FNM to vote on holding convention 'no later than November 30'

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


The Free National Movement National Executive Committee has recommended a full convention to be held no later than November 30, party leader Dr Hubert Minnis said on Friday in a statement.

The matter was recommended last night to the Central Council and the party is expected to vote on the issue at or before the next council meeting.

This move has angered some FNMs, with several of them telling this newspaper on Friday that the announcement is proof of yet another strategy by leader Dr Hubert Minnis to hold on to his position.

Party insiders also said there are some who feel a convention should be held as early as April to allow the party to get over its leadership issues with adequate time to position itself for the 2017 general election.

For this to happen, a resolution would have to be put forward and debated, another party source explained.

“(Mr Minnis) will benefit from a November convention,” one FNM member who did not want to be named said. “It ultimately minimises the possibility of anyone challenging the post. It leaves just six months before when the next election is expected.

Earlier this month, the FNM ratified the first eight of its candidates.

It is unclear whether any convention would be a voting event where all executive posts will be open for challenge. The possibility was first raised in The Tribune by FNM Chairman Michael Pintard who said earlier this month there were continued talks on the issue.

This prompted former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette to say if Dr Minnis is comfortable in his position at the helm of the party, then its next convention should have executive posts up for a challenge.

Another former Deputy Prime Minister, Frank Watson, said that only an “insecure” leader would hold a non-voting convention.

The FNM constitution specifies that the organisation should have a convention every two years.

Dr Minnis was re-elected to lead the party on November 20, 2014 after defeating Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner in the leadership contest.


Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

...we have seen this traitorous act before in the FNM party, new members who have not fought in the trenches of the struggle for change. Those who bear no scars from the long hard fights that FNMs endured over the years. Back in the 80s we have seen this defeatist behavior, where persons run for cover, because Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield said he would prosecute their (PLP) backsides, and with Sir Kendal Isaacs, because those who stood in the shadows of the FNM was not man enough to stand eyeball to eyeball with Sir Lynden, in an election battle; even when it was crystal clear Bahamians were tired of a drug tinted PLP party. Hubert Ingraham had his share of treasonous infighting, which was quickly answered, where FNMs (stayed at home on election day) rejected the Tommy challenger - handing Perry Christie his first election win. And now Dr. Minnis, who some say is to soft and weak, but I have never seen where a load mouth was qualification for leadership to govern a country. This coming election could be a pivot for many Bahamians and non Bahamians if the PLP retains the Government ...so I pray for the defeat of the detractors and hope that whose who seek to hand the PLP another win by default will also seek to disassociate themselves from the FNM, after their defeat at the November convention if it is held.

Ready to fight and lets put Bahamians "First"


butlers 9 years, 1 month ago

Keep in mind Christie can call an election anytime after their convention. FNM don't get caught with your pants down. The sooner the FNM convention the better.

killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago

Has anyone confirmed that this will be a voting convention and not just presenting candidates?

You don't think that date is a nasty trick by Minnis again like the one day convention before?

Economist 9 years, 1 month ago

FNM under Dr.Minnis is doomed.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

As bad as most Bahamians thought it was under the 2007 - 2012 Ingraham administration, the FNM had a swing of minus 7.77% and lost to the PLP by 6.53%. 9.22% of registered voters did not cast a vote and 8.56% went with the DNA. It is my opinion that both parties have a core party "support base" of about 80,000 Bahamians each ...who would support their party regardless or the person would have to be a real lous. The struggle for both parties is the 7 - 9% of the voters who may swing, go to other parties or stay at home. The outcome of the next general election will be judged on the economy (peoples pocket) and the failures of the Perry Christie (PLP) lead government and not Dr. Hubert Minnis.

But we are all entitled to our own opinion.

butlers 9 years, 1 month ago

Yes you are entitled to your opinion. Yours is a pretty good opinion. Thanks

Publius 9 years, 1 month ago

This is not a recommendation, this is simply what their constitution states, which is that they must have a convention a maximum of every two years. November 2016 is when the next convention would be due no matter how people felt about the current leader, so what was "recommended" was no actual recommendation at all, it is simply the due date for another convention.

Zakary 9 years, 1 month ago

But that’s under the assumption that people like to follow the constitution.

Anyway, don’t you however find it interesting that the Tribune drops these statements in for good measure, even though the central council hasn’t even determined a date for the convention yet;

  • This move has angered some FNMs, with several of them telling this newspaper on Friday that the announcement is proof of yet another strategy by leader Dr Hubert Minnis to hold on to his position.

  • Party insiders also said there are some who feel a convention should be held as early as April to allow the party to get over its leadership issues with adequate time to position itself for the 2017 general election.

  • “(Mr Minnis) will benefit from a November convention,” one FNM member who did not want to be named said. “It ultimately minimises the possibility of anyone challenging the post. It leaves just six months before when the next election is expected.

Don’t make me laugh man...
They should make the convention happen in February.

Honestman 9 years, 1 month ago

Minnis is running scared. How sad.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

@Franklyn-Yes I remember the great Sir Cecil and Sir Isaac! They were a force to be reckon with. I might have been young then, but I remember listening to Sir Isaac's speech on Mackey Street and walking away with some hope of a brighter day in the Bahamas. Then Ingraham came along, took the baton from Sir Isaac and won the election! I will never forget that night in 2002, when we march up and down Mackey Street in celebration. During the following years under the FNM, the Bahamas became a new country, almost over night. No matter what anyone says, the Ingraham led government was the best this country has had ever had. Now we fast forward to this lot. The selfish FNM members, led by Minnis and the present clueless chairman:

Oh much we have regressed! But we have to blame the Bahamian people themselves for the mess that this country now faces. The Bahamian voters are liken to a drug addicts who finally came to their senses and cleaned up their act by doing the right thing to overcome these bad habits and by coming to the conclusion that the drug dealers (PLP) are their downfall. But then the drug dealers who know the addicts weakness, come along and dangle drugs in front of the addicts and the addicts fall weak for these drugs and get in bed with the same bad drug dealers who caused them to mess up their lives before. Yep, the PLP play their card well: Keep em dumb and 'ignant' so they keep voting for them.

thephoenix562 9 years, 1 month ago

Actually Hubert Ingraham became leader after Sir Cecil .

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for the correction

proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago

Hold it in May and allow all members to vote.

We cannot trust the delegates.

killemwitdakno 9 years, 1 month ago

Thank God someone said it. All members not delegates this time.

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 1 month ago

People have to get elected in each constituency to vote at the convention. Now is the time for that.

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrades how do you feel about my suggestion for a new leader of the Red Shirts shadow party DNA?


DEDDIE 9 years, 1 month ago

It's amazing how many FNM prefer their party to go up in flames rather than see Minnis lead.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

...its more of a Bahamian experience that prefer to see other Bahamians go up in flames then to see them succeed.

Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago

Every criticism is NOT black crab syndrome - so please stop it. Minnis has not shown himself to be a unifying leader- or leader period. He has not led a strong opposition- in the easiest of circumstances. He has not demonstrated an ability to control his subordinates. He does not appear to be a quick thinker. From personal experience he has NO new ideas or vision. He is not personable. He fumbles in speech. He seems unable to act or respond to crises in a timely manner. He has one of the easiest constituencies to maintain and win and has not distinguished himself in ANY way. In the eight left standing he seemed to have momentum and had the leadership conferred upon him. BUT What has he done with that leadership position? Absolutely nothing. So do not tell Bahamians, or FNMs, that they have to accept what is given to them, when it is clear it will not get the job done nationally. Don't give me ginger ale and tell me to pretend its champagne.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

Past leaders were called a number of things: They called Sir Cecile "a mad man", “hot headed”; Sir Kendall Isaac was called “old sore throat”, UBP", Sir Lyndon was called "Sweet-mouth Willie", “The Chef”, “One eye Willie”; Hubert was called "The delivery boy", “big head”, “old rum keg” and they call Perry “Sissy”, “Pharaoh", “Vomit” and “idiot”.

But 3 men in the history of Bahamian politics had the most influence on Bahamian psyche in shaping what a Bahamian political leader should measure up to: and they are Sir Lynden, Sir Cecile and Hubert Ingraham. These men process a quality that we may not see come by our way for some time to come. The lawyer like, smart mouths: who grew up hard and street smart. The sometime “jive talking” that defined the life of these men and the entertainment of onlooker and supporters, to become our measure in our flawed political system of electing leaders. This I feel was the reason Hubert was asked to return to the FNM after the Tommy defeat - and who could have being a worst leader than Tommy in the psyche of the Bahamian electorate. Perry also feels that he should be counted among these past great Bahamian leaders – but he fall short by a large measure. And the PLP after Perry will face the same pains of transitions from the political style of the legends. So the question for FNMs is: (do we really around the party’s leadership) and get ready to win an election and deliver this country from the hands of what could be the worst administration in the history of the Bahamas. Or we can go on assassinating persons who may not suit our own little personal agendas, biases or traditions.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

You are right: The people do need to be delivered from the PLP. But what's the point if the FNM gets in power and Minnis brings nothing new to the table? What if the FNM wins and the present leader is not able to fix the mess the PLP has put us in? These are tough times for the Bahamas. No time for guessing or speculating who MIGHT be the best leader over a time period, or even given the chance. We need a good leader for the FNM NOW, to win the next election and bring the country back on its feet. Minnis has yet to prove that he can do that. We cannot become too desperate to accept any incompetent leader just because we want to oust the PLP. It defeats the purpose. The Bahamian people are fed up. We deserve better and we don't want a leader shoved down our throats just because of the biased outlook of the FNM council members. THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE ARE SAYING NO TO MINNIS! The people will be the ones voting on election day.

Jonahbay 9 years, 1 month ago

Minnis never had it. If he hasn't read the memo that the Bahamian people don't want him as PM maybe we should write it in the sky for him. The FNM will not win with him at the helm. Dr. Minnis please do the best thing for the country and have a voting convention asap. The Bahamas will surely die/implode with another 5 years of the PLP.

Voltaire 9 years, 1 month ago

DEDDE AND FRANKLYN - If Minnis is in charge come the next election the FNM WILL go up in flames, and the country with it. My perspective: It is amazing how many FNMs will let their personal attachment to Hubert Minnis ruin the party, cost it the election and by extension ruin the country. Blind people know Minnis is not the best choice for leader, that Christie and Co wipe the floor with him frequently in parliamentary debate and that why will destroy him on the campaign trail. Surely, any real FNM who consider's himself or herself a patriot would want the party let by the strongest possible individual, the one who has the best chance of beating the Evil Empire... no matter who that person is.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

Agreed. See? Even though you made a statement that we don't agree on much, that is not true. We just disagree on most immigration issues. :-)

Voltaire 9 years, 1 month ago

...and my 5-year old daughter could beat Minnis in debate.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

@Franklyn-You are right-The people do need to be delivered from the PLP. But what's the point if the FNM gets in power and Minnis brings nothing new to the table? What if the FNM wins and the present leader is not able to fix the mess the PLP has brought upon us? These are tough times for the Bahamas. No time for guessing or speculating about who MIGHT be the best leader over a period of time, or which leader MIGHT improve if given the chance. We need an effective leader for the FNM PRONTO, to win the next election and at the same time bring the country back on its feet. Minnis has yet to prove that he can do that. We cannot become so desperate that we are inclined to accept any incompetent leader, just because we want to oust the PLP. It defeats the purpose. The Bahamian people are fed up. We deserve better and we don't want a leader that is shoved down our throats, selected by the rigged, biased FNM council members. THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE ARE SAYING NO TO MINNIS! The people will be the ones voting on election day. It is that simple.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

“The most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice.” Theodore Roosevelt

Remember Tommy Turnquest???? Ingraham tried to sell him as an effective leader. Just because Ingraham owed certain favours, he thought that he could push Turnquest on the people and that the people would accept, just because of his approval. The FNM voters rejected Turnquest and it was a miserable defeat for the FNM. The big mistake here is that these parties have a system where a few power greed people elect a leader that they think will offer them a piece of the pie if he wins an election. Those days are over! Bahamians are on to this trick. I say let the people decide; the people are saying NO to minnis. Where are all of the concern leaders in this country anyway??? We are tired of all these sly political moves and handpicked delegates. That is so PLP. We need a maverick for a political leader in this troubled country, real bad.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

...may the Oracle please!!!!!!!! enlighten the 70,000+ FNM supporters ....who is The Chosen One to save The Bahamas from the Evil Empire?

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

Grab a percentage from the 70,000 plus supporters and ask them. From that you will get your answer. It's called an opinion poll. America has been using it for decades and the predictions are usually spot on. If you wait for all of the 70,000 FNM supporters to cast their opinion on election day, you may get the wrong answer! On the other hand, pushing a leader that a small group of subjective delegates elects, spells catastrophe. This kind of movement simply does not work in the Bahamas, mainly because the country is too small, too many petty politicians, too many people are in it for the wrong reasons and someone is usually getting something under the table. The Bahamian people are the ones who usually get nothing in return for their vote. So again, let them decide. By the way, you can start with the commenters on this page: There are about 10 people who do not agree that Minnis should be the leader of the FNM, whereas about 3 seem to think that it doesn't matter. So...It is safe to say that 70% of Bahamians dislike Minnis as leader, and 30% do. No matter how the cat jumps, the people who are voting will be the final deciding factor.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

the results of the last elections my contradict your assumption/assertion if one was to use the election performance of Mr. Minnis as an opinion poll.

Killarney: 5016 registered voters. **
4593 of the persons registered to or 91.6% cast votes. A total of 2429 votes went to Hubert Minnis (FNM) or 52.90% which is in the top 5 percentage points of support of the entire election process.

** Again I make the call: ...may the Oracle please enlighten the 70,000+ FNM supporters ....who is The Chosen One to save The Bahamas from the Evil Empire?

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

Anyone who knows anything about Bahamian politics knows that Killarney is considered to be one of the safest seats in Nassau. Therefore, one that tries to use such analysis by comparing this particular constituency to that of other constituents is either trying to be misleading or is uninformed. But you know what??? Let's put it in reverse. Let Minnis run in Englerston or Bain and let's see if the results would be the same.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

** Again I make the call: ...may the Oracle please enlighten the 70,000+ FNM supporters ....who is The Chosen One

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Emac why is democracy so despised by you Red "Robin Hoods" Shirts, like planning ahead of convention to rob your own party's delegates right to vote at convention for leader and executives and give them to Loretta?
And, now you want to take your thing further with ignoring the 3 to 1 constitutionally cast votes favouring Minnis over Loretta to run behind the backs of delegates to find a way "crown" Loretta as the red party's leader.
Comrade Emac in political dictatorships, it's called making Loretta the de facto red party's leader.
And, if you should decide keep up with the 70,000 fantasy being the number of those willing "reactive" their membership for anything to do with the red party - I will run to the Governor-general, demanding she order the nation's top Electoral Membership Officer to demand a red membership recount.
First, not to embarrass yourself, you needs go check to see exactly how many new red shirts members did Chairman Pintard successfully sign-up yesterday at his big red shirts membership drive that was heavily advertised on talk radio stations over past weeks?

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

Tal, all I am saying is that the delegates votes shouldn't matter if it was rigged or based on favoritism as oppose to selecting who is best for the job. Don't know what the price of conch at Potter's Cay has to do with what Michael Pintard is successful or unsuccessful at. Michael Pintard is NOT the leader, nor will he ever be. While we are debating about party leadership and democracy and all those good stuff-The average Joe could give a dam about all of these fancy talks. The average Joe listens to someone that he can relate to, someone who steps in his shoes and someone who talk his talk. Sorry, but riding on a jitney does not count. In my humble opinion, Loretta Butler fits the shoes over Minnis. As far as I am concerned, the those bloggers who are lobbying behind Minnis while saying accept it or lump it , are either secret delegates that support Minnis or they are living in the past when politicians were able to feed whatever BS to voters and the people accepted their word as gold. Things change. People looking for better.

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Emac this has everything to do with the Communist ways of your own red party's MP's in the Honourable House of Assembly. For over six-months they have lied to their own red supporters that there was never a movement among MP's to request a meeting with the Governor-general to remove Minnis as Her Majesty's Leader of her official opposition party in the House.
Doesn't the lies bother you? I guess not if your passion runs deep to use communistic tools to elevate Loretta to lead your party.
Comrade Emac I don't mean's dampen your Loretta club spirit but you can take me word as gospel - she may have his blood line but Loretta is no Milio.
And, sorry for using third-grade school yard liars language to describe the now confirmed actions by your MP's.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

this person (Emac) is an idiot, DNA supporter and a complete waste of bits - Block

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Franklyn i think you're being bit harsh on Emac. Maybe if he could learn to mediate on what he is about to post - he will be just fine.

Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago

Just because you disagree with someone, or someone disagrees with you does not make them an idiot. That is part of the reason Bahamian politics is where it is today. When one fails to convince someone to follow them or think as they do, we drop low, low, low and start the useless, unproductive name calling, ready to scrap- at least online

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

...what? I have fought much (much) bigger critters than Emac all of my FNM supporting life.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

Maybe you are right, Tal. Loretta might not be like the noble Milo Butler, but she sure is a helluva lot better leader than Minnis.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

This person (Franklyn) is a complete moron, who gets flustered because someone does not support his views. Typical dogmatism- This individual seems to think that it is his way or the highway. Probably a PLP in disguise. But now I see why he loves Minnis so much. It is obvious that he and Minnis are one of the same. Sorry Franky, but ya can't force your views on people. You made your point I disagreed. I made mine and you want get mad. Lol...Oh how funny.

Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago

sad is those who put personal agendas, prejudice and biases above the goal. The FNM is an organization with rules, a governing body and an administration. And as for who will lead the party into the next general election ...as it will be decided in convention - then party members will rally behind that person. At the moment that person is Dr Hubert Minnis.

Thank you. Franklyn

1980 Registered Voter (1992 FNM Operation Now) and member of a unique team of Bahamian that contributed to the publishing of Nation for Sale, Paradise Lost and the Commission of Inquiry.

Your history as a contributor on this forum specks volume to your character.

Again: ...who is The Chosen One to save The Bahamas.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

SMT...Character bashing now???You are sad and petty my friend. I see it doesn't even make sense responding to your comments. It is obvious that you are one of those who try to belittle your opponent when you run out of substance. It is small minded people like yourself that have this country so backward. But speaking of character, the picture below is what you posted in one of your comments. Yep real classy person you are Frankie! Good night

Wideawake 9 years, 1 month ago

The following seems obvious. 1. The PLP will be extremely hard to beat in 2017, even with a united Opposition. They have too much to lose, to lose! Were they to lose, our new Government would quickly organise Commissions of Enquiry to investigate, Baha Mar, BAMSI, BOB, The Pointe, any and every other " deal" made with the Chinese Government, and all other instances where impropriety has been rumored or suggested. The PLP government know this and so realise that they have too much to lose, to lose! Consequently they will do whatever it takes to win in 2017, no doubt with the financial assistance of the Webshop Industry and the Chinese Government. 2. A unified, united and determined FNM is the only hope The Bahamas has to avoid the looming catastrophe of another PLP win in 2017. 3. Consequently, the FNM should organized a FULL voting convention ASAP, and the present leadership dilemma should be dealt with ONCE AND FOR ALL with a full and open election of all party leadership positions, with the maximum involvement of FNMs in the voting process. 4. All contenders for leadership positions who are defeated must then pledge their full loyalty and support for the newly elected leader, or else they should resign from the FNM and get out of politics until after the next election. 5. No FNM Leadership contender should let their personal ambitions damage or derail the FNM's chance of winning the next General Election. If they do so, they would become the "Branville McCartney"of the 2017 election, by aiding and facilitating a PLP victory in 2017.

Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago

Wideawake- I hope party leaders read your post and they aren't allergic to listening to good sense.

TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Greentea let's flashback to the alignment of the political stars by Papa Hubert leading a united red party into the 2012 General. What's going be different this time around and who would want to risk aligning their political stars up with an political organization that is about to become unstitched by Loretta's and Pintard's poor tailoring?
I hate be one propose it but there is but one answer. The red membership must unite to rise-up to reclaim their party.from the Communist seeking to taker-over from what convention delegates voted for.

Emac 9 years, 1 month ago

@Franklyn, the hypocrite- "Your history as a contributor on this forum specks volume to your character."

SMT...Character bashing now???You are sad and petty my friend. I see it doesn't even make sense responding to your comments. It is obvious that you are one of those who try to belittle anyone who opposes you whenever you run out of substance. It is small minded people like yourself that have this country so backward. But speaking of character, the picture below is what you attached to one of your comments. Yep real classy person you are Frankie! Good night


Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

Mr. Donald Trump made a statement Friday expressing exactly the reason for him GETTING POLITICAL. The reason he explains: "I DECIDED TO DO IT BECAUSE OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL".

This reason also explains my own conviction relative to The Bahamas. It emphasizes THE NEED FOR ALL BAHAMIANS TO GET POLITICAL. All eligible Bahamians need to register as soon as possible.


LET'S GET POLITICAL! PLEASE GO AND REGISTER A.S.A.P and encourage others to do so as well. - Thank you.

Godson Nicodemus Johnson

sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago

This is the best example of how the FNM and PLP are different ........... the PLP is controlled by stalwart councillors and the FNM is controlled by the Central Council ........ which one demonstrates a semblance of democracy????????????

Godson 9 years, 1 month ago

Good observation Sheeprunner12....

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