Deputy Chief Reporter
WHILE many Free National Movement supporters hope this week’s convention will unite a severely fractured organisation, concerns have surfaced that the party will remain disjointed regardless of who is elected to lead the FNM following the highly anticipated event.
This “troubling prospect”, one FNM insider told The Tribune yesterday, has fuelled a faction in the party to move forward with plans to enter the name of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham into the leadership race during nominations this week.
However, it appears that their efforts have been thwarted after Mr Ingraham delivered a blow to speculation that he was preparing to contest the leadership of the party.
In a letter delivered to FNM Chairman Sidney Collie yesterday, Mr Ingraham said should his name be proposed as a nominee, he would not accept a nomination for the leadership race or any other position. Mr Ingraham stressed that he was in retirement and would support whoever emerged as FNM leader.
Nonetheless, another insider said this faction fears that neither FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, if he is re-elected, or challenger Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, should she emerge as the party’s new leader, have what it takes to unify the party.
“This faction wants to see stability in the party and they don’t think either candidate can do that,” one FNM who did not want to be named said.
“But if Mr Ingraham is not one of the candidates, these same people have more confidence in Loretta doing it than they have in Dr Minnis.
“For this group it is nothing personal, but rather all about what is best for the party and the country.
“However, there is this real fear that the party will remain divided. I was present when Dr Minnis said he will deal with the MPs who wanted to go to Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling to have him removed. Those are not the words of someone who wants to unite the party. One of the fundamentals is you go into convention to resolve the issues. And following the event you address those concerns with factions so that you can have unification.”
Another source said: “It is highly unlikely that the party will unify after convention if Dr Minnis wins. He has been the most divisive instrument in the party since taking lead of it.”
On Sunday, Mr Ingraham made a strong plea for unity regardless of who clinches the top post of the party.
The former FNM leader, who has shied away from speaking publicly about the party’s ongoing internal challenges, said it is essential that the leader and the party quickly move toward complete oneness after the event, especially as it faces an impending general election. If this cannot be achieved, Mr Ingraham said, the party will fracture and go into a general election unstable and disunited.
Electorates, Mr Ingraham added, reward party unity and stability and punish the lack of it in a political organisation. He went on to insist that whoever emerges as FNM leader must demonstrate the maturity and the wisdom to engage in open dialogue with all sections of the party.
He added that unity will not be fostered and the FNM will remain divided if there is a closed mindset or if there is a programme of retaliation against opponents.
The FNM convention will be held from Wednesday to Friday.
truetruebahamian 8 years, 7 months ago
If Minnis gets in, I and my family are out. we don't trust him and believe him to be both ineffectual and lacking vision and what it takes to lead the party much less the country.
Honestman 8 years, 7 months ago
If it comes down to Minnis versus Christie next May then what sort of a choice will that be for Bahamians? Will this be the best the country has to offer? Is there no one in this country that can offer real hope for national salvation? If it's either of these two for leader then forget it - the country is doomed.
EasternGate 8 years, 7 months ago
The HAM fraction is out for blood. I believe that they would rather Perry lead than LBT
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 7 months ago
I saw the letter. It looks very fake...
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 7 months ago
If Minnis is re-elected why would anyone expect anything to change?
Of course the party will not unite if a failed leader is re-elected...
Vote LBT for change if not any other reason..
licks2 8 years, 7 months ago
Only thing that is not changing is ya closed mind. . .the horse blinders you have on keeps you from engaging your mind. . .IT WAS NEVER ABOUT DOC. . .IT WILL TAKE THE TEAM. . .ALL YINNA BIG RED TEAM. . .SO PUT UP YA SWORDS AND GET TO WORK FOR YINNA PARRTY AND THIS COUNTRY!
licks2 8 years, 7 months ago
Ya mean the letter papa done send to "his" Bahamian people. . .which "between the lines" tells the people to roc with the doc. . .because he will not come back to rescue LBT and the coup of six. . . he will support the one who comes out of convention as leader. . .SOUND LIKE HE AND DOC HAVE FORMED A "WORKING DIALOGUE" THAT DO NOT INCLUDE A SCORCHED EARTH POLICY SUCH AS THE ONE USED BY LBT AND THE GANG OF SIX! Their "new" relationship seem to be that where papa will stand in the gap for doc with them people with money who are afraid that doc will pinch them too hard. . .while getting his man the "nudder doc". . .in as deputy!
Papa has the money people on his side. . .and the rocking doc has the popular support from the people. . .each need each other. . .LBT is dispensable. THE LETTER IS NOT FAKE. . .THE JIG IS UP FELLAS. . .PAPA EEN ON YALL RUN NOW EITHER! Papa now telling yall in public to stop yall foolishness. . .IT EEN ABOUT YINNA PERSONAL FEELINNGS. . .THIS BIGGER THAN YALL BOO!
alfalfa 8 years, 7 months ago
It appears that FNM supporters are say that the party will die if Dr. Minnis is re-elected leader over Loretta Butler-Turner. Are you true party supporters or only so if the one you like is leader. Are you really saying that the current PM and his administration are a better alternative than an FNM led by Dr. Minnis? No matter who wins the leadership race, if you are true supporters you will rally behind that leader. The job to unseat the PLP has been made difficult by this infighting and the public washing of your underwear in the press. Each candidate has the right to run for leadership, and should do so based on their own merits, not upon the opinions of people who by their comments seem to be hell bent on destroying the opposition FNM. If we do not stop this public display of character assassination the PLP will be handed the next election on a platter. Note that Dr. Minnis has taken the high road in all of this, and has avoided casting aspersions on his opponents but rather is conducting a civil campaign to retain leadership(which will more than likely be the case).
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