Michelle Miller Motivationals: Do you have a positive mental attitude?


Without a positive mental attitude real success remains out of reach. Whether we are talking about being great artists, a successful business owner or becoming a professional athlete, those who become masters of their domains understand the power of a positive mental attitude. They know that changing their lives for the better means they must be willing to pay the price of time and effort. No goal is achievable otherwise.

What about you, do you have a positive mental attitude?

Building a positive mental attitude is an old philosophy that has led thousands to their own promise land of success. It is a tried and proven road map to a future of endless possibilities. The bottom line is a positive mental attitude empowers you to live an easier more enjoyable life. You may be surprised to learn that your attitude has a strong influence on your immune system and your capacity to get well. Research has shown that a having a positive mental attitude and activating positive thoughts actually boosts your immune system. Rather than being sick and miserable, you learn to be hopeful and optimistic.

Interestingly, those who are sick and miserable tend to hold a rather negative attitude, which only hinders their ability to get well. Getting well means being well within and thinking wellness before you can experience well-being.

As I said, the concept of a positive mental attitude is not new. It was introduced in 1937 by Napoleon Hill in his famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, which many call the foundation of the personal development and self-help industry.

Essentially, the philosophy of a positive mental attitude asserts that having an optimistic disposition and positively meeting life’s challenges attracts positive opportunities and increases your achievements.

Those who are students of this philosophy strive for a state of mind that consistently seeks ways to win or find an improved outcome, despite the circumstances. They are the ultimate optimists; standing firm against negativity, pessimism and hopelessness.

Let me be clear, being a positive thinker and having a positive mental attitude is not about sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the negative realities that you may be facing. Instead, it is understanding that you can look at both the negative and positive side of the situation. With the right attitude you can look for opportunities in which you can learn from, even the most challenging of circumstances.

The reality is that life is a balance; every situation has both positive and negative sides. If you focus only on the negative, you will reap negative results. You must find the courage to focus on the positive things that you wish to experience.

I do understand that one too many setbacks or challenges in life can lead you to playing the blame game. However, consider this sobering quote by American psychologist Dr Albert Ellis: “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realise that you control your own destiny.”

These words remind us that the power to direct our lives lies within. The fact of the matter is everyone gets hurt or knocked down by life’s challenges at some point. Many who we today call a heroes started at zero.

For example, look at the life of former South African President Nelson Mandela, imprisoned for 27 years for his political point of view.

Yet he had the kind of mental attitude to rise above all of that to become a successful, world-changing leader.

Indeed, it is never what happens to you, it is always how you respond to what happens that matters.

Leader to leader, take the time to develop a positive mental attitude. In so doing, you give yourself a head start at effectively meeting and overcoming life’s challenges.

Those who live an empowered life do so through a positive mental attitude.

What do you think? Please send your comments to coaching242@yahoo.com or 429-6770.

• Michelle M Miller is a certified life coach, communication and leadership expert. Visit www.michellemmiller.com; mail can be sent to PO Box CB-13060.


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