DNA leader: Heads should roll within FNM over threats to Minnis

DNA leader Branville McCartney.

DNA leader Branville McCartney.


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney yesterday said “heads should roll” within the Free National Movement over recent threats from six FNM MPs levelled at party Leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

Mr McCartney said the recent manoeuvres by certain members of the FNM’s parliamentary caucus against Dr Minnis is akin to “mutiny” – something for which he said those FNM MPs “would need to meet the consequences” if he were in Dr Minnis’ position.

Last week six of the FNM’s ten MP’s gave Dr Minnis an ultimatum: call an early convention or they would write to Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling to have him constitutionally removed as leader of the Official Opposition in Parliament.

Dr Minnis, meanwhile, has downplayed the threat, telling The Tribune on Monday that he “has never felt so good” and is not concerned about the “noise in the market.”

“Heads would roll,” Mr McCartney said yesterday. “For persons to take that approach and then chicken out and don’t take it further, well they would need to meet the consequences. And certainly I would hate for that to happen within the DNA while I’m the leader, because there are options that the leader can do.

“And I will not take it lightly, I can tell you that. And I trust the good doctor would not take it lightly as well. Because that’s almost mutiny; that’s almost mutiny within the FNM.”

He added: “…And then I read where one of the ‘Sad Six’ (MPs) said they were not trying to undermine the leader. Well I don’t know what you call that. If you decide to give the leader an ultimatum that he must do certain things or else, and then you have a letter we’re told, to present to the governor general again – this is the second time. If that is not undermining the leader then I don’t know what is. That is a sad state; the FNM is in a sad state. Which is unfortunate because they are the Official Opposition.”

“Certainly I heard when (Dr Minnis) said he was very happy last weekend, said that he never felt better, and he said that he has no gripe with anybody. Well I’m sorry, I would if that were to happen, I would not be happy with that situation.”

Yesterday, Mr McCartney questioned whether the six FNM MPs carefully thought out their plan, pointing out that even if Dr Minnis is ousted as leader of the Official Opposition he would still remain leader of the FNM.

Those FNM MPs supporting the effort are St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner and Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins.

“I don’t know if they have thought it through in that regard,” he said. “The leader of the party has significant powers within the party, has significant say in who runs for the next election, has significant say as to whether or not people ought to be disciplined within the party, has significant say as to whether or not people ought to be expelled from the party. Dr Minnis has a lot of choices at his disposal.”

Last year, it was reported that a group of FNM MPs had drafted a letter to the governor general to have Dr Minnis removed, however that letter was never sent.

The FNM’s convention is slated for early November, but the party will hold a meeting tonight to discuss an earlier date.


Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

Branville McCartney has yet to submit himself to a convention of elected party officers for an election to the post of leader, which means he is the arch dictator of his grouping, yet he is daring to speak on matters pertaining to democracy and leadership within a free organization. The level of thought and understanding in this country is so low that a Branville-type could actually have a voice. In mature democracies he would have long since been condemned for purporting to be leader of a political party in a democracy without having been elected to that position. No political party can meet the standard of democracy without a submission to free and fair elections within a duly constituted body. So Branville needs to shut his politician-for-hire mouth and go and figure out what an actual political organization in a democratic society consists of and is qualified by.

DDK 8 years, 9 months ago

"In mature democracies he would have long since been condemned for purporting to be leader of a political party in a democracy without having been elected to that position."

The fact is that Dr. Minnis was Democratically elected as the Leader of the Free National Movement!

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

He was elected Leader of the Opposition in Parliament by the members of Parliament, not by his party. Bahamians please read your Constitution and understand how your country and government system function.

Godson 8 years, 9 months ago

"Mr McCartney said the recent manoeuvres by certain members of the FNM’s parliamentary caucus against Dr Minnis is akin to “mutiny” – something for which he said those FNM MPs “would need to meet the consequences” if he were in Dr Minnis’ position."

... and we are suppose to believe that the DNA (Democratic National Alliance) is a party that sets out to galvanize the people under a 'democratic' concept? I wonder then what exactly is Mr. McCartney's definition of a 'democracy', or for that fact, what does he mean by 'democratic' seeing that he ax anyone in his parties' executive who expresses a different point of view to him? Obviously his definition don't respect what is outlined and written our Constitution.

Economist 8 years, 9 months ago

That head should be DR. Minnis.

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

Indeed. Branville's good fortune is that the FNM never told the country what he was really up to in Cabinet prior to his decision to resign. He is still making it on the back of the failure to disclose that information and hence seeking to preach to the country about what a stellar alternative he would be.

moncurcool 8 years, 9 months ago

"And certainly I would hate for that to happen within the DNA while I’m the leader, because there are options that the leader can do. . “And I will not take it lightly, I can tell you that." . Branville McCartney has just confirmed my suspicions that if he were to become Prime Minister he would be a dictator.

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

The fact that he is not elected to the post of leader is all the evidence needed that he is a dictator. He never needs to say a word to confirm that.

justthefactsplease 8 years, 9 months ago

You obviously know nothing about the DNA...Bran was elected by eligible member of the DNA on three occasions...the first time when there were only 14 members and twice unopposed since then. A full convention is due around August this year maybe you should send someone to challenge him.

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

He was opted into that post in a person's home. Present were a few other individuals. He was not elected. Do you really want that story put out there too, Mr "justthefactsplease"? I actually think the country deserves to know the true genesis of the DNA and its funding. Then we can really decide who represents actual change and who doesn't.

cmiller 8 years, 9 months ago

Why? Because you're afraid that this might happen to you??? Minnis has to go. Its that simple.

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

Exactly. There is nothing at all undemocratic about what those MPs are doing. It is not only democratic, but also Constitutional. But Branville is already declaring that any dissent he encounters he plans to get rid of. And he is the man who is putting himself forward as being different from everyone else. This country sinks deeper and deeper with every coming day. All of these men are chasing the legacies and tactics of despot leaders in the region who do any and everything to hold onto power at all costs.

TalRussell 8 years, 9 months ago

Comrades even a Blind Blake of a cub Tribune reporter's limited intelligence gathering reach, should know Bran has been secretly meeting directly with the deep pocketed monies red shirts to replace Minnis.

Honestman 8 years, 9 months ago

Bran McCartney really has a nerve coming out with this statement. Frankly, it smacks of self interest. McCartney sees an alliance of some sort with Minnis as his bet at the next election and so doesn't want to see him deposed and replaced by a strong alternative FNM leadership team. A strong FNM signals the end for the DNA and McCartney is all too aware of this.

EasternGate 8 years, 9 months ago

When is this man going to say something relevant?

Emac 8 years, 9 months ago

Publius, thank you for your contributions to this forum. You are one of the few bloggers here of whom I bother to read the full comments. This is what we need in this country, people who base their arguments on facts and not emotions and or hearsay!

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 9 months ago

Minnis is a failure. Simple as that. There is nothing wrong with getting rid of a failed leader.

Elected or not.

Minnis must go.

The best option is for Minnis to resign. But he lives in a bubble and in that bubble his sheep followers continuously tell him he's a competent leader.

Minnis must go...

sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago

Well it is plain to see that the gloss has faded from the DNA ........... Bran will not attract the Cinderella votes in 2017 ........... he needs to return to the FNM as an aspiring leader and he will gain more traction ...... hopefully he has not burn all of his bridges ..... There is a lot of anti-PLP political talent out there right now but it must consolidate to have maximum effect in 2017

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