Tribune Staff Reporter
THE execution of the Christie administration’s “tougher measures” to combat crime now rests with the commissioner of police, Prime Minister Perry Christie said yesterday.
Speaking with reporters, Mr Christie said he has had “very strong” meetings with Commissioner Ellison Greenslade over “the last 48 hours” on crime, and subsequently expects the police chief to outline those strategies when he delivers his annual police statistics report.
When asked by The Tribune when he would unveil tougher crime policies, Mr Christie said: “I am not going to pretend to be the commissioner of police. The commissioner of police has had very strong meetings with me in the last 48 hours. I expect the commissioner of police in his annual report to speak to what’s going to happen.”
He added: “I’ve already said to the people of The Bahamas what to expect.”
The country recorded 149 murders last year, the highest ever in the history of The Bahamas. The previous murder record came in 2011, under the Ingraham administration, which saw 127 killings that year.
Just one week into 2016, the country has already recorded two homicides.
Last month, Mr Christie vowed that the government would introduce “tougher measures” to combat crime in 2016. During his Christmas address to the nation, Mr Christie said reducing crime is “a challenge of the highest priority” and the government is determined to “wrestle it to the ground in the New Year.”
On Tuesday, Free National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard said the noticeable disconnect within the Christie administration has played a factor in the skyrocketing levels of crime in the country, leaving Bahamians under “siege” by criminals.
In an interview with The Tribune, the senator said while citizens await the government’s much talked about new crime initiatives, the Christie administration has turned to “scapegoating” as a public relations campaign in an attempt to free itself of any blame for the country’s crime woes.
Mr Pintard further called on the government to reveal what it plans to do with the $20m it received from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to aid in the fight against crime.
On Wednesday, a resident of the Bain and Grants Town constituency described having to move out of the area for fear of an ongoing “turf war” that has resulted in a relentless wave of shootings by various factions of the inner-city community.
Emac 9 years ago
My God! How much longer do the Bahamian people have to suffer from this disgusting, incompetent man. Lives and being lost every week in this country and the only solution this inept, wanna be leader can come up with is passing the bucks??? Wow...I mourn for the Bahamas. But on the other hand, the Bahamian people got exactly what they asked for. It is sad that most of the crimes committed in the inner city, take place in the exact areas that fully support this wutless government. The big question is, will they learn this time??? Or will the PLP spin their webs and tangle the gullible masses again???
TheMadHatter 9 years ago
Fried chicken and beer during election week - works every time. 2017 will be no exception. The same faces you've seen in Parliament the last 4 years, along with a host of those that were there the five years prior to that - will be right back in the seat again - just a few swaps here and there to give the illusion of democracy.
I share your emotions on this - but only 8% of voters voted for someone other than FNM & PLP during the last election. I doubt that percentage will increase much this time.
People like to complain - but the truth is that they do not mind living in poverty and giving their children poor educations and for them to grow up and have sorrowful jobs just like they do - so long as they are allowed to vote the same way that their grandparents did.
One guy I spoke to on the street a few months back told me that his father and his grandfather were both (party name), and he does not plan to change. In addition, he told me that he believes it doesn't matter who is in the House - that nothing will improve. With that attitude I don't know why he bothers to ink his finger.
Emac 9 years ago
Wow...I can relate to your last sentence. But I am hoping that those are the old school voters. The thing is, although social media has it downfalls,the flip side is that it brings the truth to the masses, sometimes in real time. Gone are the days when people could be controlled by one television or radio. Besides, I really think that the youth of this country will swing the vote in one direction or the other. Most of them are certainly not emulating their parents or grandparents. To them, Pindling means nothing!
TheMadHatter 9 years ago
I pray you are right. Hopefully we will get a whole new crew this time -and I don't mean a new old crew that were there before. Both the PLP and FNM are great and have done good things for our country. I don't hate either of them. It is simply the fact that they have been in power too long and just naturally have lost touch with the plight of the common man. The concept is simply too far removed from them.
In addition, everyone knows that in order to combat crime we need to stop popping out puppies every 9 months, esp. by women under then age of 21 - and in order to do that you need the help of the church leaders - and there is no way they are going to allow sexual education in the schools or access to proper methods of birth control.
No politician will go against them (wisely so), and the people themselves will not stop giving them money every Sunday morning. So, in effect, the politicians are simply give the people exactly what they are asking for.
If Government creates 5000 new jobs, but teenagers create 8000 new people - then you have simply added 3000 new unemployed persons to our country. (Yes, I know they need to grow to be 18, but this has been going on for more than 18 years and so we are reaping the results of those who did this 18 years ago).
Continue to pray for our nation. Best wishes to all.
Honestman 9 years ago
The Commissioner of Police can only apprehend criminals after the fact. Most Bahamians believe he is doing a decent enough job on that score. Government is falling down because we have too many illegal guns in the country, an administration of justice system that is simply not working. We have a biased and incompetent Attorney General, a court system that is a shambles, prosecutors unable to bring perpetrators to justice in a timely fashion leading to too many thugs out on bail. How many murderers have been prosecuted since the PLP came to power in 2012 versus the number of murders that have taken place during the same time? This is where government is failing. Christie et al are looking for a scapegoat and the Commissioner is an easy target. Having said that, if the Commissioner has been given a mandate to implement tough new measures then the public expects to see evidence of these measures being implemented.
TruePeople 8 years, 12 months ago
AGREED! - i for one think the commish is one of the few ppl who are actually fighting crime, and i hear him always saying he wishes he had the necessary support from the gov't for him and the police force at large to accomplish their job. I hear him crying that even though they is be arresting people, them same people is quick quick quick be out on bail causing the same crimes they'd just got arrested for....
and now with PGC arse want to pass off the whole crime fight to the commish?!?!?! bey PGC, why you don't make Greenslade the PM?!?!
Y'all afriad he guh arrest yall azz too aye?
John 9 years ago
The most effective way to kill a snake is to cut its head off. So far most of the efforts were focused on attacking the symptoms of a society gone wrong. More efforts need to be focused on disciplining and rearing of young men before they need to be in police custody. Restoring the family structure, more spiritual guidance and the desire to resist anti social behavior and crime. This along with a strong police force and properly functioning judicial system will break the back of crime.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years ago
Christie is clearly suffering from dementia. He just has no appreciation or understanding whatsoever that it is his very own failed social and economic policies (not to mention his penchant for promoting corruption and organized crime) which have resulted in Bahamians and visitors to the Bahamas being terrorized by and falling victim to rampant out-of-control crime.
TalRussell 9 years ago
Comrade PM there are a growing number countries maximum security prisons who would be more than happy to rent out jail cells to those bad apples classed either as dangers offenders or trouble making inmates.
PM why not prepare to restructure Her Majesty's Fox Hill Prison as a low security center and allow detainees to continue to work and live within their communities - once they have earned their special privileges?
Why punish wives, children and parents by locking-up their "no threat society "family members in some filthy stinky prison cell?
PM have you ever asked for an itemized accounting of what crimes were committed that would justify jailing some 1800 lost souls behind overcrowded and filthily jail cell bars Fox Hill Prison?
The truth is guaranteed be most unsettling to such a God fearing PM!
asiseeit 9 years ago
If the P.M. is so god fearing then why is he so UN-christian. It is a sin to LIE, and we all know he is the head teller of fibs. I would say a sense of GREED is more of a driver of our P.M. than a fear of god.
Emac 9 years ago
I agree 100% with your statement! Unfortunately, everyone goes on his or her merry way not realizing that everyone is impacted by hardened prisoners and detainees of petty crimes who reenter society and are not reformed.
TalRussell 9 years ago
Comrade we beg Her Majesty to send over either of the two successors Her Majesty's English Throne (our colonial motherland's future King) all dressed in battle gear along with battle ship full English marines to occupy the overcrowded walled-in blocks Fox Hill's most disgusting incubator future offenders - since back days when Blackbeard and Captain Cook.sailed Bahamaland's sea waters with their crews skull & bones gangs killers and thieves.
cmiller 9 years ago
I want to see Greenslade back on the job again after elections, but not Christie. Nuff said?
TalRussell 9 years ago…
DEDDIE 9 years ago
I don't know how the PM could expect the commissioner to solve the problem of God-less, unemployable, fatherless youths with no-social skills roaming the inner city looking to earn their so call strips.
TruePeople 8 years, 12 months ago
he just want someone else responsible cus is only so long you can say you have the solution to the crime problem while the crime problem is actually getting dramatically worse.
This way, he just gone blame the Police, sabotage the police force more, let the wanton disregard for human life and decency prevail, and hope that he's looking nice and baby powdered for 2017.
Y'all ein kno these politrickians yet aye? i kno dem long time
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