FNM founding father hits out at MPs’ actions


Tribune Staff Reporter


MAURICE Moore, regarded as one of the Free National Movement’s founding fathers, has strongly rebuked the six opposition members of Parliament who threatened to have FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis constitutionally removed, insisting that their actions “are not becoming” of people who want to be leaders.

Mr Moore told The Tribune yesterday that he was “disappointed” by the MPs’ attempts to oust Dr Minnis from the top FNM post.

He said this was counter-productive and proof that each of the MPs only “wanted their own way” and were solely concerned with further dividing the organisation.

Despite the infighting, Mr Moore maintained that the public is supporting Dr Minnis as the opposition leader and believes he can lead the Bahamas.

The FNM, Mr Moore said, has spent too much time focusing on internal matters when it should be focused on winning the next general election.

Mr Moore said: “The way I see it is we have one leader and twice during a democratic process he was voted in as the FNM’s leader.

“What those six members have done publicly is counter productive to the Free National Movement and is only something that will divide the party despite what Loretta Butler-Turner says.”

He was referring to the Long Island MP’s comments that a petition to the governor general to have Dr Minnis removed as leader of the Official Opposition would be a last resort as it was hoped that an “amicable” resolution on an early convention date could be reached.

He continued: “It is a democratic process for everyone in the party no matter who you are. So to challenge Dr Minnis our leader, the way he is being challenged out in the open now, is unbecoming of people who say they want to lead this country.

“They have to remember that they were elected under the auspices of the FNM not by themselves. In a Westminster system you should deal with it at the national council or the executive level. You should exhaust every possible avenue internally. When that is done and you don’t make headway then you can go public and go tell the governor general whatever it is you want to tell them.

“But it just shows us that they just want to have their own way and that they want to divide our party. I am disappointed in what they are doing. They are not following the democratic process and its wrong when you have that kind of behaviour from people who want to be leaders.”

The discord within the FNM reached a new level on Monday as Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins lambasted supporters of Dr Minnis, accusing them of “espousing the tactics of a demagogue interested in dumbing down the debate because the leader has no substance or vision for this country.”

He insisted that those FNM members characterising recent actions by him and several other FNM MPs as a move by “elitists promoting a UBP agenda” were only underscoring the “weakness of the current leadership.”

In a statement posted to his Facebook page on Monday, Dr Rollins said this line of attack was only strengthening the position of the government.

Last week, The Tribune reported that the majority of the FNM’s parliamentary team had threatened to petition Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling to remove Dr Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition unless an earlier convention date was set.

This newspaper has since been informed by a high-level party insider that discussions are now underway over hosting the convention in early July.

The effort from the parliamentary team has the support of six of the opposition’s 10 MPs, The Tribune understands.

This includes St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Rollins.


jackbnimble 8 years, 9 months ago

"Despite the infighting, Mr Moore maintained that the public is supporting Dr Minnis as the opposition leader and believes he can lead the Bahamas".

Yeah. Sure. Call a rally and see who shows up. Most of your supporters have jumped ship cuz he's at the helm. PLEASE in Jesus' name replace him!

Economist 8 years, 9 months ago

Mr. Moore is one of the "has been" politicians on the FNM Council.

He is totally out of touch with the electorate.

He and the rest of the elderly FNM Council members support Minnis.

Moore and his old crony Council members are setting it up for the PLP to win the next election.

Mr. Moore, don't complain if the voters don't vote for the FNM because you insisted on trying to ram Minnis down their throats.

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

Go straight to hell Moore. Few things are more stomach-turning than seeing an old man sing for supper.

leeza 8 years, 9 months ago

I take it that you would prefer a young to sing for his supper then

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

I take it that you clearly did not understand what I posted before you chose to reply. Since you did not, I'll assist. No one should have to sing for supper, but especially not a man his age who has already lived life and gotten what he has gotten off the State and the Bahamian people. A young person is just trying to get something. This man has gotten for over a generation and was born in an age where men had just a bit more pride about the way they conducted themselves. An old man (who should be teaching the younger men) groveling in newspapers for the promise of a morsel of bread at the taxpayers expense is stomach-turning. Clearer?

sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago

Maurice Moore is probably becoming senile ........... he has to be reminded that he was a member of the Dissident Eight who stood up to the "dictator" SLOP who was leading the PLP astray in 1970 .......... now he has a problem with the Gang of Six speaking out against a far inferior leader than SLOP ............ Unbelievable!!!!!! ......... he has a forked tongue

Economist 8 years, 9 months ago

Great comment, I had forgotten that, thanks.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 9 months ago

It's hard to know who's right, is Dr Minnis a control freak or are the gang of 6 the worst thing for the FNM..I'm almost certain at the end of this, the only accomplishment they'll have is destroying each other

viewersmatters 8 years, 9 months ago

questionable, what is really going on in the FNM is it that everyone is power greedy or do one side actually mean good?

viewersmatters 8 years, 9 months ago

this whole FNM chaos has been annoying from the break look at the PLP a Government group that stays together strong even at their worst but the FNM ....smft...if a quarter rolls on the floor the whole party goes amock and at war against each other. Even if DR. Minnis feels his members feel that he's incapable he should start now by making an example out of this outrageous none sense and show the people he tolerates no unruly behavior

cmiller 8 years, 9 months ago

I completely lost respect for Minnis with the fish delivery saga.

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