MP admits parking in disabled space was wrong

Long Island MP Loretta Butler Turner issued a short statement Wednesday, after a photograph published in The Tribune showed her car parked in a Harbour Bay disabled space:

“One should lead by example, especially those of us in public life. Waiting in my vehicle in a handicapped-reserved parking space (a photo of which was in The Tribune) was wrong.

“I broke my rule of not parking or standing in such spaces. I thank The Tribune for pointing this out. It is a necessary and timely reminder to us all.”


Voltaire 8 years, 11 months ago

And that is how a true statesperson responds to being caught out. Brave? Minnis? Christie? Do you have the balls to flow suit?

Emac 8 years, 11 months ago

Thank you ma lady! Plain and simple. To err is human, but to not admit a mistake especially when everyone can see your mistake is PLP!

SP 8 years, 11 months ago

................... BLT was totally within her rights to occupy disabled parking spot! ..............

All the dumb goats in Parliament on both sides of the Honorable House are amply eligible to enjoy the rights, privileges and special concessions of the disabled!

Cuba signed agreements in a few short months for over 30 new hotels to be built, negotiated and approve 110 new U.S. flights daily and contracted Carnival to begin landings in June 2016.

It took Perry Gladstone Christie, Hubert Alexander Ingraham and all their goats 15 years just to get Baha Mar to where it stands idle today.

Clearly, without doubt, the PLP and FNM are severely disabled!

If a picture says a thousand words. You be the judge!


B_I_D___ 8 years, 11 months ago

She's only sorry because she got caught and called out on it...but at least she did admit to it and apologize...same can't be said for the Chief justice out at Old Fort Bay shopping centre...not a peep from him yet.

DonAnthony 8 years, 11 months ago

Apology accepted. Now please go and pay your fine. When will we hear from the Chief Justice or is he above the law? And not a word from our police commissioner, will he also not enforce the law?

sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

LBT apologized ............... that is what we want from responsible mature leaders .......... But the PLPs who are found guilty of wrongdoing (Brave, VAG, Obie, BJ, Old Gomez, Fitzie etc) do not admit and apologize or resign ............ that is the difference between the FNM and PLP

jus2cents 8 years, 11 months ago

She apologised this is Much more than any of the other illegally parked Government vehicle owners have done!! However, I think maybe she should also donate to a handicapped charity? And make it one of her missions to enlighten other government workers to the importance of handicap only parking areas.

Then maybe some good can come of this.

There should always be a fine of $350 + for parking in a handicapped zone, and if it's a Government vehicle they should be given a week of community service. (or something?)

sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

Please don't run out now .................. rules apply to all, not one or two special cases who may be used as scapegoats ....... that's our problem in this country ........... remember Perry's friend who did not pay his real property tax????????????

TalRussell 8 years, 11 months ago

Loretta has admitted to being wrong and we all should accept her apology as being sincere.
Comrades if you've been caught stealing a parking spot away from a disabled person's vehicle that is clearly marked as: "Reserved for the Disabled" not only should you pay a hefty fine of $350, payable as a donation directly to Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled.
The exposed parking spot thief, should have to volunteer to experience what it's really like to move around Nassau Town as a disabled individual.
I would suggest to Loretta that she not only make a donation of $350 to the Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled but she volunteer to spend a full day in a wheel chair as she moves about Nassau Town.
I am sure the Tribune would be more than happy to assign a photographer to tag along.
Maybe this act by Loretta will inspire others to experience a day as the disabled must face each and every day.
Comrades just you try entering your workplace, bank, store, restaurant, doctor's office, church or apartment building - without any provisions for the disabled.


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