Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie last night insisted that Bahamian citizenship is “not for sale at any time at any price” as he refuted allegations that his government had agreed to the sale or grant of 500 Bahamian citizenships to Chinese investors in connection with the beleaguered Baha Mar project.
Mr Christie described it as an “absolute lie” that citizenship in return for foreign investment had been agreed, saying that was a “non-negotiable position” for his government.
The Prime Minister was responding to allegations which surfaced yesterday of a major request for concessions by China Construction America (CCA) to jumpstart the stalled $3.5bn resort.
The allegations were made by radio talk show host Steve McKinney, who claimed that CCA, Baha Mar’s lead general contractor, has requested that the resort’s current developer Sarkis Izmirilian to be removed from the project, a 30-year exclusivity with regards to its casino licence, a 30-year Value Added Tax exemption, a 25 per cent increase in concessions currently enjoyed by the resort, and the granting of 500 citizenships to Chinese nationals attached to the project in various capacities.
It brought a call from Free National Movement (FNM) leader Dr Hubert Minnis for Mr Christie to give a full explanation of the Baha Mar negotiations .
In his statement last night Mr Christie said: “Bahamian citizenship is not for sale at any time at any price to anybody. This is a non-negotiable position of my government. Moreover, it is for me personally, a matter upon which no compromise is possible.
“I can therefore assure the Bahamian people, without any equivocation whatsoever, that no deal offering Bahamian citizenship in return for an investment in The Bahamas will ever be entered into while I head the government of The Bahamas. I find the very idea of citizenship-for-sale to be repugnant to all that I believe in and to all that I stand for as a Bahamian. It will never happen on my watch.”
The Prime Minister added that the grant of Bahamian citizenship is subject to strict eligibility requirements and qualifications under The Bahamas Nationality Act. “The suggestion that just because you buy Bahamian real estate or make an investment you somehow qualify for Bahamian citizenship is complete and utter nonsense. Not only is it as a complete non-starter from the standpoint of the Government’s immigration policy, it is not even legally possible.”
Earlier, Dr Minnis insisted that the Bahamian people would not accept such a deal and that he would personally lead a demonstration against it. He said the Prime Minister “owed it” to the Bahamian people to discuss both the allegations and concerns surrounding the matter.
“(Mr Christie) needs to address the nation and say whether or not this is true,” he said,”because if this is true, he needs to tell whoever sent that letter where to jump and where to go.
“Bahamian people will not tolerate it. If (the letter) is so, I will personally lead the demonstration to stop such an event. But we will not tolerate it. There is no way that will happen. Not in this country. Not while I am here. So, (Mr Christie), I say to you: ‘If that is so, then tell them where to jump, where to go,” Dr Minnis said.
Mr McKinney revealed the contents of a purported letter addressed to Mr Christie from CCA during a segment of his “Hard Copy” talk show on Peace 107.5FM over the weekend.
Recordings of Mr McKinney’s show have since gone viral on social media, fuelling speculation that Christie administration were attempting to kickstart the mega resort during the course of 2016 at any cost.
Mr McKinney further alleged that Attorney General, Allyson Maynard-Gibson and the Prime Minister’s senior policy adviser, Sir Baltron Bethel, were en-route to China with plans to strike a deal with CCA.
The Tribune understands that Mrs Maynard-Gibson and Mr Bethel are presently in China; however, the trip’s purpose could not be confirmed.
A source familiar with the matter would only state that the pair had departed for China this weekend with directives from the Prime Minister.
Mr Christie is expected to make a communication in the House of Assembly on Baha Mar this week, and sources point to a direct correlation between the Attorney General’s current trip and ongoing CCA negotiations.
Speaking on the sidelines of the swearing-in ceremony for Senator Dr Duane Sands at Government House yesterday, Dr Minnis lambasted Mr Christie for his passive action in this saga. He emphasised that former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, when faced with a similar situation, led negotiations in China to ensure its success.
“And he (Mr Ingraham) came back with a better deal for the Bahamian populace,” Dr Minnis said.
“An additional $400m. So (Mr Christie) needs to go (to China). You do not send somebody junior to you, you go and you speak with authority. You speak for the Bahamian people and you let them know what (you went) there for and what the Bahamian people expect.”
Dr Minnis said: “Do not send somebody who you can.... hide behind, no. Let us know what is going on and the Prime Minister can be assured that he would have the backing of the entire Bahamas because we will not allow ourselves to be walked on.”
Dr Minnis urged the Christie administration to launch a formal investigation into CCA contracts for Baha Mar to uncover the truth behind the Baha Mar debacle.
He highlighted a past invoice discrepancy between CCA and Baha Mar developers.
When asked by The Tribune if the FNM had launched any investigations of its own into CCA, and the assertions offered by Mr McKinney, Dr Minnis said the party has not.
He maintained that it was the responsibility of the Christie administration to ensure that there was no “skullduggery” surrounding the actions of CCA as it was the only regime with knowledge of the intimate details of the current scope of negotiations.
Dr Minnis said the new allegations raised more questions over the pace of construction at The Pointe - another Nassau-based project being constructed by CCA.
He questioned whether the confusion surrounding the Bay Street project’s building permits had anything to do with “backdoor deals” between CCA and the government.
In a later press statement, Dr Minnis expressed solidarity with disenfranchised Baha Mar workers who were made redundant when the project went into liquidation earlier this year. The workers purportedly sent an open letter to Mr Christie lobbying against CCA’s continued involvement in the project.
Dr Minnis said the Baha Mar debacle was just a number on the long list of failures under the Christie-led government.
He demanded that Mr Christie choose whether the government represented the Bahamian people or a foreign corporation.
Hogfish 8 years, 10 months ago
notice how e aint say NOTHING about the casino license, VAT and other Consessions!
stink a$$ go straight to hell and burn.
All4One 8 years, 10 months ago
My thoughts exactly! Not a word about these equally alarming claims....Scary stuff....
jackbnimble 8 years, 10 months ago
My thoughts exactly. He didn't even deny the letter existed which means it probably does.
Nation for Sale! Any takers??
themessenger 8 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, PLP for Bahamians as they hang the Baha Mar local creditors out to dry while throwing some more salt on them to help them corn better. National dept expands by $1.6 billion in the last three years despite $360 million taken in by VAT and the dept to GDP ratio heading for 77%. Them $50 million for BAMSI, $30 Million for the treasury tiefin, $22 million for two years of Carnival, BoB tiefin, Road Traffic tiefin',Post Office tiefin', Social Services tiefin' boy dey sure does add up quick. A little tiefin' here an a little tiefin' dere, here a tief dere a tief alla dem some big tiefs .........................Ole PGC he sold da farm ei ei oh!
Wideawake 8 years, 10 months ago
I think we should stop using the term "tiefin" when such large sums of money are involved. "Tiefin" is taking a cookie from Grammy's cookie jar not Stealing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of our money from the Bahamas Treasury!
"Tiefin" is forgivable, Stealing most certainly is not and should be prosecuted forcefully after the appropriate Commission of Enquiry and ANYONE convicted should be incarcerated in Fox Hill Prison.
The only Bahamians who would disagree with this are the thieves themselves. Surely honest right thinking Bahamians out-number them and can, therefore, out-vote the thieves!
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Where there is smoke .......... there is fire ............ these dirty politicians throw things out to test the temperature of the people and then make/sign something else that is "tolerable" ....... one way or the other Perry is going to sign an agreement with the Chinese to get Bahamar open within the next 6-8 months ........... election coming!!!!!!!!!
Sickened 8 years, 10 months ago
I understand that people have seen for themselves passports issued and held by CCA high ups.
PKMShack 8 years, 10 months ago
They the best in the business, I with HOGFISH only part is a lie is the number of citizenships he about to sell off. Thanks for the fools who voted for more of the same. I am not surprise there track record spoke for them. So you who voted PLP are to blame not PGC. You got what you voted for,,,, more of the same. Valley Boys let's present CHINA on Bay St. and have your leader of the country do the Perry Shuffle with the new Chinese Bahamains as we welcome the RED CHAINA in the front door. Thanks for everything
oleboi 8 years, 10 months ago
Boi I tell yuh.... these Fn politicians!
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Well we know for sure that Perry's "legacy" is DOA now .......... UR2.0, Bamsi, Renew, Resolve/BOB, PowerSecure/BPL, BTC2%, MurderStats, IDB downgrades, UoB, JunkanooCarnival, NEMA & Joaquin, High School Diploma, Freeport Agreement, RoadTraffic etc civil servants teefin, unopened MOH clinics, no new schools, No jobs,....... and the grand-daddy of them all ...... China's Bahamar ........................ What a "wutless" legacy!!!!!
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrades the PM Papa Hubert and Deputy PM Brent's red regime, approved 1,144 citizenship applications between May 2, 2007 and June 30, 2010 - that's a :monthly" average of about 75 new Bahamaland citizens.
The previous PM Christie 2002 - 2007 regime, did sworn in; 1582 permanent residents.
Between May 2, 2007 and June 30, 2010, Papa Hubert and Brent's regime, approved 1,165 permanent residency applications.
Honestman 8 years, 10 months ago
It is clear that the PLP is about to sanction the handing over of Baha Mar to the Chinese because it is the quickest way to have the resort completed. CCA will acquire the property and finish it to its dubious standards (not internationally accepted standards which will cause problems down the line) Bahamian contractors and creditors will be sacrificed in Christie's desperation to have the resort construction completed before next May. Further concessions will be granted to CCA (to the dismay of Atlantis Resorts) With CCA already pushing ahead with "the Pointe" the Chinese will therefore have a dominant grip over the Bahamian economy for years to come. Christie is about to "sell his soul to the devil" in his desperation to stay in power for another five year term. What a tragedy for the country! What a legacy!
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 10 months ago
The excessively generous deal that Christie is now prepared to cut with CCA and the China Export Import Bank is irrefutable proof that Christie and his Chinese partners in crime all along intended to unjustly enrich themselves by effectively stealing the Baha Mar development from Sarkis Izmirlian. But Christie and his Chinese partners in crime are not content to just steal Izmirlian's $1 billion equity stake in Baha Mar, they also want to steal everything they possible can from the Bahamian people for many years to come through outrageously excessive tax concessions of one kind or another that will break the backs of honest hard working Bahamian taxpayers who will have to pony up from their own pockets to compensate for Christie's unseemly generosity to his Chinese partners in crime. Undoubtedly Christie, Bagman Baltron Bethel, the Wicked Witch of the West and their close circle of political friends and cronies (including their family members) are "on the take big time" in their dealings with the corrupt Chinese beneficiaries of their wrong doing!
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrades the Chinese Bank were obliged to seek via the courts, possession of Baha Bar properties - after all, weren't they defaulted on to the tune of $2.5 Billion by Izmirlian?
Isn't the more important question nobody even bothered to ask, including the courts or local creditors is; how is it Baha Mar was left to sit unopened, even if partially, despite the Chinese Bank dumping $2.5 billion, Bahamaland State Funds, Lands and Concessions dumping another $1 billion, the Izmialian's $800 million - plus the millions left owing to local and international creditors?
Comrades we're talking like $5 BILLION and it couldn't even open the "dock" for tourists walk out on?
Didn't they even have like $3 million cash stashed in the Casino's vault - all ready to open to gamblers?
Prime Minister, something makes a whole lot of no sense, and until taxpayers get answers - no more damn money, or concessions, are to be dumped into these $5 BILLION "padlocked" properties?
Isn't the Bank of Nova Scotia, also on the hook for something like $200 million?
newcitizen 8 years, 10 months ago
The Chinese Bank is already in possession of the property. This went through the courts last fall. That's why they appointed receivers. The government started screwed themselves a long time ago and now it just continues.
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrade NewCitizen let this be one PM's teachable lessons that it should be made an Impeachable Offense, for any foreign investor to approach a PM, or Crown Minister to seek an development or investment approval.
Comrade you means tell me that even after dumping $5 billion into properties, you couldn't at least have open that damn 'dock' for tourists walking?
And, if you even ask a PM, or Crown Minister to grant you Crown Lands, you and them go immediately to jail, with no court trial until after you've all served a minimum of 12 months in solidarity confinement - in the same damn dirty, bucket to crap and pee in cell.
And, guess what. I'd make the law retroactive to cover the previous governing regime's, don't give a good-damn about state funds, lands and concessions actions at Cable Beach.
Justice would not be seen be served, by leaving them off the accountability hook.
John 8 years, 10 months ago
So y'all ain't tink is no connection between wat da Chinese doing in the country and the immigration questions on the referendum aye? Think again. Border less countries and no sexual discrimination , but let them black boys go kill one another while we invade their land. Take their jobs but not their women. Get it? Got it ? Good!
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Who legally owns the land that the Bahamar hotel sits on?????? ......... there is only one real solution to Bahamar .......... call in the bomb squad
TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago
Comrades what would be so wrong if the government were to grant 500 Bahamaland citizenship's to Chinese investors? Would it not be worth to take a much closer look at? Since Baha Mar, first appeared on the Izmirlian family's drawing board, haven't we granted thousands of citizenship and permanent residency permits?
Are you more vocal against the 500 but not the 100,000 to 180,000 believed to already be living and working in the country illegally?
Thousands not believed to have been Chinese, attended a public meeting just days ago in which both the nation's PM and Her Majesty's Official Opposition Leader - greeted and addressed the crowd of legals and illegals.
marrcus 8 years, 10 months ago
PGC is a Master Politician. He had his boys leak the 500 permits story knowing that it wasn't true so he could stand up firmly against it. He is a Master I tell you. PLP forever......get used to it.
asiseeit 8 years, 10 months ago
I believe the P.M. just like he believes in Bahamians, not so much! The Government of the Bahamas is the number 1 threat to The Bahamas bar none, they are corrupt, immoral, unethical, traitors.
SP 8 years, 10 months ago
The Chinese played PGC as the desperate, validated, confirmed jackass that he is
We warned jackass Christie from day one that Chinese plan in multiple decades while Christie plans in mere months.
Anyone with sense could have seen this coming 3 years ago. Christie is playing tic-tac-toe while the Chinese are playing grand master chess. He was and is bound to lose.
viewersmatters 8 years, 10 months ago
we all are raising high concerns over 500 citizenships being granted to chinese when in due time after the referendum if it succeeds that 500 is going to multiply by numbers way much greater and larger. Why should we the Government grant citizenships when we can use the Bahamians to give out citizenships themselves, plane and simply present a foreign citizenship deceive the people to think that these bills are for equal rights for men and woman but mainly attack the females because we know females want to be equal to men then let the People open the gateway to allow hundreds and thousands of citizenship to rapidly flow thoughtout the Bahamas and at the end of the day when Bahamian would be getting flush out of their own country they would be the blame and not the Government, thats what the wanted the voted for it so they received it.
viewersmatters 8 years, 10 months ago
we must give to the PLP though they said they would get rid of the immigration problem and the way how things are going they are doing a darn good good getting rid of the immigration problems, if we give out citizenship to all foreigners then there be no immigration problem right, referendum day would just help the PLP with their immigration problem as well.
sealice 8 years, 10 months ago
He know's dats a lie cus he's the expert on lying to Bahamians.....
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