Tribune Staff Reporter
DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney expressed openness yesterday to allowing homosexual couples to form civil unions, as opposed to marriage, so they could enjoy some of the rights that married couples do.
His statement came during an appearance on the 96.9FM talk show The Revolution in response to a question from the host about same-sex marriage.
“Same-sex marriage I don’t believe in that, but civil unions, I think people should have rights under the law and I don’t think it should be taken away, but when it comes down to that marriage...” he said.
Neither same-sex marriage nor same-sex civil unions are legal in the Bahamas.
Civil unions are legal relationships between two people of the same sex that gives them some of the same rights and responsibilities that married people have.
Contacted for further comment by The Tribune yesterday, Mr McCartney said it’s important to ensure people enjoy equal rights under the law.
“Marriage is different,” he said. “I have difficulty with any type of discrimination. I don’t think (discrimination) is what (prohibiting gay marriage) is, since (marriage) is made for a man and a woman, not otherwise. But in terms of gay persons, lesbian persons and transgender persons, they should enjoy all the rights that straight people enjoy.”
However, Mr McCartney said that he hasn’t given much thought to the issue.
His comments came as he discussed the weekend massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida and stressed that humans should not play judge and jury for those with whose lifestyles they disagree.
On the issue of civil unions, he told The Tribune: “I think people should have rights but that’s a very touchy situation and something I can’t see happening right now, civil unions and gay marriage. For me personally, when it comes to marriage I have a difficulty. But we must always be careful with rights for people.”
Mr McCartney said he knows many homosexual people and believes that tolerance is necessary so incidents like the one in Orlando that resulted in 49 people being killed does not take place here.
“I have many friends who are lesbians and gays,” he said. “It’s the world we live in. I pray to the Almighty that we exercise tolerance and we don’t put ourselves in the seat of judgment and we are not there to judge anybody. We cannot be judge and jury because they may have a different way of life. We should not discriminate against a person because he is gay.”
With respect to the recent constitutional referendum bills on gender equality, Mr McCartney was one of the first politicians to raise concerns that the fourth bill could open the door to same-sex marriage.
He said last week that he voted “no” to all four amendments during the June 7 referendum.
TalRussell 8 years, 9 months ago
Comrades Bran you being a lawyer must know that any rights granted to a couples 'civil union" sanctioned by The Bahamaland, will not be recognized in jurisdictions beyond Bahamaland's borders?
Bran, your 'maybe' willingness to accept 'civil unions' is an old and outdated comprise to the outright saying 'NO' to rainbow same-sex marriages.
asiseeit 8 years, 9 months ago
Who cares, tell us who you are going to lock up, PLP and FNM and we will elect you!
Honestman 8 years, 9 months ago
Agree. We have much bigger problems to deal with. Why is The Bahamas so consumed over same-sex marriage when we have corruption rife throughout government and carnage on our streets?
jackbnimble 8 years, 9 months ago
Because, the powers that be are keeping it there! Plan A was to test in the court if the yes vote went through and Plan B was to test it even if it didn't. I think they were looking at this aspect long before the referendum.
The LGBT aim to dominate and have same-sex laws passed in every country in the world. They recently tested the courts in China and lost and are now appealing the case. The Bahamas and EVERY OTHER COUNTRY will be tested.
This is not going away any time soon. We need to wake up.
I agree with Greg Moss. The issue needs to go to referendum and put to bed once and for all. Our people do not want this that's why we voted NO. If the people voted "NO" then why are they still insisting on persuing this?
It's a global agenda! Wake up people!
TalRussell 8 years, 9 months ago
Comrades are you too suggesting as the Sunday pulpits teach, that even if the state allows for "Same-Sex Unions," no Homosexuals will ever again get see their "partners" in Heaven? That your 'civil union" comes with no guarantee the church will not disfranchise your "partner' from taking their final resting spot in one their graveyard plots?
Live on in your fantasy world, if you wish to believe online propaganda that somehow "same-sex unions" rights are to be judged equally under the law to those of a civil marriage?
Comrades God excludes no one of His love, mercy and forgiveness. (Luke 11:9, John 12:31-32)
Stapedius 8 years, 9 months ago
He is willing to say or do anything to get in the media and win his seat back. Really a disappointing group. In a time when people are uncomfortable voting for either of the two major parties we have this joker who has a clear opportunity to make a move squandering it. The DNA has to show more organization and clear policy positions on issues. Simply popping up with press sound bites when it suits you is not good enough.
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