Fears ease over funding for FNM


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Free National Movement has got over the financial hurdle relating to its upcoming national convention, with former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette telling The Tribune supporters now seem amenable to donating money to the party.

He further downplayed the FNM’s reported financial issues, saying funding is always a challenge for political parties, especially while they are in opposition.

The former St Anne’s MP said this issue, as well as the fact that many of the FNM’s key financial backers have died, and the country’s current economic recession created an environment where funding was not as easy to come by.

While speculation has continued that financial backers have opted not to give to the party because of discontent with the performance of FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, Mr Symonette dismissed this saying “people will find every reason not to give.”

However, despite the financial turnaround, a party insider has said the money problems have continued to fuel an ongoing row over who should fund the convention, creating an “internal mess.”

“The whole thing is a mess,” one FNM insider told this newspaper. “People are still split. Some are refusing to give money others are saying they will organise the funding. It really is in a state of flux.”

However, Mr Symonette said by all indicators, the party will be ready to head into the convention slated for July 27 to 29.

“We have worked through the funding issues. So the outstanding matters have all been worked out,” Mr Symonette said when he was contacted for comment yesterday.

Asked if funding issues of this kind were commonplace, Mr Symonette contended that this is normally the case for political parties in opposition.

“Funding for any political party is always a challenge. For us, many of our normal backers have passed on. This and the fact that we are in a position which is opposed to the government created issues. A big one was the economy. Businesses aren’t doing as well and so people weren’t giving because they didn’t have the disposable income they would have under normal circumstances.

“Fundraising is difficult even in the best of times and people will find any reason not to give.”

He added: “I am sure there are lots of rumours going around but we are finding that people seem to be amenable to giving so the convention is on and we will be ready for the end of the month.”

Last week, The Tribune reported that the FNM was said to be struggling to find the money needed to host the convention amid a debate over who is responsible for finding the funds.

Former FNM Cabinet minister Tennyson Wells was among those who sided with Dr Minnis. He told The Tribune that those who fought for an early convention should find the funds to host it.

Others, like Mr Symonette, said that the responsibility lies with the party’s leader. It’s not clear how much next month’s convention will cost.

However, last week former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson placed the cost at no less than $300,000.

Meanwhile, Mr Symonette last week said the hotel rooms will cost about $100,000 and additional money will be required for paraphernalia, advertising and media, among other things.


John 8 years, 8 months ago

IS HUBERT MINNIS TOO BLACK to get FNM financing? That is not said in light of the color of his skin and despite the fact that all the six rebelling are of a lighter hue. But did Hubert Minnis not learn enough House manners to be funded by the FNM? Just look look at the people who are singing the loudest and make your own judgment. So Hubert is no Sir Orville Turnquest or No Hubert Ingraham or not even Sir Arlington Butler so maybe he is too black to handle FNM money. Just asking?

realfreethinker 8 years, 8 months ago

He is too dumb to handle FNM money. Poor leadership skills is a major contributor. Moody's is about to downgrade our country and Minnis has spent the pat 4 years down grading the FNM Perry Christie 2.0

mangogirl01 8 years, 8 months ago

I like how you say that, the cussing that is but you are on point! Minnis wants to be prime minister at any cost and to hell with what everyone else says or think!

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 8 months ago

You are right about Minnis and Bran has the very same problem. In fact Bran's problem gave Christie the Government. The first shall be last and the last first. Very ancient observation !

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago

Yeah I agree, this has nothing to do with Hubert Minnis' blackness. In fact, if Hubert Ingraham who is "blacker" than Minnis (remember he come from the island with no shoes), announced tomorrow, the money would flock to him. This is just another strawman argument for Minnis' lack of leadership skills and his inability to galvanize support

TalRussell 8 years, 8 months ago

Comrade Brent, despite Loretta having “never taken a break” from running against Minnis, why is it still that the money remains short to take her and her newly minted running mate sidekick, along with her delegates to the July 27-29, 2016 red shirts party’s convention? Could it have something to do with the way Loretta has ignored the 298 delegates who voted for Minnis. How their votes hasn’t made a damn ounce of difference upstairs in the inflated ego head of Loretta, nor guided her behavior since the last convention?
It this is truly the reds best 2017 General’s winning “dream team” – please explain why in the hell is there financial reluctance still for the “patron saint” of a wannabe prime minister? You damn reds really needs to stop blaming the party's financial woes solely on Minnis's shoulders? Some blame on Minnis's part, yes but there's much more to the story...and please do not exclude the "Fisherman's From Cooper's Town?
Comrades Loretta and Dr. Duane, will just have say a quickie hello to pretty much everyone of the 400 delegates they get to meet who will be heading to Nassau Town's princely Meliá Nassau Beach's venue red party's July 27-29, 2016 convention - because everyone does done knows all about these two weather vane's complete devotion and hard work too damn well, because they tends to swing in whichever direction the prevailing political opportunists winds be's willing to take them along for the ride?
The only real difference this time after the 400 delegates votes have been counted, Loretta's previous vote count of 106, will be reduced to a mere 53 votes.
Only then will reds learn the degree of the principles behind these two's complete devotion to red party unity? Something nether have a convincing vote winning track record face delegates scrutiny on?
You accept a political senate appoints and then 72 hours after Her Excellency’s royal ink had dried on the royal instruments that swore you in - you turncoat on the very man's who appointed you to the upper red chamber?
These two aspiring to sit in PM's and DPM's offices, are already bad coming across as bad actors - and natural ones at that?
The 298 delegates who voted for Minnis, hasn't made a damn bit of difference upstairs in the inflated ego head of Loretta, nor guided her behavior since the last convention?


John 8 years, 8 months ago

Hubert Ingraham may be "blacker" than Hubert Minnis, but Ingraham is a quick learner who could think on his feet, jump when he has too, which is seldom, burn the midnight oil frequently, has proven that he can be trusted to carry out mandates and knows how to wring those hands when it comes time to beg (I meant 'ask') for FNM money. Minnie may still be stuck in the "I Ger Be Me" mode which is not working for him.

licks2 8 years, 8 months ago

It is working where it is most beneficial for him. . .the masses! "I ger be me". . .is what it will take to make change leaders. . .men/women who don't need to beg. . .

SP 8 years, 8 months ago

Ingraham was a quick learner and could think on his feet?

Hubert was rude, arrogant and couldn't make a sensible decision in the best interest of the country to save his own skin!

Hubert Ingraham drove the country into the ground, made the dumbest mistakes of any PM, was an absolute failure, misappropriated funds for reelection, did nothing when his Cabinet minister of tourism was caught red handed walking away with $5M through shell companies and in 2012 named as "worst leader in the region" by Moody's and the IMF!

He did have special love for being in the company of white people though.

John 8 years, 8 months ago

who is Donald Trump Towers

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