FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis unveiling his 'Roc Wit Doc' slogan in the House of Assembly, pictured with deputy leader Peter Turnquest and Loretta Butler-Turner, who is to challenge for the leadership at the upcoming convention. Photo: Yontalay Bowe
For the good of their country, not just their party, FNMs have a decision to make about their leader, Malcolm J Strachan says
A month from now, the Free National Movement (FNM) will be holding its national convention, the importance of this convention cannot be overstated as the results will ultimately determine the future of this country.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a month from now, 400 people will decide whether or not the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) or the FNM will win the general election in 2017.
The stakes
Currently, the FNM is headed by the hapless and incompetent Dr Hubert Minnis. He has been the leader of the party for the last four years, racking up one defeat after the other while he bumbles his way along.
But to be fair to Dr Minnis, we doubt even he ever thought he would be in the position he is today; the leader of a major political party. Don’t forget, a few short years ago he had just been plucked from private life and given a safe seat in which to run, in an affluent area in New Providence. Now he finds himself on the verge of possibly being just the fourth Prime Minister in an independent Bahamas. We’re sure, sometimes in the dead of night when he closes his eyes, he must hear the phrase, “Yes Prime Minister” whispered in the darkness.
But the only thing waking our good doctor from this slumber is reality. He has been an abysmal failure as leader of the Opposition. Don’t just take our word for it, look at the national headlines.
From his former Cabinet colleagues like Zhivargo Laing and Neko Grant, and even his new addition to the FNM bench, Dr Andre Rollins - all who come in contact with the stench that is Minnis have recoiled in disgust. The man simply doesn’t have it.
What he does have in ample supply however is apologists. They will line up outside FNM headquarters to tell you why you should continue to give ‘Doc’ a chance. They will sing his praises as a man of humble beginnings who has a ‘vision’ for this country. Again, this ‘vision’ will be more nonsensical dribble, than a plan but they preach the message anyway.
While some of these ‘preachers of Minnis’ are motivated by a multiplicity of factors, they usually boil down to two buckets - money or promises.
But as one adage goes, a promise is a comfort to a fool.
To fulfil any promises for Government work, or political contracts, Dr Minnis has to first defeat the PLP and win the Government.
This, my dear friends, is no small task. The PLP of today is not like the old PLP of 2002-2007; this lot are far more devious and dangerous.
The PLP of 2002-2007 had the element of shame then. When a cabinet minister was caught with his proverbial pants down, they had the good sense to deny and attempt to cover up the wrongdoing.
The PLP of today however, when caught in the wrong, flashes the public the finger and goes on doing what it was doing all along. When we dare express any alarm at what has transpired, they laugh and carry on promising us that it is in our best interests - or worse, tells us to shut up and like it.
Such is the state of politics in The Bahamas today.
So we have a PLP that is out of control, with the public treasury at its disposal, new Chinese friends and backers and a hapless leader of the Opposition. It’s a match made in heaven. A cakewalk.
When you study the political landscape it makes perfect sense why Dr Minnis has lasted as long as he has.
You see, the PLP has wanted and needs Dr Minnis to survive his political onslaught just a little while longer. They need a soft, ineffectual leader of the FNM so they can cruise to victory in 2017.
Don’t mind his promises to “root out corruption” and the like. It’s all “white noise” to distract and compensate for his own shameful actions in the yet-to-be resolved Toogie and Bobo affair.
Remember, this was the same Dr Minnis who was forced to admit that he was meeting with these two criminals that forced the resignation of his party’s chairman. When asked about his infamous dealings with these men, Dr Minnis could only come up with his fanciful excuse that one of them was bringing him “fish” to his home.
What a shame. Look at where the FNM has come to - a literal fish market.
The public would also recall it was our very own Prime Minister who disclosed in the House of Assembly that he had “loaned” supporters to Dr Minnis to appear at events to make it appear as if he has more support in the FNM than he actually has.
So we have to ask the question, why? Why would the PLP, which has publicly admitted to assisting him thus far, want to keep Dr Minnis in power if it did not serve their purposes?
The answer is simple. The man is not viewed as a threat.
They know they can be beat him. What is worse, their polling shows that they can beat him easily.
Can you imagine Dr Minnis on a rally stage? Can you? Can you imagine him attempting to fire up his supporters to get out and vote? Can you picture it?
Can you imagine him attempting to go toe-to-toe with Perry Christie?
What happens when the PLP starts to tell the full story of Dr Minnis’ misadventures with Toogie and Bobo? What magic trick would Minnis pull out then to distract FNMs from this next embarrassing matter?
How much longer could the party sustain these assaults before the FNM is no longer the Official Opposition?
Doing the
right thing
So we return, where we began, by addressing the delegates who will be voting at the party’s upcoming national convention.
We ask them to think about the decisions that will be put before them.
On the one hand, you have your current leader, who has demonstrated an uncanny ability to drag his party into the gutter. But gutter politics won’t win you the 2017 general election.
Hard work, and the wide support of the public at large will.
Yes, the PLP is unpopular now, but they are well resourced and they know what it takes to win.
The PLP knows that, right now, the most popular Member of Parliament in the country is the FNM’s MP for Long Island, Loretta Butler-Turner.
She has the support of FNMs, independents and even some PLPs who are fed up with their own party and its leadership.
The PLP knows it would be in their best interest to ensure that Mrs Butler Turner does not become the leader of the FNM. Because once she does, they know their days in office are numbered.
This is where the FNM and its delegates have to make the practical decisions that are in their own best interest. The country is looking to them for a sign that they are hearing their cries for change.
We have had four years of Dr Minnis and can take no more. The party has been given an opportunity to right the ship before it heads into battle.
The decision is up to them, if they will put their best foot forward. For the future of this country, we hope they do.
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