other parties face, get press, learn from Trump, say things that will get people talking. " Out of sight, out of mind." that adage is still true today. I am available should the DNA to whip the other parties....how much ya'll paying ? LOL !

EasternGate 9 years, 1 month ago

I don't believe that Lightbourn is racist. I do believe that Wells is a greedy opportunist. Keep this man far away from the FNM!

sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago

true statement .......... and a elitist bigot

Economist 9 years, 1 month ago

Sad when the only support Minnis can get is some old "has been" politician.

Resign Dr. Minnis, for the sake of the Bahamian people.

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

Politics can expose one to any number of mindsets. It brings together men and women from all background and walks of life. This is often necessary in order to get things done and promote peace and harmony in an orderly and civil society. However, this articles demonstrates that anything said by a Bahamian Politician of very light pigmentation run the risk of being interpreted and called by the lowest, primitive and base mindsets as being racist remarks.

On one hand, if the white Bahamians were not to get involve in Bahamian politics, they run the sure prospect of being called racist elitist. When they do get involve, thank God they do because we all must, but whatever the contribution they make, or say, it is susceptible of being called racist remarks by this base few. Mr. Lightbourn ought to know by now that this sort of expression represent only some... but the majority of stable and right thinking Bahamians can filter this bitter and vile diatribe out and disregard it as pure hate. He must rise above it as he has shown himself to be able to.

But coming from a 'Statesman', the comments made by the 'Honorable' Mr. Tennyson Wells cannot bid well for his reputation to promote a peace and harmony in Our Beloved Country. The vileness of his statements voice the echoes of a senile mind already in an advanced stage of mental regression. To compound his psychosis, Mr. Wells is driven and blinded by his own hate and personal regrets.

We all should be aware and cautious as to what we allow to filter through to our minds. Thank you.

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrades I doesn't think "racist" has one clear-cut meaning, so if someone calls you "racist", are they then calling you "a" racist?
But I while I think it is unfair to tag Richard as one, even the member from Montagu, must know that there are red shirts that still think this is the Bahamaland of the 1950's/60's?
Likewise there are PLP's with the same 1950's/60's mindset.
I mean like still over 40 years later, there has be "some" pretty damn good reason, way so many whites - just can't bring themselves to celebrate Bahamaland's Independence Day's?
Don't dare bring up the part about there being no interest at all to even recognize Bahamaland's National Heroes Day's?
To far too many them reds - back, white and lick-da-brushes, that day is but a big PLP sponsored joke.

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

TalRussell, though they sound similar, there is a distinction between a 'racist' point of view and a 'racial' point of view - if that is what you meant to say. In ant event, I wrote an essay on this subject. Lord Denning of the House of Lords etc etc etc... was accused of being a racist; whereas, he being an mathematician, and, at the same time, a top legal jurist, was cognitive of the racial distinctions that can influence human behaviors from one ethic group from a next. As a consequence, he gave an opinion and was accused for making racist remarks. He was old and took this as a signal to go into retirement. Knowledge is key my friend...

proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago

Not registered yet.

Not really seeing any compelling reason to register.....

Just saying.....

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

Boi go get registered... don't get caught with ya pants down.... go register ASAP.

GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago

How is not a racist in this country? You can not be a selective racist, i.e. vis a vis Haitians and not vis a vis other people. The other thought I had is whether the Minnis minions dare to take on Symmonette next - he is the other white dude that will be up against Minnis. Good luck with that. What is bothering though is that whatever comes out from behind closed doors, is not being address by the great leader of the FNM, rather he sends minions out to "justify", "rectify" and "deny".

cmiller 9 years, 1 month ago

I personally find that black Bahamians are far more racist that the white Bahamians. Even light skinned Bahamians are racist against the darker tones. I am black, by the way. Just sayin.......

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade CMiller, the worst is the Vanilla-lites. Yes, cause a lick-da-brush will ether go as white or coloured but not them Vanilla lites - tis all white socializing them lites.

BBrenner 9 years, 1 month ago

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Sometimes,you make no sense.

Sickened 9 years, 1 month ago

My lord, we are playing this card again?

I'm really starting to believe that our beautiful Bahamas would be better off without any friggin' Bahamians. We can't get out of our own way!!!

We are like a chef that dishes up the perfect meal... and then spits on the friggin' plate.

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Sickened what in da hell u do dat chief?
I wouldn't want to Imagine a world without all the humour racism has provided us mere mortals. Two black fisherman's in the 1960's walks into a Conchy Joe's bar on Spanish Wells Island and .......................????

BBrenner 9 years, 1 month ago

Racist humour i can live without. I "can" imagine a world without it .I don't need jokes like you suggest. Everything has to be labeled by you when you try to debate an issue on here.Them reds ,them whites, them conchy joes, them vanilla lites....You get personel and it detracts from the issue we are here to talk about.

banker 9 years, 1 month ago

If you knew what you were talking about, you would have known that Spanish Wells was dry in the 1960's, and I do believe that it is to this day. One must take the gubmint ferry to that yeller liquor store on da udder side on Lutra.


EnoughIsEnough 9 years, 1 month ago

Banker - if you knew what YOU were talking about you would know that Spanish Wells is not dry and has not been for some time. There are a few "liquor stores" and there is a restaurant on the point which serves amazing cocktails and other liquors.

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

......................... “There are a lot of Uncle Toms in the FNM party.” ...............................

Mr. Tennyson Wells is absolutely correct and we all know what he's saying to be true!

Its no secret MP Richard Lightbourn has always been, and still is a racist and it is also his right as an individual to be racist.

The FNM is the well known direct spawn of the racist UBP party that couldn't win another election and actually hired Hubert Alexander Ingraham as a "black face" to put forth to the black electorate and do their bidding.

Hubert Ingraham the biggest Uncle Tom in the entire country sold out Bahamians to the UBP/FNM and systematically dismantled virtually every protective policy for Bahamians put in place by former PM Sir Lynden Pindling which led to the destruction of both lower and middle class's in our country and the serious dire straights we now find ourselves.

See any poor white Bahamians begging for handouts, losing homes & jobs?

None of this is "shock and awe" news.

Simply look at where Bahamians are today vs where we were 20 years ago before little emperor Ingraham the puppet sold out to the FNM/UBP and implemented their plan to "take their country back"

Thank you Mr. Tennyson Wells for having the fortitude to call a spade a damn spade!

DDK 9 years, 1 month ago

SP. I believe you are full of baloney! Where do you do your research for your fiction? Are YOU by chance a racist?

Economist 9 years, 1 month ago

The FNM is a spawn of the FreePLP not the UBP. The BDP was the off shoot of the UBP not the FNM. The FNM absorbed the BDP.

Correct me if I am wrong Tal, but that is my recollection.

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Economists tell me something. How many UBP's were elected as FNM MP's during the 1972 General Election?

Economist 9 years, 1 month ago

Man Tal, you are correct. There were 5 UBPs. The BDP was formed afterwards and ran in the 1977 election. Thanks, I knew you would set me straight if I was wrong.

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

..... Absolutely! Well said. F%^&'em all! I wouldn't vote for any of them! ......

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 1 month ago

Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle black! Wells has been preying on white foreigners for years. He has amassed a small personal fortune by peddling his influence to grab a gratis 10% or 15% of whatever successful business endeavours many white foreigners have brought to our shores. As for Minnis, well let's just say it's pretty much common knowledge among his family and close friends that he is and will always be racist to the core. Minnis playing the race card on someone else in an effort to become PM is like the devil taking communion from the Pope in order to take St. Peter's guard post at the gate to heaven! Count me among the younger black Bahamians under age 55 who know dirty deceitful politics are at play whenever the subject of race rears its ugly head. Can't help but wonder if Minnis thinks all of those yellow people in our country today are more white than black. Same goes for all of the "mango coloured" ones in our community who may be a tad lighter than Minnis himself! The FNM is doomed as a political organization if it doesn't soon jettison Minnis, and Christie knows it; hence Christie's wry smile and belief that the PLP can get away with just about anything these days.

iamcitizen 9 years, 1 month ago

Tennyson Wells is obviously repeating Dr. Minnis' racial sentiments characterizing white Bahamians and black Bahamians who do not support Minnis as "racists" and "uncle toms", respectively.

Minnis, aided by Wells is creating new divisions within the FNM along racial lines.

Minnis needs to publicly repudiate these remarks failing which he should resign! He is unfit to lead the Free National Movement..much less The Bahamas..

themessenger 9 years, 1 month ago

The sad part of it is that black people have all but destroyed our country in a short 43 years but we still blaming the white people because its convenient and we don't like what we see in the mirror.

thomas 9 years, 1 month ago

It is convenience for some and ignorance for the rest, all ultimately destroying us

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

1967 general election confirmed 49.5% of "Uncle Toms" voted to stay in UBP bondage

The general elections of January 10, 1967 both the PLP and the UBP won 18 seats and the remaining two seats went to Randol Fawkes of the Labour Party and Alvin Braynen, a white Independent.

The UBP then offered Randol Fawkes a blank check to buy his support and form the next government but Mr. Fawkes refused the bribe and went with the PLP which enabled them to form the government.


The UBP realizing they would NEVER AGAIN regain power with a white leader after black majority rule, came up with a strategy to find someone that "looks like us, acts like us BUT listened to THEM". The UBP again returned to the "blank check" bribery tactic, this time offered to Hubert Alexander Ingraham who accepted the bribe to be their puppet errand boy and return the country to its original oppressors hiding behind a black face.

Attorney Michael Scott, live, on Peace Radio made it clear to the nation in no uncertain terms "People of his hue will not support or put any money behind Dr. Minnis"

If telling the truth makes me racist, then so be it!

themessenger 9 years, 1 month ago

And how far in the bottom of the rum bottle was Michael Scott that day when he spoke on behalf of ALL the white folks??? This man has no credibility and you don't need his opinions to make your case SP, you doing a good job of highlighting your racial tendencies on your own.

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

Lol....This truth business is a very painful thing isn't it?....We must face it for what it is, and move on.

jackbnimble 9 years, 1 month ago

Anyone who has come into contact with Richard Lightbourn knows he is the "blackest" white man you can meet and he doesn't have a racist bone in his body. You could not meet a more friendly, down-to-earth politician/attorney with more black friends than most of us. If they are playing the race card, they are clearly becoming desperate.

Wells is clearly trying to make in-roads. His real nemesis is Hubert Ingraham and I believe he's just so glad to get in good with anyone as leader who will keep HAI out and get back him back in he'll support a frog. Can you say "boot licker" - and I'm using this word in place of a word that I would prefer to put here but can't.

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

Well said jackbnimble... he doesn't have a racist blood or body cell in him, let alone a racist bone. Mr. Wells failed us all in his comments. He owes Mr. Lightbourn and this Country an apology.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 1 month ago

Lol, I'm sure that's the phrase jackbnimble was going for

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Man Tal, you are correct. There were 5 UBPs. The BDP was formed afterwards and ran in the 1977 election. Thanks, I knew you would set me straight if I was wrong.
Comrade Economists no, not 5 but all 9 of the 9 FNM Candidates elected to the Honourable House of Assembly during the 1972 General Election were UBP's. Not one single Free PLP won a seat - not one - including Cecil Wallace-Whitfield. The UBP's all ran as the party 100% OPPOSED to Bahamaland's Independence.
My question is - what much have changed since with the mentality FNM since 1972? You had know the party was heading for voter rejection when "Bumpy" Watkins became the FNM's 1972 spokesman.
A name change is but a name change, right....cause we see brightly with Mnnis's leadership how the same damn crew of UBP's still think they are in control over the FNM..right?
Comrade economist you must cease and desist from ever again proclaiming how the FNM as a political party at any time since 1972 resembled anything remotely close to the Free PLP's likeness.
I'd say if anything, the FNM became more a party made up of rejected and disgruntle PLP politicians, than Free PLP's. Right?

Mmantle7 9 years, 1 month ago

Living in Nassau for One Year. I loved the cultural harmony of the Bahamian People that I encountered at PMH.

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

... Meanwhile Turks & Caicos Premier and MP's exposed of Bahamas style corruption ...


Anyone care to speculate WHERE Premier Michael Misick learned corruption 101 and how to manipulate crown land and concessions to developers so fast?


Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

All this cynicism about white Bahamian is ours to debate... but as soon as we are finish tearing each other down, we might decide to visit #1 Bay Street (the most sacred piece of land in the whole Country where Colonel Woodes Rogers first landed) where we will discover that the Chinese have eaten our breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We will soon have another diverse ethnic group to cuss at (the Chinese). But ask some of these anonymous characters to man up, stand up and voice themselves in a fight for what is rightfully theirs??? BUSH CRACKED... man they been gone!!!...

Reality_Check 9 years, 1 month ago

SP, try as you may to rewrite Bahamian history or confuse others with your own (no doubt) racial emotions and muddled views born from a weak mind vulnerable to propaganda, the facts shall always remain the facts. You remind me of Fwreddy Boy and his persistent efforts to distort Bahamian history.

asiseeit 9 years, 1 month ago

Smoke and mirrors and a disservice to the country. Bahamians need to stop this stupidity. Certain groups in this country are totally self serving. This must stop if this country is to stand a chance. PLP's holding other Bahamians down, FNM's holding other Bahamians down, Black against Black, Bahamian against Bahamian, White against Black, Black against White. It serves the best interests of NO ONE and is destroying our country. Stop fighting your own people, stop holding your own people down, OR LETS JUST GET IT ON AND DESTROY THE COUNTRY ONCE AND FOR ALL! YOUR CHOICE!

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

asiseeit... I FULLY ENDORSE WHAT YOU HAVE EXPRESSED. Let's us now be proactive about what you stated; while we also pray to the LORD for direction... WE MUST NOT "GET ON AND DESTROY" OUR BELOVED COUNTRY. Destruction is not my choice; I hope it's not yours as well.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago

The most racist group in this country are the Pingdomites ......... they do not want to give up their black kleptocracy .............. do you see how quickly they fall back on the old UBP story???

themessenger 9 years, 1 month ago

@asiseeit, LETS JUST GET IT ON AND DESTROY THE COUNTRY ONCE AND FOR ALL! YOUR CHOICE! Well ma brudda, we ain gatta work too hard on dat because a pretty good job on dat already bin did,we have become a nation of beggars and thieves incapable of governing ourselves. We need to take a page out of Shane Gibsons book and make it mandatory to have a certain IQ level before being allowed to vote and based on that we would probably never have another election.

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Calm down Comrades, y'all bloggers best stop taking them red moods enhancing pills, cause them medications side effects known brings severe embarrassments - once you starts believing your own BS posts.

BBrenner 9 years, 1 month ago

We could say the same to you Tal, except your pills are yellow.

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

Real debate needs to be how ALL OF US have been repeatedly raped by the FNM & PLP

This Turks & Caicos corruption case reads verbatim to classic Bahamas government modus operandi


asiseeit 9 years, 1 month ago

Bahamians have a choice, either stop bickering and do what is best for the ENTIRE country or continue as we have been doing. It is painfully obvious that how it is going now is totally unsustainable. The mismanagement of our country must be put in check. There have been great strides in the last 50 years but there are just way to many practices that are very unhealthy for the ENTIRE Bahamas. We ALL know what these practices are and we all know who is guilty of using these practices for PERSONAL GAIN. These are the real enemy's, Bahamians just need to stop falling for their smoke and mirrors.

Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago

"The controversy springs from Mr Lightbourn’s views on key platforms put forth by Dr Minnis, namely his promise to transform inner city communities into tax-free zones." Now if this tax free zone thing means "duty free" zones then that is ripe for corruption and I can't support that. But if it means that they will cancel VAT for instance to spur business to develop and or return to the inner city then that is a pretty good idea. Right now businesses have to pay 7.5 vat on their products and then the consumer pays another 7.5 Vat when they purchase the product from them= 15%- The elimination of that would make a substantial difference in consumer services because it is enough to encourage businesses to move back over the Hill and consumers to come there- if folks don't get greedy. It also would have a side effect of improving the look and vitality of the area, decreasing crime. Theoretically- I think it is a good idea. The only resistance to this- if this is actually what the FNM is considering - would be the perceived fall out from major businesses in other parts of the island- special interests who are probably owned by many white Bahamians. Though this dimension is racially informed, it does not mean that they are actually racist. It means that they are protecting their economic interests. Unfortunately, this LOOKS very BAD and is- IMO- TERRIBLE. Why? Because it indicates a kind of self absorption and a dis-interest in the welfare of poorer Bahamians by the white business elite, that just can't work for the country moving forward. I suggest that business owners (white, black and otherwise) get on board and move some business branches to the hood. Minnis and the crew have to do better with their language. Make the issues clear. And stop resorting to throwing unproductive lowness.

Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago

I do agree that customs duties should be eliminated for all and not a select few- but I am not against business incentives for over the hill. Something needs to be done. The roads project devastated businesses along Blue Hill and Market street. They shut and never reopened. Governance isn't about pure economics-it is about cultivating a society or making it seem as if you are cultivating a society where there is equal opportunity for all- and attention given to all sectors of life. This has NEVER been the case in the Bahamas. So to encourage business over the hill with Tax incentives is not a bad thing- how to police and monitor this is another story- but Over the Hill has been abused, neglected, taken for granted and its populations for the most part dumbed down for far too long. I was raised in the inner city and I have a good life now, but I also have a good memory. While growing up I watched as AIDS, drugs, teen pregnancy, a lack of education, poor health, stress, violence,poor choice upon poor decision killed too many people. And we think of then compared to now as the good old days! I cant imagine what its like now to grow up in places like Bain Town, Grants Town, Coconut Grove and Montell Heights. Can't imagine. But this country needs to figure out a way to stimulate these areas and put some real 'help and hope' in the minds of the people. I am no Minnis supporter- but I can appreciate a real attempt at trying to to something real and meaningful for these areas.

SP 9 years, 1 month ago

...... Turks island "Omen" for Bahamas grouping of corrupt friends, family and lovers ....


It will be a day of tremendous pleasure and great triumph for all Bahamians when we too root out and prosecute Bahamian political friends, family and lovers group of thieves that have destroyed our country and people!

Soon come!


NJLNJL 8 years, 7 months ago

In the future Members of Parliament should be made to swear to an Oath:


I swear by Almighty God that I am not a Lesbian and/or Homosexual nor a racist and will try my endeavor best not to promote any religion or organization that support such practices,so help me God.

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