Tribune Staff Reporter
INFIGHTING in the Free National Movement (FNM) took another dramatic turn yesterday as Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins lambasted supporters of Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, accusing them of “espousing the tactics of a demagogue interested in dumbing down the debate because the leader has no substance or vision for this country”.
He insisted that those FNM members characterising recent actions by him and several others of the party’s parliamentarians as a move by “elitists promoting a UBP agenda” were only underscoring the “weakness of the current leadership”.
In a statement posted to his Facebook page on Monday, Dr Rollins said this line of attack was only strengthening the position of the government.
Last week, The Tribune reported that the majority of the FNM’s parliamentary team had threatened to petition Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling to remove Dr Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition unless an earlier convention date was set.
This latest effort from the parliamentary team has the support of six of the opposition’s 10 MPs, The Tribune understands.
This includes St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner and Dr Rollins.
According to a report in The Nassau Guardian yesterday, South Abaco MP Edison Key alleged that Dr Rollins was being used as a “hatchet man” by a United Bahamian Party (UBP) faction of the FNM to get rid of Dr Minnis.
Hitting out at his critics, Dr Rollins said: “If you have to resort to pandering to the emotions of the poor and working class, by suggesting that those who oppose Dr Minnis are opposed to poor, working class Bahamians, then I say to you that you are espousing the tactics of a demagogue interested in dumbing down the debate because the leader has no substance or vision for this country.
“The party is weakened by the ongoing attempts to vilify some of those who comprise the base of the party simply because it is a convenient strategy for the current leader to remain in the position of power at any expense,” he said.
The Fort Charlotte MP suggested that Dr Minnis’ “brainless political strategists” have failed to see the wider picture.
He warned that while their tactics may result in the support of a council stacked with “hand-picked supporters”, it would not result in victory in the upcoming general election.
“The same ones you castigate using your political minions by way of talk radio, ought to be invited to join you when you go through the gates of Lyford Cay shilling for money to fund your political campaigns. Then they will see just how many times the words ‘poor Bahamians’ comes up in your conversations with them,” he stated.
“I am no UBP and I certainly have not been given any inducements or rewards for any actions I have taken as a member of the FNM. I cannot be bought,” he added.
“However, I believe in keeping it real. My loyalty is to this country and the Bahamian people. They deserve to be respected and not played by those interested in being politically duplicitous. Now, do we want to have an honest debate or do we want to sit back while desperate politicians try to play us for fools?”
Dr Rollins also said the FNM has remained a strong party because it has been able to draw the support of “black Bahamians, white Bahamians, ‘conchy joe’ Bahamians” and people from all social classes.
On Saturday, Dr Rollins stressed that leaders must never be afraid to “allow democracy to reign” adding that if Minnis is fit for his post, he will “weather the storm”.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago
Has Minnis been able to present a FNM National Agenda??????? .......... He did have a plan of action when he did his 2014 leader's acceptance speech??????
Right now there is too much smear tactics going on ........ Minnis has to take a stand within the week ........... Remember SLOP ............ fish, cut bait or get the hell out of the boat????
Minnis is facing a coup in the Parliament but he can survive as defacto FNM leader ...... but will he have the gumption to kick those MPs out of the FNM and render them "seatless"?? .... he will have no choice after this Rollins revelation
NassauBoy77 8 years, 9 months ago
That is not a wise plan for Minnis. If he tries to cut them, he will not be the leader of the opposition as he will not command the majority of Opposition MPs. He needs to be held accountable for the state of affairs in the FNM. He is responsible!!!
Publius 8 years, 9 months ago
I had to laugh at his minions saying they would throw the MPs out of the Party, clearly not understanding that then the FNM would no longer be the Constitutional Opposition. But since it is clear that none of them even know nor care to know their country's Constitution, it is also clear why they are so stupid on that point.
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
HE SHOULD BE LEFT WITH THE "LION MEAL" SINCE IF THEY ARE CUT ARE INDEPENDENTS. . .EACH IN A AREA (not FNM, PLP or DNA). . .NOT AN ORGANIZED PARTY. . .READ THE CONSTITUTION. . .THE OFFICIAL OPPOSITION IS ASSUMED TO BE AN ORGANIZED PARTY. . .SUCH AS THE ASSUMPTION FOR THE GOVERNMENT PARTY! That group cannot coalesce into an organized party for nothing. . .Rollins may try to "bite" his way to the top! The FNM has already has been named as it by the GG. . .they would have to form a party quick or join a coalition with the FNM. . .thus still giving Doc the majority of organize members!
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 9 months ago
Minnis must step down. Rollins was recruited by Minnis. now look at Rollins. Replacing them 6 will not help. Minnis is just lousy at leading. Like Rollins, anyone Minnis recruits will turn on him because he is such a lousy leader.
What you really do not want is an HOA full of Minnis sheep. That would be counter-productive....
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
And the five encouraged Rollins to join their back stabbing and they have no blight for using Rollins as their stick!
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
But yall have the majority in the HOA. . .yet I see nothing but loud mouth noises and nothing substantial. . .maybe Minnis do have the "game changing" formular for the future. . .NOT A SHOW TO GET POWER. . .BUT A PLAN TO USE THAT POWER FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE ONCE YOU GET IT!
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 9 months ago
Man who cares if Edison Key leaves the FNM? He's never been FNM, they walk out, he stays. They vote no, he votes yes. They say the ocean is blue, he says it's green.
Let him go. It would mean nothing if he left....
SP 8 years, 9 months ago
Minnis has enough "vision" to address systemic corruption. That's what we need most!
Rollins is talking loud and saying nothing! Dr. Minnis constant attack on corruption is exactly what the country needs most.
What has Dr. Rollins offered as a more important alternative vision?
DDK 8 years, 9 months ago
NassauBoy77 8 years, 9 months ago
You can't be serious!!! The FNM is in the worst state it has seen in its 46 year history! Maybe he is just a half decent MP but definitely no leader!!! What has his attack on corruption done? The only thing I have seen is his closest allies in the persons of former party chairman and former Senator Rolle have all resigned in recent weeks. Looks like this attack has back fired.
SP 8 years, 9 months ago
"The FNM is in the worst state it has seen in its 46 year history" because the corrupt six and their white Bahamian oligarchy are on the run from Minnis talk of stamping out corruption!
None of them have questioned which Cabinet ministeres shared up the $600,000.00 Fred Rahmsy was sent to collect. WHY NOT?
Dr. Rollins use of meaningless catch phrases have no political currency with the electorate. Any clown can speak in general. PGC is another master of talking plenty without substance.
Publius 8 years, 9 months ago
Getting government contracts under the table from two of the most scandalous government ministers as inducements to FNM council members in order to maintain his position is an example of vision to address systemic corruption? The answer is absolutely not. And that's just one of many examples that can be cited about how "anti corruption" this man is.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 9 months ago
The FNM as it is today is the legacy of Hubert A. Ingraham......nothing but a testament to his failure as a politician.
NassauBoy77 8 years, 9 months ago
HAI is not the leader!!! He is not even sought for advice. The FNM of today is a direct result of the inept leadership of HAM!
sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago
Hubert Minnis is a multi-millionaire .......... how did he amass his wealth .......... did he do it all above board or was he "well-connected" ????? ......... that is the litmus test to judge his primary agenda ......... anti-corruption .......... Minnis is preaching the Trump agenda ...... he is claiming to be the "outsider" who is willing to be a "change agent" ......... the PLP and FNM insiders are throwing the kitchen sink at him just like what is happening to Trump in the USA
TalRussell 8 years, 9 months ago
Comrades this is a standard part of this man's political shtick, nothing new about who and what Dr. Andre really is not about and perhaps the Tribune would have best served journalism, by drawing readers attention to his many flip-flops on issues having occurred publicly just on the floor of the Honourable House of Assembly, both as a PLP and now as a somewhat red? Flip-flips that that should be seen as decision making impediments.
Tribune, wouldn't it have been fair to have asked Dr. Andre, what exactly does he know, if anything, about the UBPism wing of the red party, stepping in to fund $500,000 to pay the airfares, hotels, ground transportation's, meals and out pocket expenses of ALL the Out Island red delegates to make their way to the party's convention to vote on Minnis's removal as leader?
Comrade Loretta, Chippie & Richard, it was you three MP's who forced Minnis to reach for straws when you first drafted that letter to Her Excellency, forcing your leader to reach for Dr. Andre?
What a beauty you "four" MP's are - so deserving each others political company.
DDK 8 years, 9 months ago
Like you, Comrade, I wonder about the colour of the vision of this Dr. Rollins! Blue, yellow and red lol! What a happy combination! Perhaps he and the member from Abaco should get together and have a party!
TalRussell 8 years, 9 months ago
Comrade DDK, as deep are the pockets of the $500,000, I don't think the UBPism fund will permit Dr. Andre to dip into it for his flight into Marsh Harbour to meet for Edison.
Edison seems to have had an excellent reading on Dr. Andre, from the minute Loretta, Chippie & Richard - forced Dr. Minnis to go seek him out during both their rough times of party troubles. Why shouldn't Edison not be familiar this MP's ways well, after all he been observing the PLP House missteps of Dr. Andre, for going on 5 years now.
Greentea 8 years, 9 months ago
I think any party seeing Dr. Rollins coming will treat him like a Jehovah's Witness. turn of the tv, close the windows and blinds and pretend not to be home. I am indifferent to Rollins, but I have to say- he dropped the mic on this one. I am not a political insider and a member of no party but he got a point - or two- or maybe even three- and the boy know how to express it. lol.
TalRussell 8 years, 9 months ago
Comrade Greentea you who challenged me for my labeling former red chairman Darron - "Pancake Face"- knocks the religious faith of others? Also, you really needs do your homework on both Dr. Andre and that other man's.
Do you even know if he ever got his 'snatched from his own hands' laptop back?
Greentea 8 years, 9 months ago
I am not knocking the faith at all Tal. People can believe in whatever, whomever they want. Do you. I am just using an analogy, because growing up the JWs were unfortunately not welcome at my house. That's the point- Not sure how many parties upon seeing Rollins knock on the door would also pretend not to be home. I don't know the man and I certainly don't know about the laptop business- something our so called news outlets might followup on - seemed like questionable behavior if you ask me. I just find Rollins use of language and turns of phrase kinda refreshing.Nothing more, nothing less. If all else fails, the young man would make one hell of a preacher or defense lawyer.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago
The true test to the viability of any organization is the presence of SUCCESSION PLANNING ......... there is none in the PLP, FNM or DNA ......... a sure sign that there is no true democracy in our Bahamian politics .......... we are led by ad hoc leaders in all three parties
Vision is related to the concept of planning ......... if there is no SUCCESION PLANNING, there certainly will be no organizational vision either ............ we are led by pirates in coat suits
jackbnimble 8 years, 9 months ago
I agree with Rollins. You cannot play the "poor Bahamians" card. Minnis has been dubbed as a redeemer of the poor man. But haven't we seen this before with the PLP and look where that got us.
Look, leave the so-called poor Bahamians who don't know any better to support the PLP and continue using outside toilets and just looking for "a job". The FNM like the Republicans attracts the wealthy, educated and smarter Bahamian. He needs to stick with that demographic and stop trying to be hero to a sector that doesn't care. His minions just looking for handouts anyway. The idiots can't see he won't be PM on the present course he's on.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 9 months ago
Mr Rollins is correct Dr: Minnis has no vision. the same goes for Ms: Butler Turner and Dr: Sands. Their Papa did not have any either. one example the Straw Market, Beautiful Site. should have been used in the best possible way . Go up. but a second story resturant and a look over the harbour site. the building would have paid for it self. Mr: Christie's vision.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago
Minnis is wealthy ............ does he need politics to consolidate his personal wealth???? (NO)
So, the question to ask is ............ What is Minnis' motive for being a Prime Minister???????
He says ........... To rid The Bahamas of corruption .......... Do you believe him????? ........ Can he do that??????? .......... Who will be in his anti-corruption Cabinet??????? ........ Will he adopt the anti-corruption strategies employed by the present President in Tanzania??????
Greentea 8 years, 9 months ago
Sheeprunner12 my observation of rich people- they have one hand out and when you fill that one, the other hand appears. No harm in getting a little more. Minnis is not and will not suddenly be any different than the corrupt yokels there now.
Honestman 8 years, 9 months ago
Most Bahamian politicians are opportunists and would jump ship at a moment's notice if they felt it was in their interest. Don't tell me that Christie, Mitchell, Minnis and the whole bunch of them are in it for their party or their country. It is all about power trips and self enrichment. That's all it ever has been and all it ever will be. In general, Bahamian politicians don't care about a vision for the country. You know I am right.
Publius 8 years, 9 months ago
The FNM is going to need to change its symbol from a Torch to a Toilet at this rate.
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
Minnis has had a good political teacher. . .pick a theme that resonates the masses and you will always win at elections!
Minnis has picked the two most important ones to Bahamians. . .corruption and change of leadership style in the Bahamas!! LBT still plays ole-school political games. . .MINNIS IS FAST BECOMING THE CHAMPION OF THE PEOPLE. . .they masses will not tolerate any abuse of him. . .from LBT or anyone else! Noticed how the PLP and the white monied backers are holding back from attacking him unfairly? The public even had Dr Rollins as a darling little hero as he poked the PLP party in their eyes in public but quickly turned on him when he "back stabbed" doc Minnis? We get the "feeling" from Minnis that he is in it for the people. . .for now. . .LOP and HAI were those type of men also when they begun to be political leaders before they became derailed!
Greentea 8 years, 9 months ago
Who are you speaking for? Who is this "we"? Over the hill born and bred people like me? No need to speak for me or people like me of your "feelings". I prefer to THINK and we don't think the same. Why should the PLP bother? Minnis is doing a good job giving them the election himself. Shoot they don't even need to campaign- and THAT considering their shoddy performance - something new every day- is sad indeed and reason enough for him to bow out of politics completely. And all this white money BS- ALL the parties are the same. All drive to Lyford Cay and Old Fort and the Eastern Road for "green" money and all behave like 5 dollar pros for it. Minnis is probably in the lead car. So stop the foolishness.
Publius 8 years, 9 months ago
I'm hardly religious but to this I must shout a rousing "Amen"! They want successful parties but they do not want to dig into their pockets to make and keep them viable. They have no problem with the "white man's" money when it is time to have it doled out in their direction. After that, the white man returns to devil status when black Bahamians of means and wealth treat and regard other black Bahamians like garbage and do everything in their power to ensure that they are blocked from being able to amass the same levels of wealth or even anything close to it.
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
He shouts corruption, white man and change towards giving the small man a chance! Then scott, LBT, tribune, national review and you guys here on this site. . .all of yinna back stabbing him, block what he does, call him dumb and other "put downs" all the while he remains steadfast, went to convention twice with yall and beat, resolved and signing the small man's tune. . ."I WITH YALL" !
I don't know where you think you been. . .but the only way the FNM can move Doc and survive is to bring back Papa! Otherwise. . . IT OVA! Oh. . .by the way. . .I run with the bush fowls. . .PURE ANDROS YARD CHICKENS THEM!
Publius 8 years, 9 months ago
For the "poor man"? Name one group of "poor men" Minnis has advanced in his almost 10 years in frontline politics. Name one social group in this country who has moved up a ladder due to his direct intervention? I'm not talking about the council members he has bribed with taxpayer dollars via under-the-table contracts etc from Brave and Shane. I am talking about average, everyday Bahamians. Name one piece of proposed legislation he has brought forward in Opposition to address issues directly related to the impoverished, the working poor and the struggling middle class. Name one position taken by him over the past 4-plus years that has done anything to tangibly impact the lives of anyone other than himself and his cronies. He is the MP for Killarney. He did not even support Bahamians who marched against the ongoing and deadly dump fires, and that was in his own constituency. You are for the poor but cannot stand up for them and everyone else being able to breathe? It is the most trite and played out of tactics using the poor to advance one's political objectives. And those "poor" people he is seeking to exploit for votes are not going to vote for him anyway, so he might as well drop the act and just stick to heralding who he is really for - himself.
And the most ironic thing? Minnis is one of the "haves" that his minions are complaining about. Minnis is not struggling like most of them are. They are clinging onto him because they have nothing else and can do nothing else. And he knows this. Yes, he is for the "poor" alright, the mentally poor who without them, he would go where he needs to go - home.
Greentea 8 years, 9 months ago
Amen (sung Anglican style)!
Publius 8 years, 9 months ago
DillyTree 8 years, 9 months ago
To those wanting to see Dr. Minnis continue as leader -- take a drive out to Gambier Village and then tell me exactly how he is a leader -- he can't even get it right in his own constituency!
And if Dr. Minnis is such a champion for anti-corruption, then why was he hobnobbing with the likes of Toogie and Bobo? Taking "free" fish from criminals isn't corruption?
Minnis must go!
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
WHERE YINNA LIVE FOR REAL? Now if yall anywhere near Doc constituency yall would know that man has that area on lock! Trying to beat him there is like trying to take on Perry Christie in Centerville. . .Mitchell in Fox Hills. . . or HI in North Abaco. . .ya better bring lunch and a jug of water. . ."cos this ger be long". He so cool down there even Toggie delivered him fish at his gate. . .Lol! Bobo may have carried fish too. . .but not sure he know where Doc lives. . .he may not want to ask Toggie because he may get recorded. . .Lol!
People. . .he there to stay. . .or send Papa. . .none of yall better come! That's the song of bush people. . .
Emac 8 years, 9 months ago
Ahh...Who made a backroom deal for Rollins to come over to the FNM now? LMAO...Ya reap what ya sow.
licks2 8 years, 9 months ago
True that . . . but now I see the "wild bunch" in the HOA making the same mistake. . . Rollins will eat them alive. . .he look like he want to be leader or nothing. . .Perry and Minnis both learned that the hard way. . .now the five are courting the lion to their breasts. . .if he don't get his way with them. . .he is likely to rip them to pieces in public as well!
lemonfreshpinesol 8 years, 9 months ago
All political parties need to remember that you cannot win a general election if you are bickering and fighting amongst yourselves. Those who oppose Dr. Minnis within the FNM do not have to agree with him or even like him, but what they should do is respect him enough as leader to keep their opinions about him within the party. The general public should never be made aware of disagreements that party members have with each other. There is a reason that the Council meetings are closed....
In my most humble opinion, if you have chosen to join a party and you do not like how the party is being ran, there is no need to put it out there for public consumption. Simply pack up your bags and be on your merry way. And if you feel that you can do a better job then create your own party. Nobody is forcing anyone to stay. Dr. Minnis was duly elected to lead the FNM (regardless of it being a mistake) and therefore until he is replaced at the next convention he should be respected and supported as such. And the same should go for the other parties too. In the public domain always put up a united front. Remember what happened to the PLP when they went into the general election with leadership drama...
The country is in desperate need of change, but that will not happen if there is not a strong and united opposition. The problem is that everyone wants to be chief and nobody wants to be an indian.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago
Most Bahamian should be glad that Rollins is in the House of Assembly ....... Minnis should resign and let Rollins run in Killarney and retire in the best interest of the Bahamian people
Greentea 8 years, 9 months ago
sheeprunner12- i was thinking the same thing- lol. The Trump references? Really? What conservative republican donor is he courting in Lyford? But since politicians have no shame- I am sure he will be on the ticket come election.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 9 months ago
I like Dr Rollins, he needs to find a better way to give criticism. A way that delivers the message but doesn't leave destruction in its wake
cmiller 8 years, 9 months ago
I kinda like this young pup!! He does not spend his time under the legs of the big dogs, sniffing at their ##
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