Complaint filed against doctor a day after he was cleared of rape

Dr Gerald Forbes

Dr Gerald Forbes


Tribune Freeport Reporter


ONE day after being acquitted of rape and indecent assault, a complaint was filed against Freeport doctor Gerald Forbes for allegedly creating a disturbance at a law firm and following a female employee around the office.

According to a police complaint obtained by The Tribune, Dr Forbes’ attorney Osman Johnson contacted the police around 2.40pm on Tuesday concerning an alleged disturbance at his law firm in the Millennium Building on the Mall and requested assistance.

When police arrived, Mr Johnson reported that Dr Forbes was there allegedly creating a disturbance and refused to leave when asked to do so.

The police also spoke to a female employee who reported that the doctor was there creating a disturbance and allegedly following her around making her “feel uncomfortable”.

Dr Forbes had left before the police had arrived and officers then went to his Carico Medical Clinic to warn him about his behaviour, but he was not there, the report said.

Mr Johnson, 32, represented Dr Forbes, 45, at his recent trial in the Supreme Court in Grand Bahama. Dr Forbes was accused of indecently assaulting and raping a 20-year-old woman who was employed at his medical clinic in February and March, 2015.

A jury unanimously found Dr Forbes not guilty of the charges against him, which were dismissed.


ThisIsOurs 8 years, 5 months ago

Hmmm....this whole story was weird. He's certainly guilty of some seriously unprofessional unethical behavior

Fitmiss 8 years, 5 months ago

Some people never learn. You were just saved from jail, stay low and law abiding.

realfreethinker 8 years, 5 months ago

He just keep getting away with this type of behavior. The case he got out wont be the last time for him. Leopards don't change their stripes

Fitmiss 8 years, 5 months ago

Well O.J Simpson didn't stop until he ended up in prison.

DEDDIE 8 years, 5 months ago

The legal fees probably pushed him over the edge. For those who don't know, it is the most expensive service in the Bahamas.With most services you have an idea how much it will cost, with lawyers you never know.

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