DNA: Minnis will have to ‘shape up’ to lead country

DNA leader Branville McCartney.

DNA leader Branville McCartney.


Tribune Staff Reporter


DESPITE courting the possibility of a coalition, Democratic National Alliance Branville McCartney would not reveal yesterday whether he thought FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis would be better for the country than Prime Minister Perry Christie.

Mr McCartney said he was surprised by Dr Minnis’ willingness to form a coalition when pressed for details about such a merger at a press conference.

He noted that if a coalition is to be formed, he would have to “shape” Dr Minnis up a bit along the way.

“(I would have to) toughen him up a bit and (get him) not afraid to tackle the big issues.”

Mr McCartney said discussions about the matter are “still up in the air”.

“Dr Minnis was just on a talk show and someone characterized him in terms of how he is like a Perry Christie,” he said when asked if Dr Minnis would be a better leader than Mr Christie.

“I don’t know,” Mr McCartney said. “I can’t answer that. It’s difficult to answer that. I’m looking at the way his party is now and how Perry Christie’s party is. Perry’s ministers are running amok in this country and it looks like he has no control over it. You have certain people in the FNM doing all kinds of foolishness.”

Mr McCartney also downplayed a row that erupted in the press this week between him and Dr Minnis.

In an interview with The Tribune on Tuesday, Mr McCartney said the FNM was a “sinking” party, and its leader was pompous and a poor politician. He emphasized that Dr Minnis could not keep his party together, and had allowed the Progressive Liberal Party to control him. Firing back, Dr Minnis called the DNA leader “arrogant” and “bombastic”.

Yesterday, Mr McCartney said he took no offence to Dr Minnis’ criticism.

“I’ve not bashed the good doctor,” he said. “I didn’t take offence to what Dr Minnis said of me. Not at all. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. The FNM is in disarray. You got different factions in the FNM. They’ve gone after their own leader. They’re trying to oust him even now. They’re trying to call an early convention. They say he’s weak. I don’t get into that.”

Mr McCartney said he is concerned that if the June 7th referendum on gender equality is successful, Mr Christie will try to call an early election.

“If they’re successful on this gaming referendum they just might call an early election because there’s nothing else going on for this government,” he said. “There’s nothing else on the horizon. If they get a win, that’s a feather in the prime minister’s cap.”


jackbnimble 8 years, 10 months ago

"If they're successful on this gaming referendum....?" Are you sure this quote is right?

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 10 months ago

Minnis will not be able to lead the FNM to victory. He either has to be replaced, or the FNM will be worse off than they are now. And that is pretty damned bad.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

This is a loaded statement .......... more correct than wrong ....... how can HAM be corrected?????? .............. that's the million dollar question to ask both men

Emac 8 years, 10 months ago

Ahh...They want to form a successful coalition, yet both men are behaving like spoil brats! Go figure.

licks2 8 years, 10 months ago

We all knew that those two parties had to form a coalition to stand-up to PGC. . .apart they would both get a beating of their lives. . .since the good doc could not depend on his house buddies them. . .and brand don't have the public "moxie" for the people to whole sale grab onto him. . .this would result in another split of non-PLP votes that will result in another five years of mis-rule! THE PLP WOULD BE ABANDONED BY THE SWING VOTERS AND MINNIS FNMS WHO WILL EITHER VOTE FOR THE FNM OR DNA. . .LBT FNMS WILL STAY HOME! EVEN APART OF THE PLP BASE IS MOST LIKELY TO "DISS" ANOTHER ELECTION BID BY PGC. . .EITHER NOT VOTING OR VOTING FOR DNA OF FNM!


birdiestrachan 8 years, 10 months ago

They both want to be prime Minister. that is all this is about. They have no vision for the Bahamas or the Bahaman people. as for being compared to Mr: Christie they shoul be complemented.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

Two zeros trying to look like heroes.

Nothing that has worth and merit toward nationbuilding can ever be built in this country because no one wants to build something beneficial that can outlive them, they simply want to be prime minister. They don't want to take the time to be a true agent of progress building institutions that give the country a future - they simply want that office title and their chance at the well that comes with it.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

Agreed ........ this is Minnis' and Bran's perfect opportunity to create a new post-Pindling political culture in our country ........ please do not BLOW it for the sake of our future generations

DDK 8 years, 10 months ago

Too sad, but too true!

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrades you don't reach out to Her Majesty's Official Opposition Party by building walls between you and Her Majesty's Leader.
You don't do that by insulting.
You don't do that by making bombastic statements.
All I hear is the leadership and its MP's, Senators, named candidates and council members are ill equipped to contest the 2017 General. That only one their former own reds can be the one to return to save the party from complete ruin and damnation.
For what reason are you talking this way?
There is no talk about the pressing issues of the day - starting with jobs and ending with crime?
There is no talk about tomorrows opportunities for all who want to work or to apply themselves?
Maybe there are good reasons why since 2012, there is little to no real evidence that points to real leadership, or even membership growth, within your own fringe party?
Its all personal insults What are you talking about?
Why are you yelling at the red party's leadership and membership?
is this the renegade style of leadership you are pushing to the red shirts?

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 10 months ago

There will never be a coalition. Both leaders suffer from delusions. Minnis thinks of himself as a leader and Bran thinks he is an actual contender....

Neither would negotiate based on reality...

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 10 months ago

Appears Bran is willing to let Minnis lead. Bran must know he can never win an election....

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