Bran open to FNM coalition

DNA leader Branville McCartney.

DNA leader Branville McCartney.

Reader poll

Do you think a coalition between the FNM and DNA would win the general election?

  • Yes, a coalition would win the election. 82%
  • No, a coalition would NOT win the election. 18%

191 total votes.


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney yesterday confirmed he had been approached “several times” by senior members within the Free National Movement, as well as sitting FNM MPs, to join the official opposition.

Mr McCartney said while the DNA will never “fold up” and join a “sinking FNM” he proposed for the two parties to “join forces and work together” to oust the Progressive Liberal Party government.

However, Mr McCartney said FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis “is so full of himself and bad at politics” that he refused the offer unless the DNA disbands – something the DNA leader said “will never happen”.

“The FNM is in the worst state they have ever been in. They have lost traction, they don’t have any money and they don’t want their leader,” Mr McCartney said.

“They have a leader who lost five senators in the last four years, a leader who no one wants, a leader who let the PLP grab his testicles, tie them together and wrap them around his back. Dr Minnis cannot keep his party together and they want the DNA to join them.”

“We have been approached but the bottom line is the DNA will not fold up,” he said.

“I am not going to the FNM but I gave them a scenario where accommodations can me made. Why would we disband the DNA when the DNA is stronger than the FNM? At the rate the FNM is going, the FNM will be the third party after this election. The DNA joining the FNM is like asking someone to change decks on the Titanic.”

Mr McCartney said he is open to discussing a coalition between the FNM and the DNA in order to get the PLP out.

“We have had some conversation with members of the FNM but ultimately the leader makes the final decision,” he said.

“If the FNM is smart and really wants to beat the PLP they would have a real conversation about this. We are open to this, we have spoken about this, but Dr Minnis seems to be stuck on stupid. He is not in his right mind if he thinks he can win on his own.”

Mr McCartney said: “Together, we would be the worst nightmare for the PLP and we are willing to do what it takes to rid the country of the PLP.”

Excluding Mr McCartney and DNA Deputy Leader Chris Mortimer - who are expected to challenge Bamboo Town and Nassau Village respectively - the DNA has now confirmed six candidates for the next election.

In late February, the DNA announced that Podestra Moore would be the party’s standard-bearer in Elizabeth and spokesperson for social services and women’s affairs. Emily Williams was ratified for Marathon and named spokesperson for culture.

Additionally, Bushceme Armbrister was introduced as the candidate in Carmichael and party spokesperson for transport, while Brenda Harris was ratified as the DNA’s candidate for Bain and Grants Town and named spokesperson for financial services.


Emac 8 years, 10 months ago

Let's do it! Anything to get rid of these demons who we gat running this country now!!!

justthefactsplease 8 years, 10 months ago

There is a simple fact that the FNM must face...they WILL NOT win in 2017. The two reasons for my position on that are: the FNM is in serious disarray and are very unattractive at this point. The second reason is that the DNA are more organized than they were in 2012 when they pulled enough votes causing the FNM to lose. They are likely to pull even more votes this time so the FNM will not have enough support to win. The only option to get rid of the PLP is to vote DNA. What say you?

jackbnimble 8 years, 10 months ago

Voting DNA is not an option - too many no-name candidates. In all other respects, I agree with this post. I suggest they make Bran the leader of the FNM, take 2 or three of the best of his candidates and lets just put a sensible party together and vote these suckers out. Time is not anyone's friend. We've got to get the PLP out - period!

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 10 months ago

Once again Minnis misses the mark. He should have told Bran that when you get more than 6 candidates we can talk. To discuss a coalition now with Bran and 6 people makes no sense whatsoever. And if Bran continues with the no name candidates then he brings nothing to the table. Bran and Minnis both need a reality check....

themessenger 8 years, 10 months ago

What exactly do you see the FNM bringing to the table at the moment? More old retreads that have been rejected by the electorate in more than one election, add Sexy Cassius Stuart, Lincoln Bain and his tape recorder to the mix and you have a genuine Molotov cocktail in the hands of a pyromaniac. This party being scorched by their own torch.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

To build a lasting political coalition takes a lot of negotiation ....... if the DNA and FNM gonna do that, it takes tactical planning, cool heads and sensible messaging ......... They need excellent, experienced handlers

cmiller 8 years, 10 months ago

Please, Jesus, let this happen!!

Honestman 8 years, 10 months ago

The problem for Bran is that he doesn't have a big enough number of credible candidates to be able to negotiate with Minnis at this point. Now if he can encourage a few big hitters from the FNM to defect and join the DNA then he would have a significant bargaining chip. The other problem is that at this point the DNA is still effectively a one man band. The DNA needs to be bigger than Bran. It needs to propelled into being the alternative party to the PLP and that means holding a convention where all senior positions are voted upon. In my view therefore, the best option for the country is for the FNM to replace Minnis and hold discussions with the DNA on an electoral pact. Alternatively, if the FNM does not have the stomach to replace Minnis then FNM's who care about their country should defect to the DNA in time for a DNA convention to be held.

cmiller 8 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, Honestman....the PLP needs to be bigger than Christie and the old FNM needed to be bigger than Ingraham. The old PLP needed to be bigger than Pindling.

concerned242citizen 8 years, 10 months ago

There is no hope of the FNM and the DNA "joining forces" after the strong statements made by Mr. McCartney. Both parties need to work tirelessly from now until election 2017 in order to contend to be the next Government of The Bahamas. May the best party win!

paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 10 months ago

Without meeting Mr. McCartney, merely by listening to him speak on ZNS-1, he immediately strikes one as a well informed, good man who tells it straight, on the level.

This latest move clearly suggests he's reasonable, given to wise decisions. One can only wish him the best, and thank him for his fine leadership and courage.

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrade Bran you can’t just strike out at Minnis and then run for cover inside your Village Road Law Office, at least not before telling the public, how since they the red shirts party doesn’t have any money - maybe you now need to publicly disclose the true status of your own green party’s finances?
Like how much did that big, expensive, fancy campaign bus cost or is costing your membership... and where did/is the money come from to pay for and maintain it?
In almost 5 years .why hasn’t the DNA made public, its annual audited financials?
Comrade Bran, can you confirm/deny that a condition proposed for the two parties to “join forces and work together” to oust the Christie government, calls for you to be appointed to the Senate, forthwith?

And, with any red you never does knows if you were/is being recorded?
Also, any discussions held with a certain highly controversial high-priced lawyer to run as a DNA candidate come the General 2017?


OMG 8 years, 10 months ago

The FNM has lost the chance to rid this country of a corrupt, inefficient , inept government. Having said that as much a Christie makes empty promises , he can outshine Minnis any day when speaking. Minnis just doesn't have it and will drag the party down with his stubborn attitude.

jusscool 8 years, 10 months ago

The only chance anyone has to oust the PLP party. Is talk really cheap? We'll find out.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

a leader who let the PLP grab his testicles, tie them together and wrap them around his back.

Is there something young Bran wants to come out and tell us? An unseemly remark indeed for someone in his position.

John 8 years, 10 months ago

What Branville and the DNA need to do is to keep tredgin forward, strengthening the party, getting some more seasoned and experienced candidates, and good financial support and thereby become the most viable opposition to the PLP and with a possibility of winning the elections and forming the government on its own. Then the FNM will have no choice but to meet the DNA in a more compromising and agreeable mode. The FNM has been f.battling the same issues since Hubert Minnis took over: internal fighting and washing dutty laundry in the public, lack of cohesion and unity and no clear direction coming from the leadership. Once the DNA positions itsself properly and readies its election machinery it will benefit from campaign funds that will become available to the opposition. Don't get bogged down in the mud trying to negotiate with the FNM and allow the PLP to take this election without even a sweat,

John 8 years, 10 months ago

By this time next year the new government of the Bahamas will be at least a week old!

Greentea 8 years, 10 months ago

perhaps Bran was trying to suggest that the DNA run in certain constituencies and the FNM in others so that they don't cancel each other out. but Minnis probably hell bent on running a full slate with no money, but his own I guess - cause he has something to prove. ego is a beetch. and the taste of power is a powerful drug. Minnis can't admit that his party ain't going nowhere fast. I am sure those who have already been ratified getting nervous.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

I am sure those who have already been ratified getting nervous.

Many of them are, yes

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

The DNA and FNM should sit down and tear up everything they have planned so far separately and create a new joint - Plan of Action/Manifesto including looking at a 1:2 ratio of DNA:FNM candidates based on best quality talent available ......... no lightweights needed

bogart 8 years, 10 months ago

Testicles indeed. Is the DNA ideology on a new party offering change to the masses now so similar to that of the FNM or a union for expediency now just sought just to defeat another political party? What about all the supporters of all three sides who thought different? Where are the different ideas to chart a new course or are they after all this time the same as the FNM? What is the meat on the table? How many other political parties have started with new ideas only to join up and become one and the same as the dominant party in short order? Current thoughts should be discussing the views on our Bahamas in light of acceptance of LGBT rights by law in the United States our largest trading partner and the European Union position. What happens if o Bahamians with US and Bahamian dual citizens get married in the US and come back to the Bahamas? How do our Courts treat two LGBT US citizens who move and invest in the Bahamas and gain citizenship? How can US companies sending staff to work in US companies in the Bahamas be treated? What happens to US LGBT staff? Will Bahamian companies who do not subscribe to LGBT rights be treated any different in dealing with US business? Or will those Bahamian companies leaning or accepting LGBT be given preferential treatment? The Mighty Sparrow Calypso singer has a song with the lyrics 'you can't make love on hungry belly'. What is the position of the DNA on these matters? etcetctc

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