Minnis launches campaign at 'Roc Wit Doc' event

Dr Hubert Minnis launched his leadership campaign at Christie Park with speakers, entertainment and a junkanoo rush out by the Saxons. 

Photos: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff

Dr Hubert Minnis launched his leadership campaign at Christie Park with speakers, entertainment and a junkanoo rush out by the Saxons. Photos: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


EVEN as his sympathisers lambasted his political opponents in the upper ranks of the Free National Movement as “betrayers,” Dr Hubert Minnis made a plea for party unity during a rally at Christie Park on Wednesday night.

The Over-the-Hill event saw his team emphasise his “rags to riches” biography, the centrepiece of his pitch to Bahamians and FNM delegates as he seeks to defeat Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner at the party’s convention later this month and gather momentum ahead of the next general election.

For some in the crowd of what The Tribune estimated to be close to 400, the event was a homecoming for a politician they find relatable and who they don’t believe has been given a fair chance to lead the party without internal dissension.

The campaign slogan that appeared on posters bearing Dr Minnis’ name was, accordingly, “The people’s time.”

“This is the time for me to give the power back to the people,” Dr Minnis said to cheers from the crowd. “This campaign is all about you.”

In a speech frequently interrupted with songs designed to emphasise his statements, Dr Minnis castigated the Christie administration’s performance on crime, entrepreneurship, accountability and regard for the poor as he listed a litany of proposals he would implement if elected prime minister.

These included vague proposals like “land reform to ensure Bahamians have an opportunity to own land in this country” to more explicit ones like the alleviation of Value-Added Tax (VAT) on a variety of goods and services.

He said he would introduce a national “solarisation programme that would result in decreasing electricity costs and increasing your disposable income.”

“We will establish an anti-corruption agency with an independent director of public prosecutions with no oversight by the attorney general,” he said. “No one, not even prime ministers are above the law.”

Dr Minnis made only indirect references to the personal toll the division that has emerged in the FNM during his tenure as leader has had on him.

“You know (that) no weapon they throw at me will prosper,” he said, again prompting cheers.

Absent from his speech, however, were any cutting remarks about his rival, Mrs Butler-Turner, and the FNM officials who have been critical of his leadership.

Such statements were instead made, often indirectly, by FNM Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest and the event’s moderator, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells.

On the party’s internal critics, Mr Turnquest said: “They say they want unity. Well, if they would all do their part we would have unity. You can’t break up the party and then call for unity. It’s disingenuous. What a waste of precious resources and energy.”

“You need a leader to secure life, not a mortician to secure you in death,” he said, referring to Mrs Butler-Turner.

“You need a deputy to guide your finances, not a doctor to treat your heart attack after you’ve gone bankrupt,” he said, taking a swipe at FNM Senator Dr Duane Sands, who is vying for his post.

Some notable people who supported Dr Minnis at his campaign launch included FNM Senator Carl Bethel and the party’s Secretary General Michael Foulkes. Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP for Tall Pines Leslie Miller also attended the event and was greeted by loud cheers as he made his way to the front of the rally area.

Dr Minnis’ event ended with a Junkanoo rush out.

The FNM’s convention is scheduled for July 27-29.


Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago

Only 400 supporters for him and 200 for Loretta? Those are VERY low numbers. If this is a sign of FNM support then it is time for me to start packing. The PLP will finish destroying this country if they are returned to power.

Rhetoric 8 years, 8 months ago

There were over a Thousand people in the audience at Minnis' Launch This headline is a tragedy


Publius 8 years, 8 months ago

The Tribune is ridiculous with the so-called crowd numbers it posted. While crowds don't win general elections, the media's job is to be accurate, precise and truthful. And since it decided to make the crowd a headline, it should have published representative crowd shots for both events, but didn't - presumably because of a bias for one side over the other. I carry no brief for either of the contenders but media houses do the country a disservice with the way they present "news".

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 8 months ago

Add 1000 online veiwers to LBT's numbers.

Thank you...

DreamerX 8 years, 8 months ago

Leslie Miller has always been critical of his own party but doesn't seem as if he is making a move to the FNM?

Alltoomuch 8 years, 8 months ago

I love it - "Roc wit Doc" goes all around the world...What level of education do we have here?

Ah but we do have two doctors vying now - which one do we choose?

NassauBoy77 8 years, 8 months ago

These must be the flimsiest arguments ever by any leader calling for unity. You are responsible for unifying. How dare you blame anyone else when not 1 but 60% of your parliamentary colleagues lose faith in you.

His performance has been dismal at best! He gives this party of returning to governance or even being able to lead a cabinet.

When a leader can only lead when the going is good, then we have a serious problem!!! Better with Loretta!!!

Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago

Or as Minnis would say 'Betta with Loretta'!

Alex_Charles 8 years, 8 months ago

and the civil war continues

alfalfa 8 years, 8 months ago

All of the questions will be answered at the upcoming convention. The real question is whether or not the FNM supporters will rally around the elected leader. Competition for party leadership is a common occurrence worldwide, but we seem to delight in tearing particular candidates apart while all the while spouting that we are FNM. How Sad.

Required 8 years, 8 months ago

You know you failed as FNM leader, when the PLP comes out to your rally in support...

licks2 8 years, 8 months ago

Bam. . .yall done concede defeat. . . stay eating out yinna hearts. . .on this site. . .but really unprepared for a leadership race yinna been asking for years. . . gettignyall tails handed to yinna on a platter! My my my. . .it looks like yinna getting roc like no business. . .Lol!

birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago

Wells Rocs with Dr: but his twin Rollins is with Ms: Butler Turner ,I was under the impression that Rollins leads and Wells follows. It seems that the big shots in the party are on Butler Turner's side. But the Doc and Butler are one and the same no vision and greedy for power. Now Minnis can lie faster than fish swim. I have not seen that in her, at least not yet, Where is Pintard in all this?? Doc did throw him under the bus, they were following the out spoken QC with toogie and the other fellow.*.

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