Minnis: Vote shows lack of trust in Christie govt

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said the country’s overwhelming rejection of the proposed changes to the Constitution yesterday is proof that the public no longer “trusts the Christie administration”.

Dr Minnis told The Tribune last night that he “had an idea this would be the outcome” because he does not believe many people understood the questions.

Dr Minnis said the government did a “poor job” educating the public and it has been reflected in the outcome of the referendum.

While the Parliamentary Registration Department only released a handful of results from yesterday’s vote, Parliamentary Commissioner Sherlyn Hall told reporters last night it appeared that all four referendum questions had been “overwhelmingly” rejected.

“The people have spoken and we must respect the will of the people. This vote is a resounding rejection of the government. The PLP no longer enjoys the trust of the Bahamian people and what we saw was true democracy,” Dr Minnis said.

“I believe persons should have been educated properly. I said to the people read the questions; I want people to understand the issues and absorb as much knowledge as they can. I asked persons to understand what they were being asked and then vote their conscience. I do not believe many persons understood the questions, but the people have spoken. I had an idea of the outcome because people no longer trust the government.”

When asked if a government led by the FNM would hold another equality referendum if his party wins the next election, Dr Minnis said: “I would listen to the people.”

Meanwhile, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner released a statement on the vote, which said while the results of the referendum reflect the will of the Bahamian people, it is “disappointing” for those who continue to experience constitutional discrimination.

“In a democracy, even though one may disagree with the results of a vote, that vote must stand as the expressed wish of the electorate. It is unfortunate that voter turnout was low,” Mrs Butler-Turner said.

“For those who campaigned for a yes vote the results are deeply disappointing. It is also disappointing for those who will continue to experience constitutional discrimination. Still, the work for equality continues. Throughout history the fight for equality often takes generations.

“We still have work to do to ensure equality for all our citizens, including constitutional equality. I continue to hold the convictions I have held regarding the struggle for equality and justice. We must always maintain the courage of our convictions.”

Mrs Butler-Turner also agreed that the vote “represents a dire lack of trust in the leadership of Prime Minister Perry Christie and the PLP”. She said the government must take responsibility for this failure.

Last night, Mr Hall said the full results of the referendum should be released by Thursday.


Economist 8 years, 9 months ago

Don't trust you either.

GrassRoot 8 years, 9 months ago

this coming from a guy that probably voted "yes" but did not have the cojones to stand behind it. Flip flopping his way to the convention, a typical political opportunist. Am surprised that the Tribune still calls him "FMN leader"...

GrassRoot 8 years, 9 months ago

and - this is not a vote against PLP/Christie. this is a sign how backward and uneducated the Bahamian people are. The (remote) risk of LGBT getting upwind outweighs the legal emancipation of 50% of the population. The people of this country truly deserve the Government we have.

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

this is a sign how backward and uneducated the Bahamian people are.

Absolutely. But these sick politicians rather insist that the issue is just about politics. Bahamians live in a perpetual state of lying to themselves and one another about their collective consciousness and just how backwards it is. Is there any wonder that our young educated people don't want to return, while right-thinking people here want to leave?

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 9 months ago

Why hasn't this idiot (Minnis) resigned yet?!

Publius 8 years, 9 months ago

Because his party is chock full of idiots as well, hence he is fortified.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 9 months ago

Dr: Minnis does not know what to say. I do not know if he is aware that those sitting next to him in the house do not trust him. But Bullard the fish man does. when the same results occured under the FNM Party of which he was a part. Did it mean the same thing? He will do well to talk less and think more providing he is capable of doing just that

cmiller 8 years, 9 months ago

I have lost complete trust in Minnis too, after the fish incident, so I don't know how he could be here saying this. We need more women in politics, cause most of these men are just scared little mice!!!! No balls, no courage, no backbone......just scared.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago

Minnis had the right approach to how the referendum should have been conducted .......... he is not the blame for the failure of the referendum ........ the politicians did their part in Parliament, then the PLP government decided to push their YES agenda on Bahamians (while showing open bias against the NO supporters)...... that is why the referendum failed ....... Bahamians judged the government on what they DID(actions) not what they SAID (debated) ................ and Bahamians found the PLP/YES agenda lacking TRUST & RESPECT by over a 60% margin on all four questions ....................... until next time??????


If the PLP had apologized for their ABOUT-FACE on the 2002 referendum, and brought that same 2002 referendum before the citizens in 2016 with no biased agenda, that 2002 referendum would have passed in 2016 ........ and the PLP would have bought themselves a lot of TRUST and RESPECT with the Bahamian voters ............ now they face an inevitable defeat in 2017 because of their haughty, defiant, disrespectful stance against the 2002 referendum (that they hijacked).

Economist 8 years, 9 months ago

Your "Now Consider This" is spot on.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 9 months ago

Forget voting monitors, we need monitors for how Minnis goes about getting fresh fish delivered to his home! Minnis, as a dishonest and incompetent politician with absolutely no leadership skills whatsoever, has fractured the FNM party into smithereens and left it deprived of funding from many of its past financial backers. Christie and the PLP are banking on those FNM Council members who unwisely continue to support Minnis to secure a big win for the PLP in the next general election. Minnis is truly Christie's "ace in the hole" as can be seen by from that sly grin on Christie's face whenever Minnis opens his mouth as leader of the opposition and FNM party.

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