Nygard sues The Tribune, FNM members and more

Peter Nygard

Peter Nygard

LYFORD Cay resident Peter Nygard has sued The Tribune, Save the Bays, as well as Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis and the party’s former Chairman Michael Pintard, and others, for “libel” as well as “abuse” of the Supreme Court and Parliament.

According to a writ filed in the Supreme Court yesterday, Mr Nygard is seeking an injunction restraining 16 defendants from committing “further acts intended to harm or likely to harm” his economic or other legal interests and an injunction restraining the defendants from committing “further libel or slander” against him.

He also wants a declaration that each defendant has “abused” the processes of the Supreme Court and that Dr Minnis “abused the high office of leader of the

opposition” and the processes of Parliament on March 13.

However, Mr Nygard likely meant Monday, March 14, when Dr Minnis addressed the House of Assembly about the allegations against the fashion mogul.

The lawsuit is the latest court filing in reaction to a March 9 affidavit filed by four Save The Bays (STB) directors - Joseph Darville, Romauld Ferreira, Fred Smith and Louis Bacon - as well as Reverend CB Moss against Mr Nygard and lawyer Keod Smith.

They allege that Mr Nygard orchestrated a two-and-a-half-year campaign of fear and violence to “kill or scare off” activists he saw as opponents to development plans for his Lyford Cay property.

Mr Pintard was named in the STB affidavit as being instrumental in uncovering the alleged plot.

According to his writ, Mr Nygard is seeking damages from the defendants as a result of a “conspiracy to injure” him from an “unknown date” until court documents were filed against him on March 9.

He alleged that there was no “merit” in the action against him and the plaintiffs knew that “the said action was founded on perjury and the subornation thereof.”

He is also suing on grounds of “the malicious publication of libel associated with the quotation of affidavits known to contain perjured statements together with caricatured political advertisements on or about March 9, 2016 and thereafter.”

Mr Nygard is also suing Mr Bacon, and his wife Gabrielle; the Moore Bahamas Foundation; Mr Smith, QC; Callenders & Co; Save the Bays Ltd; Mr Ferreira; Mr Darville; Rev Moss; Diane Phillips and the trustees of the Free National Movement.

Tribune Publisher Eileen Carron and Tribune Business Editor Neil Hartnell were also named as defendants in the lawsuit.


GrassRoot 8 years, 11 months ago

and Mr. Nygard's lawyer is...... (let me guess, PLP - Gomez; or PLP - former DNA - Asylum Seeker's butt whipping QC in waiting,......)

sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

...... for real ..... who are his lawyers???? ......... he is radioactive ........ smh

GrassRoot 8 years, 11 months ago

and it gets personal, suing the spouses is not a good idea. If that comes into fashion with all the people involved, we may not have enough lawyers on the island to represent them all.

Sickened 8 years, 11 months ago

I love it! Let all the dirt come out. Only then can we purge the nation of scum and start anew.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

............ now the shit gonna hit the fan ............ and who is the AG again??????????

sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

.............. how can right-thinking Bahamians continue to tolerate the absolute disrespect that this white moron has for our country and its leaders???????? .......... and to now even facilitate his stupid lawsuit???

sealice 8 years, 11 months ago

sadly the courts are controlled by our corrupt as politicians and this shit will cost the bahamas millions of dollars in legal fees and time - thanks for Nothing again Nygard

GrassRoot 8 years, 11 months ago

yep, In Mr. Nygard's books there is a Receivable of BSD 5 Mio, he will get it back. they always do.

jus2cents 8 years, 11 months ago

Oh he didn't just go after the Press?! What an idiot, that's a panicked knee jerk if ever there was! He really shouldn't go there, proves he is getting bad advice and ego is out of control but we already know that!

This is just a classic delay tactic, this is what you do when someone has got your dangly bits in a vice (you're already in court) A waste the court's (& the country's) resources.

The courts should throw this out, on the base that there's already a case before them with much of the same stuff and most of what he's alleging will be dealt with in that preceding case.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago

If my memory serves me right, the Attorney General is still Allyson Maynard Gibson ................ and this involves Perry and Brave and the PLP benefactor

Emac 8 years, 11 months ago

Why this old mash up face man don't go sit down and relax he nerve!

cmiller 8 years, 11 months ago

What is he still doing in this country?

Economist 8 years, 11 months ago

It seems to me that he has no case, nor does he have any real evidence. If he did he would have only sued those that he needed to.
This sue everyone means he is on, what they call, a fishing expedition.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 11 months ago

He doesn't have to go fishing.......the stinkiest of the criminal fish swim right in our own parliament much to the shame of all Bahamians!

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