Tribune Staff Reporter
FOREIGN Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell yesterday hit out at Facebook group “Baha Mar Citizen Awake”, accusing it of fuelling “racism” and extreme patriotism towards Baha Mar’s Chinese investors at the behest of the resort’s developer Sarkis Izmirlian.
Mr Mitchell accused the group of being a “front organisation” for Mr Izmirlian. He said the group with the “patently offensive name” is likely responsible for “fuelling this anti-Chinese fervour” as a “cover for the defaults of Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian”.
Mr Mitchell further lambasted Bahamians not attached to Baha Mar for criticising the resort’s Chinese investors, stressing that a country which had to “fight and continue to fight every day for their human dignity to be recognised” should not be engaging in “this kind of dog whistling and borderline race baiting for the fun of it”.
Mr Mitchell’s statement came in reference to rumours that Chinese investors requested the removal of Mr Izmirlian as developer; a 30-year exclusivity with regards to its casino licence, a 30-year Value Added Tax exemption, a 25 per cent increase in concessions currently enjoyed by the resort and the granting of 500 citizenships to Chinese nationals attached to the project in various capacities.
The speculation was revealed by radio talk show host Steve McKinney during a recent segment of his “Hard Copy” talk show on Peace 107.5FM, who claimed to have seen a letter written to Prime Minister Perry Christie by Chinese officials.
Firing back at those allegations, Mr Christie on Monday night described the rumours as an “absolute lie” and denied that citizenship in return for foreign investment had been agreed, adding that was a “non-negotiable position” for his government. However, he did not speak about the other alleged requests.
Nonetheless, the allegations led to a firestorm of public criticism and assertions that the Bahamas is becoming a Chinese colony. Mr Mitchell hit out at the actions of some, which he said included but is not limited to the Bahamian $1 bill being “defaced” by replacing the Queen with a Chinese national figure; the Bahamian national anthem being “desecrated” by being sung in “mock Chinese” and the “inference that Chinese are being endowed with hegemonic powers in the Bahamas.”
“This type of propaganda is not amusing,” Mr Mitchell said yesterday. “It is patently offensive and irresponsible. No nation, but particularly one of majority African ancestry where they have had to fight and continue to fight every day for their human dignity to be recognised, should be engaging in this kind of dog whistling and borderline race baiting for the fun of it. It is unbecoming of us as a country.”
Mr Mitchell added: “What is further concerning though is that a front organisation on Facebook which appears to be aligned with the failed developer and calling themselves by the patently offensive name ‘Baha Mar citizens’ seems to be fuelling this anti-Chinese fervour as a cover for the defaults of the developer.”
Mr Mitchell was referring to ‘Baha Mar Citizen Awake’, which, according to its page description, is a “forum” for voices of former Baha Mar employees to have their voices heard over the shuttered property.
“Our country’s image abroad as a place for investment and in tourism cannot develop the reputation of being racists or jingoists,” Mr Mitchell added. “I therefore sound this word of caution on this and say it has gone far enough and must come to an immediate end.”
Mr Mitchell went on to deny public speculation that the Chinese are allegedly making strides to take over the Bahamas politically or economically. He also called on the public’s “better nature on this score where the country’s international reputation and vital interests are at stake”.
He added: “The Bahamas is a democracy and a free society, so public discourse is par for the course. What is of concern however is when racism and jingoism appear to be seeping into the dialogue and public discourse. We should not wander down that path for that is the wrong path.”
On Wednesday, Mr Christie said negotiations with government officials, the Export Import Bank of China (EXIM) and China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) over Baha Mar resulted in a “framework agreement” to complete the project “as expeditiously as possible”.
However, he gave no concrete resolution on the issue of payment to unsecured Bahamian creditors, only saying they would be “considered” during the remobilisation process, adding that negotiations were underway to agree to appropriate timelines and a schedule for completion.
themessenger 8 years, 10 months ago
Laughable! Is there a more rabid jingoist in this country than Mr. Mitchell? More smoke and mirrors............................
BaronInvest 8 years, 10 months ago
Interesting. A year ago you would think Mitchell was the racist, calling for foreigner investors having psychological evaluations before they can invest, bashing Sarkis on a daily basis for Chapter 11 and threatening foreigners to take their residency permit away for criticizing him. Now look, the same guy protecting chinese interest - what a tool... Sarkis made the best offer for Baha Mar yet you sellouts give it to the chinese.
Sickened 8 years, 10 months ago
Look at Perry staring at his boongie buddy thinking "I can't wait to snuggle with that tonight!".
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago
Racism? Who was it who led that rendition of "Buffalo Soldier" again?
jackbnimble 8 years, 10 months ago
And what? You are the prime example of diplomacy having insulted the developer and threatened to take his permanent residency? Pleez!
Social media has been defacing images of Christie and his cabinet for years now. Why hasn't Mitchell cried out against that? He's so quick to defend the precious Chinese and has never chastised Bahamians for defacing our own Prime Minister's image and making a mockery out of him on social media? Diplomacy starts at home, Sir. But I guess you didn't get the memo!
These things go with the territory when you are in high office making decisions to screw us over and only thinking about yourself.
Frankly your heads are so far up the Chinese arses you can't see that!
Publius 8 years, 10 months ago
Chinese is not a race.
And neither is Haitian, but that didn't stop Mitchell from using and abusing Haitians as immigration pawns and springboards to try to prop himself up as a would-be choice for Prime Minister. White is a race. A race Mitchell seems to detest.
These subhumans sicken me.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Or the Cubians ........... BOL
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Fweddy is upset because Bahamians are mockingly/sarcastically reacting to the PLP sell-out of Bahamar to the Chinese ............. why is he upset???? .......... is he upset because we have pricked his conscience about the PLP evil deeds??????? ............ each of those PLPs in the picture should have been dressed in Chinese attire with the matching Chinese hat to parade across Rawson Square ............. Bahamians know that they have sold us out to the Chinese ........ THE PLP CABINET ARE TRAITORS ......... THEY HAVE TO GO!!!!!!!!!
sealice 8 years, 10 months ago
I guess it takes one to know one cus that fucker is the most racist of them all - I guaruntee next year at one of his hate rallies.... I mean fox hill rallies he will bring up the big ol mean white man with the whip...
sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago
Wonder how Fweddy will explain the Chinese detergent ad circulating on the internet with the Chinese gal who washes the black skin off the nigga???????? ........ the Chinese are racists
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