Tribune Cheif Reporter
FOREIGN Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell yesterday said the personal lawsuit filed against him by the unlawfully imprisoned Cuban men released last month was a “trumped up publicity stunt” and an abuse of the judicial system.
Mr Mitchell called the allegation of malfeasance in public office from Carlos Pupo Mendoza and Lazaro Seara Marin “patently false and pure nonsense” as he lashed out against their lawyer Fred Smith, QC.
Mr Mendoza and Mr Marin are each suing the government for $5m and Mr Mitchell for $1m after they were unlawfully detained in prison for almost three years.
The immigration minister said the legal action was in “typical Smith fashion”, adding that the lawsuit will be “vigorously defended.” He added that the country would be a happier place if Mr Smith, whom he referred to as a “gadfly”, would go away.
“Mr Smith should be careful not to be seen as a ‘malcontent for hire’ and further, the question must be asked: what is the end game as nothing ever seems right in our Bahamas?
“I reiterate that the Commonwealth of The Bahamas reserves the right to say who can come and live in this country,” he said in a statement. “When this is no longer possible, then we cease to be a sovereign country, therefore, we look forward to our day in court.”
“I again ask Mr Smith this: if he so loves people who are not from this country who violate our laws, why does he not embrace his citizenship of origin and leave us to govern our affairs?”
In a separate statement, Mr Mitchell said the Cuban men were not wanted in the country and would be subject to rearrest if found without immigration status.
Mr Mitchell also responded to calls from Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Michael Pintard to provide an explanation for several public statements concerning the Cuban men.
On Tuesday, Mr Pintard questioned whether Mr Mitchell “misled” parliamentarians when he said the two Cuban men posed risks to national security.
Mr Pintard called on Mr Mitchell to validate his claims against the Cuban men and provide an explanation for his apparent turnaround from his earlier request to Cabinet for their release.
He pointed to an article The Tribune published on Tuesday, which said that the men were now working in South Florida. The senator said this suggests that the men did not appear to be considered as threats by US officials.
Mr Mitchell said: “It appears once again that the FNM cannot resist standing up for foreigners rather than for Bahamians. That is what Michael Pintard has to explain to the Bahamian people. In the face of all the issues facing this country, Mr Pintard is busy fighting for two Cubans who are wanted in the Bahamas for violating Bahamian immigration laws.
“I have no further explanation to give,” he said. “Everything is in the public record.”
On February 18, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Isaacs ruled that the two Cuban men were unlawfully detained in prison. The next day, Mr Mitchell announced that an investigation had been launched into why the Supreme Court was persuaded to free them. Mr Mitchell said at the time that the men posed a risk to the country’s national security.
In his statement yesterday, Mr Mitchell underscored the importance of separating national sovereignty and politics, and recommended that Mr Pintard “resist temptation” for the benefit of Bahamians.
“Whatever the situation is in the United States is clearly the business of that country,” Mr Mitchell said.
“The incontrovertible fact is that these individuals are not wanted in The Bahamas and if they are in the Bahamas will be subject to re-arrest if found to have no immigration status.”
GrassRoot 9 years ago
exactly. Publicity stunt. the poison you chose Mr. Mitchell.
DillyTree 9 years ago
if it's only a publicity stunt, Mr. Mitchell, then it should be pretty easy for you to clear it all up, right? Oh, so you don't like a taste of your own medicine? While you're at it, how about an accounting of all the money you've spent jetting around the world supposedly on behalf of the Bahamian people?
Honestman 9 years ago
“I again ask Mr Smith this: if he so loves people who are not from this country who violate our laws, why does he not embrace his citizenship of origin and leave us to govern our affairs?”
Leaving "us" to govern our affairs has resulted in the country sitting on the edge of the precipice. The PLP is incapable of open and honest governance and THAT is why we need people like Fred Smith to hold this bunch of mobsters accountable.
GrassRoot 9 years ago
where is Fred from, Guinea? Zambia?
GrassRoot 9 years ago
we should give them their own Island to govern. we got plenty.
DEDDIE 9 years ago
It should be an easy case to win. You don't deprive a person of their freedom without charges whether they be a citizen or an alien.You have to bring them before the courts and charge them with something. As far as Lady Justice is concern they never attempted to burn down the detention center or incite a riot.
Cainn 9 years ago
Freddy always trying to hide his incompetence behind a feigned indignity for Bahamian sovereignty. With all the backing of the dept of immigration you still can't contain your mishaps. The people have a right to know all about your gestapo tactics.
Voltaire 9 years ago
The funny thing is, Mitchell actually believes he is winning this fight – a tendency toward delusion is not really an attribute we would want in our diplomat-in-chief...
My2cents 9 years ago
I agree, It is a publicity stunt. The incarceration of these was not a personal will go nowhere.
Those criminals, one of whom spent five years in Federal prison in the U.S. for human trafficking from Bahamas were placed where they belonged until they could be deported. Just DUI? Yeah right.
Chucky 9 years ago
you are full of CRAP "My2cents"; the US State Department released a statement say neither had been convicted of an indictable offence, one had a previous DUI and was discharged. Get your facts right. Had these guys done anything they would not have been allowed in USA. If they had done anything here, they would have been charged. This was an obvious case of abuse of human rights.
My2cents 9 years ago
Chucky, I believe you are the one full of CRAP. You are making up "facts" to support your lies. I see no such press release but I was able to confirm what I said. You can too, if you chose to use your brain rather than being led by misinformation and leading headlines...and your own lies.
birdiestrachan 9 years ago
Pintard is not to bright . He should know that any one can take a picture and send it any place they wish. He should also know that if they are in the USA they entered illegally . But he does seem to care for the Cubans more and less for the people who worked at the detention center. Pintard it is only a picture it could have been taken any place. Those fellows are so much smarter than you are . and I am sure you will be right there front when they sue the tax payers of the Bahamas. in spite of entering the Bahamas illegally. Try to remember we did not send for them , They were not invited to the Bahamas , They break the laws of the Bahamas. and caused trouble at the detention center..
Chucky 9 years ago
you are full of CRAP "birdiestachan"; the US State Department released a statement saying neither had been convicted of an indictable offence,and one had a previous DUI and was discharged. Get your facts right. Had these guys done anything they would not have been allowed in USA. If they had done anything here, they would have been charged. This was an obvious case of abuse of human rights.
My2cents 9 years ago
@ Chucky, please post your source because I don't believe you. I was able to pull up this man's arrest record on federal prison inmate search. Also, a 2008 article by the Florida Sun sentinel also confirms his sentence for human smuggling of 19 persons from the Bahamas and not adhering to Federal officers command to stop his vessel. They had to shoot at it in order for this brazen criminal to stop his trek.
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