Tribune News Editor
FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis broke his silence on the rift within his party last night, releasing a statement which said that the “personal comments” voiced by his colleagues over the past few days “would have better served our cause” if shared internally.
However, Dr Minnis sought to downplay the party discord, stressing that there “are no irreconcilable differences that the FNM family members face, and it is my hope and prayer that this will become very clear to those who wish to see this PLP led government gone.”
His statement came almost a week after FNM Senator Lanisha Rolle set off a firestorm of controversy after she accused Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner and other FNM MPs of being “jealous” of Dr Minnis.
Mrs Rolle also said the Bahamian public would never vote for Mrs Butler-Turner as prime minister over Perry Christie and suggested that she “humble” herself before the FNM leader.
The senator’s remarks drew rebuke from several FNMs, including Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn and former Minister of State for the Environment Phenton Neymour. However some in the FNM, including founding father Maurice Moore and Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key, rallied around Mrs Rolle and her statements. The issue has put the strained relations in the FNM back in the national spotlight.
But last night, Dr Minnis said these “temporary family exchanges will pass.”
He added: “The personal comments of several of my colleagues would have better served our cause had they been shared internally where every one of them without exception has an opportunity to do so with the full protection of the chairman and organs of the party. After all, it is inside the privacy of our family tent that the results sought can be fairly pursued and not in the public domain. Constant public debates about family matters assist the governing party and others who wish for us to stumble and fumble away a rare opportunity to lead this great country that is in need of change.”
While he did not specifically refer to Senator Rolle’s statements, or the scathing criticism they received from some quarters, Dr Minnis said: “The FNM does not endorse the public analysis or criticisms - including those that imputed motives - of our members of Parliament, senators and senior party members in ways that can cause reputational damage or cause loss of support for them and by extension the FNM. Each such instance where this has occurred was unfortunate and unhelpful to the mission – providing a caring and competent government – we are on. Our energies are best directed dissecting this ineffective PLP led administration. “We value each member of Parliament, senator, officer and member of our organisation and wish for each of you to know that we care about your welfare and involvement even when we see things differently. For those that have left our organisation, please know that our doors remain open and the fatted calf is available to help us rejoice upon your return.
“Rest assured that, daily we have and will work harder to lower the temperature of the spirited debates in our organisation so that the near certain victory that is within our grasp is not lost. We will work in tandem to create a new and better Bahamas with the help of the almighty God.”
Dr Minnis’ statement came a day after former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson told The Tribune that Mrs Rolle has “no sense” and that her appointment to the Upper Chamber was one of the FNM leader’s “tragic mistakes.”
When contacted for reaction to Mrs Rolle’s critique of FNM MPs, Mr Watson said of her appointment to the Senate last year: “She had no right to it. She has not earned it. One of (Dr Minnis’) tragic mistakes was to put someone like that in the Senate who has no political experience, no party experience and no sense.”
“It’s a very unfortunate circumstance that she as a senator determines she will get in the public domain to criticise members of Parliament who people voted for.”
On Sunday, Mr Lightbourn told The Tribune he found Mrs Rolle’s criticism appalling and he hoped the issue would be addressed by Dr Minnis.
iamcitizen 9 years, 2 months ago
This statement by Dr. Minnis is nothing more than a hackneyed cant laced with insincerity. It failed to address and ameliorate the crisis within the FNM. Instead he sought to rationalize and justify Senator Rolle's egregious attack on her colleagues by invoking her right to freedom of expression in a feeble attempt at masking and minimizing same.
As his statement was vacuous. I offer no further comment.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 2 months ago
He couldn't give a shit. Probably coached for once.
DillyTree 9 years, 2 months ago
What a wishy-washy statement, Mr. Minnis! This is exactly why you are not a leader and never will be. Please resign now!
killemwitdakno 9 years, 2 months ago
He meant Watson, clearly not Rolle.
TruePeople 9 years, 2 months ago
keep it in the family?! Bey! Get ya damn house in order!
Economist 9 years, 2 months ago
It is clear that the FNM is split and that Minnis is the cause.
banker 9 years, 2 months ago
If you think that LBT is leadership material and a statesman, think again. She is a gussie mae who bitch slapped Rollins. Yeah real class man! Just what this country needs -- another leader who can't control themselves and act with class.
TalRussell 9 years, 2 months ago
Comrades over past weeks I has been in the spirit searching guidance which out of the two most public reds who would be the one most likely to attract Milo Butler's social and political ideologies leaning PLP's to vote for red candidates come the 2017 General - will shock many but think about it?
The best chance by far of attracting Milo's PLP's - becomes so glaring when you examine the differences in who are the people these two individuals most appeal to, and it isn't his granddaughter Loretta but Dr. Minnis.…
killemwitdakno 9 years, 2 months ago
Exactly, PLPs want the original PLP back, she's essentially dissident 8 .
Emac 9 years, 2 months ago
Banker, Banker,Banker: Do you believe in polls? No matter what our personal opinions are regarding LB and HM, most people who comment on this online forum supports Loretta Butler over Hubert Minnis. Now you can say that the majority of people here are wrong or even foolish. The hardcore fact is that you can use the opinions here as a mini poll and compare it to the wider population. Just saying. Remember, the people who comment here are all voters. Some are sneaky under cover political operatives. But the majority are hardworking Bahamians who want to see the Bahamas move forward, and are fed up with these politicians who don't give a dam about them!
By the more than 84% of readers believes that the FNM should select a new leaders. That's a lot wouldn't you say?????…
Emac 9 years, 2 months ago
*believe Sorry for the messed up grammar.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 2 months ago
This poll should have been done at every action he made, much more often. I fault tribune for complying with orders to be hushed. What kind of examining of leadership have we been able to do without survey!
Zakary 9 years, 2 months ago
The hardcore fact is that you can use the opinions here as a mini poll and compare it to the wider population.
What you state here is merely an assumption. If that poll was still open, I could write a script that would easily reverse those results ten fold.
This forum does not reflect the wider population. The voices on here are a very very small minority.
In any event, the opposition leader can only do one of two things, he can call a convention or not call a convention. In the grander scheme of things, this current government still has the tactical advantage. When the “real” democratic process starts it’ll be the unforgiving electorate who decides what’s going down.
Memories are getting dim, but that’s just an indicator that politics is very much alive. The newspapers really entertained me this week.
banker 9 years, 2 months ago
No, I don't believe in these online polls. What people don't understand about Minnis, is that because he doesn't jump into the fray each and every time some politician has vocal flatulence, doesn't mean that he is a poor leader. He is the Opposition leader, and he has two jobs (1) consolidate his own forces -- by showing the door to the loser FNMs who have entitlement issues and (2) prepare the policy to govern.
Talk is cheap everywhere, and Minnis has shown that he doesn't trade in cheap talk. In the Westminster System, with a minority of 8 seats, he has no political power. The best that he can do, is consolidate his internal power in the FNM.
But somehow, some FNMs believe that because he doesn't rant, roar, bellow, bitch-slap or call attention to himself, that he is not a leader. Leadership is a holistic spectrum that involves managing what you can when you can, and knowing the difference. But with the bush-league gussie mae yapping at his heels, he has been as one poster put - cool and collected. He knows that if he pulled a Hubigetty and kicked the gussie mae's behind, it would politically backfire and engender more support for her among the unwashed.
Y'all have strange ideas of what a leader is. He is consolidating his forces, eliminating the malcontents, and moving forward with winning an election. Any more rhetoric against Crisco-Butt and his merry band of klepocrats is a waste of breath. Even a child can see that the PLP are the venomous scum that they are. So why bother?
All this to say, is that this is a real circus, and the Bahamas will get the leader that they deserve next year. That will be the measure of enlightenment among the Bahamian people.
I know enough to know that any opinion that I express here will change NOBODY's mind. That is why the PLP shills here are useless. No one changes their mind, and that includes me. It doesn't matter how rational the argument is. To change one's mind, one must have an epiphany, or get blown off a horse by a blast of light, or get a talking-to by a burning bush or other such fables.
There you go. I offer my opinion merely to express my opinion. I really don't expect you to believe it. Someone here is right, and someone here is wrong, and time will tell.
Greentea 9 years, 2 months ago
This is his response? Goodness gracious. Wrong answer Minnis. Voting FNMs - do what u got to do. At this point I am willing to give Duane Sands, and banker- even LBT, a shot at the leadership. Just don't bring back HAI, Turnquest (the one who in and the one who gone), Foulkes, Symonette, or Bethel. The Bahamian people need some hope. The FNM can prop Minnis up all its want- he ain't the one.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 2 months ago
We haven't seen that Bostwick guy yet either.
TheMadHatter 9 years, 2 months ago
The choice for the FNM is simple - find a real leader or lose the election.
It can't be no more easily explained.
I think Bulter as PM with Symonnette as dpm would be great.
TheMadHatter 9 years, 2 months ago
or .. Butler as PM and Bran as DPM. Now that's some fireworks. AND exactly what we need is fireworks, and action, stir up the pot, get shi...(stuff) done. Changes - new things, modern thinking, awareness of reality instead of languishing in the past.
Unfortunately, not enough persons in the Bahamas truly wish to embrace change. They are HAPPY the way things are - and change and fixes would only take away their long list of things they have to complain about. They would have to find something else to talk about then, and Erika Kane has retired from Soap Operas, so that idea's out.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 2 months ago
You know if she's in shed pull him back in order, they don't hate each other.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 2 months ago
I agree with Madhatter ............ thats a perfect combo........... Sir Milo and Pop Part II .............. ying and yang ........ this country will progress
licks2 9 years, 2 months ago
Some of us here are everyday voters. . .not "plants" who obviously placed by LBT camp! But let it be known to yall right. . .like plenty of us think. . .NO MINNIS. . .OR PAPA BRING HE FACE AROUND HERE AGAIN. . .WE GONE DNA. . .YALL PLAYING!!! LIKE SENETOR ROLLE SAIID. . .I CANNOT SUPPORT LBT. . .SHE TOO FAKE. . .EVEN SHE ACCENT IS FAKE. . .CHILD PLEASE!!
sheeprunner12 9 years, 2 months ago
You are just a shallow, asinine person, if that is what you are judging LBT on as a leader ............................. she is a well educated, driven, charismatic person who calls a spade a spade ............ and she is a PATRIOT
banker 9 years, 2 months ago
LBT is a funeral director in her career.
licks2 9 years, 2 months ago
Yea. . .yea. . .GO DEAL . . .I know that she is well educated. . .brilliant minded. . .driven to a fault. . .Patriotic I am sure (Milo B legacy). . .but always seems to be "fronting" to get over on people!! Calculation and manipulative. . .seems to be running a "game" at times!!! Lol! You do a very accurate imitation of LBT. . .retorting by calling me "shallow and asinine". All because I gave my opinion! What yall FNM think this is. . . because I say I don't like LBT "vibe" I must be a shallow ass!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . .yea child. . .it ger be long for yall from nah till May 2017!!! Replying in such manner do not leave much room for any other opinion than your own!
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