Watson backs ‘dream ticket’ of Butler-Turner and Sands

Loretta Butler-Turner and Dr Duane Sands.

Loretta Butler-Turner and Dr Duane Sands.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson yesterday joined his successor Brent Symonette in announcing his support for the “dream ticket” of Loretta Butler-Turner and Dr Duane Sands in the Free National Movement’s leadership race.

Mrs Butler-Turner, who will run for leader, and Dr Sands, who will run for deputy leader, will take on the current leadership duo of Dr Hubert Minnis and Peter Turnquest at next month’s FNM convention.

Neither Mr Symonette, who told The Nassau Guardian Monday that he supports the challengers, nor Mr Watson declared their support for particular people ahead of the 2014 FNM convention, when Dr Minnis and Mr Turnquest won their respective races.

Mr Watson, who served in the first Ingraham administration, said he will “try and persuade everyone he knows” to vote for Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Sands next month.

“I have never been supportive of personalities,” Mr Watson said. “I support what would be best able to deliver that which our party exists for, and that’s to win an election so we can pursue the objectives that are in the best interest of our country.”

Regarding Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Sands, he said: “I believe they have a better opportunity of accomplishing this because leadership is about the ability to connect to the voter in a way which causes them to give you their support. “And I believe that they are best able to do that. They are politically astute. They understand the needs, hopes and desires of our people and they are able to articulate it in a way that the average Bahamian will understand.”

Mr Watson acknowledged that it will be difficult for the challengers to defeat the incumbents.

Reaction to Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Sands’ decision has been mostly positive, and Mr Watson said the pair must harness public support to convince delegates to vote for them.

“The extent to which the public lends their support to the ticket, that will influence delegates who are going to convention,” he said.

“Right now they have to work hard, a 24-hour job ‘til convention day. They got to reach out to all those delegates, probably on a personal basis to persuade them that they have what it takes.”

In seeking to persuade delegates, Mrs Butler-Turner may have to address ill-feelings that were aroused among some FNMs when she and five other parliamentarians threatened to have Dr Minnis removed as leader of the Official Opposition in Parliament if he failed to call an early convention.

This is because in 2014 many delegates said they did not like it when Mrs Butler-Turner “aired the party’s dirty laundry in public.” They claimed they had the ability to keep drama behind closed doors in high esteem.

“People find all kinds of excuses why they don’t vote for you,” Mr Watson said in response to a question about how the ticket could deal with the ill feelings likely to have been aroused by the threatened coup.

The FNM’s convention is July 27-29.


Abaconian 8 years, 8 months ago

Im looking at these polls and comments on Bahamas News facebook page and seems a lot of FNM supporters want Minnis as leader.. I don't get it? What has he done since becoming leader of the party to demonstrate that he can actually lead the party? The party has has been plagued by internal conflicts ever since he took the helm. I don't know.. it seems like the Bahamian public make decisions purely on an emotional whim these days. It's just not adding up. I also cant believe some people actually like that lame slogan "ROC with DOC"!! Who gets up in Parliament and says that sort of thing? It's not even witty or funny.

Minnis is definitely a valuable member of the FNM, and a well educated, and very intelligent man.. but is he leadership quality? Can he lead the FNM to victory in the general election, and future general elections?! I don't know. I think the PLP want him as leader because of the answer to those very same questions.. if that's not saying something then I don't know what is.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago

Minnis is the PLP choice ........... Butler & Sands are the people's choice

Honestman 8 years, 8 months ago

You can't read anything into a Facebook Poll. Detailed analysis could well establish that many of the pollsters are PLP voters. There is no doubt whatsoever that the PLP are praying for Minnis to be confirmed as leader. They will see that as a certain ticket to line their pockets one last time before the lights go out on the Bahamas for good.

Zakary 8 years, 8 months ago

  • seems a lot of FNM supporters want Minnis as leader.. I don't get it?

Makes sense to me, think about it, everyday Minnis is getting ripped a new one in the newspapers, and dailies, so he’s in the minds of Bahamians everyday. The most popular articles, if we measure popularity by the average amount of comments are Minnis articles. People can’t get enough of him?

What is truly fascinating however, is that Minnis is getting the type and volume of criticism that a sitting Prime Minister would be getting. If you point a person to this site who has no idea of Bahamian politics, it would seem to them that Minnis is already Prime Minister just from a quick glance of the article headings.

In essence, bad publicity is still publicity. That’s how I see it, and now that he realizes this, he’s simply taking advantage. I don’t know what happens on facebook but someone told me that it has a substantially different take on issues when compared to a typical Tribune comment section. I've heard it also has a lot more people on it too, so the demographics might be different.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago

The Butler & Sands team is the best viable ticket that the FNM has to defeat the PLP ........ but I will not want to see any sitting FNM member refused a nomination or any anti-PLP supporter excluded from the "movement" to reject the vile, ugly, corrupt PLP from office once and for all in 2017 ............ it is time for the FNM to regroup, recalibrate and rebuild (HEAL)

Will it happen????????? ....................... IDK

sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago

I demand that Hubert Alexander Ingraham come out and endorse the Butler & Sands team and put this baby to rest ............... FNMs cannot take the risk of HAM winning again

Honestman 8 years, 8 months ago

I agree. This would be a patriotic act and could save the FNM from extinction.

TalRussell 8 years, 8 months ago

Comrades! I'm as suspicious of how poised and calm does Frankie jumps to endorse Loretta as I am of the other former red DPM Brent's endorsement. At least Brent's came 'conditioned' on leaving the door open for he self to run for leader?
Pretty damn strange endorsement by not one but two former red regime's DPM's, considering not even Loretta has uttered a word to the media of her being an official leadership candidate?
In name my sweet Comrade Jesus, since when was it left to your (three) deputy running mates Dr. Duane, Brent and Frankie to confirm you're candidacy for leader?
What's up with the sudden media disappearance of Loretta? I'm thinking some kinds media lockjaw curfew, instigated by her Bay Street Boys handlers?


Publius 8 years, 8 months ago

What I have noticed is that Butler-Turner has not said she is running for leader in her party. Why this critical thing is seemingly lost on many people is indicative of so many things; and not in a good way.

SP 8 years, 8 months ago

... What connects Hubert Ingraham, Frank Watson, Brent Symonette to Fred Ramsey? ...

Everybody conveniently acting oblivious to the fact that Fred Ramsey delivered bribe money to a corrupt FNM Cabinet!

The prosecuting attorney in the case and media didn't question the bribery connection and no one in either political party demand to know who the receivers in Cabinet were in this bribe case???


Bahamas has to be the only country in the world where people turn a blind eye to such blatant corruption at Cabinet level and go on considering these people as "leaders".

Suspiciously, Dr. Minnis promise of addressing corruption gained not one shred of support from Hubert Ingraham, Frank Watson, Brent Symonette, BLT or Duane Sands.

FNM's and PLP's are just fine with piracy and corruption from the highest level of government to the city dump!

Enough is enough, PLP & FNM better not show up to my door asking for my families vote!


sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago

Fred Ramsey was the PLP smoking gun on the FNM ............ but the PLP fellas teef in broad daylight!!!!!!!!

licks2 8 years, 8 months ago

The man has become a folk hero. . . the people see "the white UBP faction of the FNM beating up on him with all kind of childish accusations. . .keeping him current in the minds of the people. . .NOW LOOK WHO ARE CHEERING FOR BUTLER AND SANDS. . .the UBP faction of the FNM. . .she too easy to control. . .the people are saying. . .Doc can't be steered any which way by the "corrupt class" in this nation. Hell they even made his poor speaking skills look like a transformation away from "a good talker" being the better leader! LBT is Doc best endorsement factor. . .we see that she is "playing tricks" . . . even changing "things" about herself just to be seen as the better. . .but the more she "changes" the less we trust her to be herself. . .doc is just the opposite. . .he is basically an honest man. . .LBT is seen a greedy conniving person who is willing to sell us out to "her class" and leave us to ourselves!! She don't come across as if she really cares about the people. . .doc brings that across very well!! Why she hadn't tell us herself that she will run for leader. . .Dr Sands had to force her out. . .what. . . she scared of Doc that she "playing fool"? Papa will not endorse her publically! She is damaged goods. Mr Laing told yinna the other day. . .DON'T SLEEP ON DOC. . .DON'T TAKE HIS LOW SPEAKING SKILLS AS LOW FENCE. . .he will rock ya world under ground if ya sleep on him!!

Economist 8 years, 8 months ago

I don't take Doc's low speaking skills a low fence, I look at what he has to say, what solutions that he has to offer. I am still waiting to hear the solutions.

He latest effort about hanging is just for persons who don't know that executions are ineffective. He is either using the old biases in people to fool them or he does not know himself. Either way is not good.

Then he talks of tax incentives, but does not deal with how those persons will access the funds necessary to revitalize the areas if they are given the tax incentives. Again, he is either playing on peoples emotions or does not know what he is talking about.

licks2 8 years, 8 months ago

Perhaps you have resigned yourself to not "give him the time of day". . .he said that the tax dollars will be access by the inner city. . .just like the others who get tax concessions access them! And good Sir/Mam. . .how can you say that the death penalty is ineffective. When or where did you or others did a time-series research that shows the effect hanging has of crime! YOU SEE WHY I FIND MYSELF "ANTAGINIST" to the LBT cheering section on this site. . . you all show poor reasoning skills, polemic in approach, counter intuitive in setting out arguments. . .and just down right overly critical. . .while turning a blind eye to the same faults you rip one person for present in your choice for leader. . .LBT namely!

I don't know the Doc from the man in the moon. . .don't have no affiliation with the PLP,DNA or FNM! I know LBT from a child. . .so much so that I can tell with a high degree of probability among your group which one she is by responses to criticisms. . .she never could take them well without getting down and dirty with the person! Remember the Rollins slap. . ."he said something inappropriate to her". . .she reported. . .so she slapped him. . .in the house! Lol!

I prefer Papa to the Doc frankly. . .but I will not stand aside and watch yinna act like a bunch of Andros yard chickens and say nothing! I expect yinna to present fair view points and be civil and stop all this babyish behavior. . .stop being silly. I am old enough to know when a person is talking out of envy and jealously and has abandoned sound reasoning. . .just to sway our opinions adversely against another person. . .something I would expect to find in a school yard. . .not from yinna!

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