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Do you think a coalition between the FNM and DNA would win the general election?
- Yes, a coalition would win the election.
- No, a coalition would NOT win the election.
191 total votes.
Tribune Staff Reporter
FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday that while he is “open” to forming a coalition with the Democratic National Alliance, he is “turned off” by DNA Leader Branville McCartney’s arrogance.
Speaking to the press outside the House of Assembly, Dr Minnis said he is willing to do “whatever it takes” to rid the country of the PLP.
“At this particular point in time,” he said, “our goal is to get the PLP out, they are a disaster for this country and they have made many promises and cannot deliver.
“The people are suffering, they cannot pay their bills, they cannot buy groceries, they can’t pay their school fees, they are losing their jobs and the jobs are being sent abroad,” Dr Minnis said.
His comments came one day after Mr McCartney revealed he had been approached “several times” by senior FNM members as well as sitting FNM MPs, to join the official opposition.
On Tuesday, Mr McCartney said proposals for the two parties to join forces had been rejected by Dr Minnis, who mandated that the DNA be disbanded.
Mr McCartney said the DNA will never “fold up” and join a “sinking FNM”, and further claimed that Dr Minnis was a “bad politician” who was “full of himself”.
“The FNM is in the worst state they have ever been in. They have lost traction, they don’t have any money and they don’t want their leader,” Mr McCartney said.
“They have a leader who lost five senators in the last four years, a leader who no one wants, a leader who let the PLP grab his testicles, tie them together and wrap them around his back. Dr Minnis cannot keep his party together and they want the DNA to join them.”
Mr McCartney said: “We have been approached but the bottom line is the DNA will not fold up.”
Yesterday, Dr Minnis said he was “disappointed with Mr McCartney for his “bombastic arrogant attitude, when persons are trying to reach out and move the PLP.”
He maintained that he was willing to have the conversation but admitted that he had “no idea” how the coalition would work.
Dr Minnis said: “It’s quite evident the PLP is failure and the FNM will do what is necessary to win, to ensure the removal of the PLP, including teaming up with the DNA.
“I don’t know how it would work, these are matters that have to be discussed and these are matters that will be discussed. As far as anything definitive I cannot say at this point in time”.
Regardless 8 years, 10 months ago
....if the global statistics agencies kept an " arrogance level of national political leaders per capita " list, then The Bahamas would rank #1.
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrades the math is not there for forming a coalition with the Democratic National Alliance...and that is even if the reds are open to skipping over being turned off by the DNA Leader Branville McCartney’s arrogance.
Knowing the DNA is but a declining "one-man band" fringe party lacking in real leadership along with having loss much of their freshness, anti Papa Hubert popularity, with no tangible signs of membership or constituencies growth since 2012 - only someone knowledgeably informed when it comes to actually wining general elections, is invited to amend Comrade Tal's firm thinking that the math being applied here does not makes for political smarts?
marrcus 8 years, 10 months ago
The math is there! Had FNM and DNA combined in 2012, PLP would only have gotten 14 seats instead of 29. BIG BIG difference. I ain't a Bran fan, but he is right about one thing. After 2017, FNM will be the 3rd party, and PLP will reign again. PLP forever.........get used to it.
Wideawake 8 years, 10 months ago
Re 2012...don't you mean that if McC had not had a hissy fit and flounced off out of the FNM to form his "never have elections for leader", boutique, DNA party, just to teach Big Hubert a lesson, and had he stayed in the FNM, sitting small and showing the electorate that he could be a good team player, biding his time, that the PLP would not now be the Government, and that he, McC might be our current Prime Minister or Deputy!!
After his recent "massive" rally with all of 400 persons in attendance, most of whom were probably close friends and family members, McC realizes he and his party needs credibility, and that forming an alliance with the FNM is probably the best and only way he can achieve this!
If I was Lil Hubert, I would give him only 3 seats and only a single Ministerial post in a Ministry where his aggressive tendencies could be put to good use. ? How about Transport?? Catch and prosecute all them disgusting Road Traffic thieves and get back some of the missing $47mills.!
McC goes from zero to hero, and maybe sometime in the future he might claw his way back into a leadership position!
marrcus 8 years, 10 months ago
some more 2012 voting math........ PLP Jerome Fitzgerald 2164 votes FNM Heather Hunt 1907 votes DNA Karen Davis 337 votes.
Add it up, if Karen Davis was NOT on the ballot and her votes went to FNM (very likely) , Ms Hunt would have that seat today. Simple math.
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Remember Comrade Marrcus, just because someone says voters would have voted red had there been no 2012 General's greens - will not make it true come 2017.
What's your personal reaction when some politician thinks they can take your vote to the bank?
Anyone taking the 13,225 voters who voted green in 2012 as no more that some kind of predicable "cult-like" voting block, are not practicing the smart kind politics necessary to win the government in 2017.
Rhetoric 8 years, 10 months ago
The DNA is one man I would give them one seat nothing more nothing less
Honestman 8 years, 10 months ago
Egos within the opposition parties could allow the PLP another five year term - this is the sad reality. Whilst the PLP is corrupt to its very core, it has one thing going for it: the Party and its supporters stick together knowing full well that its policy of "unity among thieves" allows them continued access to the country's cookie jar. The current administration no doubt feels confident that it can secure another five year "license to plunder" despite its shambolic performance since lying its way to election victory in 2011. Many of its gullible supporters see nothing wrong in re-electing MP's who have moved into million dollar homes out West on the back of a Minister's salary. So can those who want a more honest and transparent Bahamas unite to end the scourge of the PLP? It can happen if all interested parties put away their egos and think only of the future of this country. Unfortunately, both Minnis and McCartney appear to be ego driven as is the case with most politicians. Prospects of a successful coalition are not good therefore.
Wideawake 8 years, 10 months ago
All politicians are ego-driven and many like McC are Narcissistic; what is playing out here Is "Lust for Power"vs "Statesmanship and Concern for Country"! We will see which part of their personalities dominates the "negotiation",😟
jackbnimble 8 years, 10 months ago
I agree. No wonder Fitzgerald decided to run again after messing up Marathon. You gat to hand it to them. If the status quo is retained, then the PLP is headed to another victory at the polls.
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrades didn't Papa Hubert do this fringe parties merger thing leading into the 2012 general? How exactly did that political maneuver work out to fool the voters at the polls by what was then a big, all powerful, over reaching Papa Hubert red regime of elected masqueraders - hoping from island to island as the peoples caring government? Measure the negatives Bran as the the most eager of ll politicians is now smart enough to know that he and his DNA cannot win 2017 House seats - unless the red shirts prop him up.
CatIslandBoy 8 years, 10 months ago
The bottom line is that Bran has no parliamentary seats, and no prospects of winning one. However, if he runs a full slate of candidates in the upcoming election the PLP will be guaranteed a return to power. So, yes, the FNM does need to reach out to Bran, and Moss, and offer some kind of compromise. Maybe they both can be allowed to run unopposed by the FNM in return for not running any additional candidates from their respective parties.
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrade CatIslandBoy an "entertaining" idea but no more. Without a red lifeline thrown to Bran, 'his" green brand will slowly die, before they even open the 2017 polling stations doors.
Bran knows damn well that things have become heated within the DNA and that his personal gig to become the nation's fourth PM is up.
That unless he wishes donate it to the red party, he will not be riding around Nassau Town constituencies in that expensive, fancy DNA campaign bus come the 2017 General.
Am I wrong to ask, if the reds have even bothered to ask the DNA party - if Bran is duly authorized to speak for the party's future ambitions?
SP 8 years, 10 months ago
Both sides need to STOP the childsplay and examine successful coalition governments
The two party system of governance has proven inadequate and prone to massive across the board systemic and endemic corruption.
Several well-known countries are run by coalition governments including Canada, Germany, UK, Italy, India, Ireland and Israel.
ALL of which are a dam site better run and much more prosperous than Bahamas!
FNM, DNA and others need to start by systematically reviewing Canada, UK and or other coalitions to find common ground on which to begin identifying a workable relationship.
After 4 decades of abject failure, blatant corruption, friends, family and lovers favoritism governance and all out blind piracy, the PLP and FNM are not an option in their present forms!
viewersmatters 8 years, 10 months ago
Rather see the coalition of fnm and dan than to see whats left of our Bahama land be giving to foreigners, The Bahamas can not survive another 5 year terms with a Government that aims to tackle crime but are committing the most outrageous crimes in our faces and saying yea we did it and so what. Lets stand together and save our place of home. Save The Bahamas and cherish what we have
Publius 8 years, 10 months ago
I felt like preserving my IQ today, hence my refusal to read beyond the headline of this story.
SP 8 years, 10 months ago
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Dumbness + Arrogance = Politician .................. What is new???? ...... so Minnis & Bran should make a great couple!!!! ............ LOL
Wideawake 8 years, 10 months ago
Red and green...just in time for Christmas!!
Alltoomuch 8 years, 10 months ago
Talking of arrogance - did anyone else notice Dr Minnis's response to the reporter who asked him a question about Laneisha Rolle ? he did not stop walking - he did not turn around - he said something like - "It is finished" in a very dismissive tone & that was it!! Arrogance anybody?! There has to be better!
DEDDIE 8 years, 10 months ago
Branville McCartney lacks political shrewdness. All he had to do is join the FNM and wait. See how the election results turn out. Even if Minnis wins his seat and the PLP wins there is a good possibility that McCartney becomes leader if he to wins his seat. If Minnis wins and the FNM becomes the Government wait for the long knifes to come out leading up to the next elections.
Emac 8 years, 10 months ago
Let's talk FACTS!!! Both parties CANNOT do without the other. There are many disenfranchised voters who are willing to cast their ballots for the DNA, but not enough to put any of the DNA members in the HOA. On the other side of the coin, there are many people who will also be voting for the FNM, but not enough to make that party the next government of the Bahamas. So both of these arrogant SOBs need to set aside their petty differences and do what is best for country. Cause trust me, if PLP gets in power again, Bran might as well pack his bag and leave the Bahamas, because the people will blame him for splitting the FNM votes. Hubert Minnis would be better off practicing medicine in El Salvador, because the people would certainly hate him for trying to lead the FNM into an election, when he himself knows full well that he is not leader material.
SP 8 years, 10 months ago
Too much horseshit here. Going to for asinine mayhem that don't affect ME
Emac 8 years, 10 months ago
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