
George Smith


Tribune Staff Reporter


GEORGE Smith, former member of Parliament for Exuma, said yesterday he was “disappointed” that the PLP did not “extend the proper courtesy” to Exuma MP Anthony Moss and give him a chance to “step down” before making plans to nominate another candidate for the constituency.

The PLP was expected to ratify businessman Chester Cooper last Thursday as its standard bearer for the Exuma and Ragged Island constituency, however the event was postponed after Prime Minister Perry Christie fell ill with a “stomach virus”.

When contacted yesterday, Mr Moss, current area representative, said he had no comment and would make a statement “in the near future.”

However, Mr Smith said while he thinks Mr Moss was not a great representative for Exuma, the PLP should not have “chapped his legs from under him” especially because Mr Moss is a senior Member of Parliament, who has been loyal to the PLP.

Mr Smith has been consistent in his criticism of Mr Moss’ performance as a parliamentarian over the years, telling The Tribune many times that he believes the PLP would lose the Exuma seat if it renominated him.

“It is widely known that I have not been happy with the quality of representation of Exuma since 1997,” Mr Smith said.

“I think that Anthony Moss has good intentions but he has not been the kind of representative that Exuma was used to. I wasn’t happy when they nominated Mr Moss in 2007 and again in 2012 but the party said he has close ties with the Baptist community and there was a huge Baptist community in Exuma.

“What I do not like is how they did what they did. This is not the Free National Movement (FNM), this is the PLP and this is not how we do it. If there was a desire not to nominate Moss, there is a way to do it. There is a precedent. Sit down with him and get him to agree. He could make an announcement that he would not be seeking a nomination and then he could support the candidate and the party would not look broken. But don’t chap his leg off from under him. He is a decent man from a decent family with a decent wife and in-laws. I am sure he is offended. His ego is bruised.”

Mr Moss has held the Exuma seat since 2002.

Mr Cooper has been on the ground working in the constituency for months. He has also been very visible in the area since the passage of Hurricane Matthew earlier this month, surveying damage in the constituency.

In April, The Tribune reported exclusively that almost 60 Exuma residents gathered to express “overwhelming support” for a new PLP candidate.

This was the result of a poll taken during a meeting of leaders of the PLP Exuma constituency obtained by The Tribune. Fifty-six PLPs expressed the desire to have a new candidate, one person did not vote and another failed to indicate clearly whether they would still support Mr Moss.

When contacted in April, Mr Moss said the outcry for a new PLP candidate to replace him in the 2017 general election was a road he has travelled many times before, insisting that for the last 14 years he has worked to the best of his ability on behalf of all constituents.

Mr Cooper hails from Forbes Hill, Exuma. He is chairman & CEO of BAF Global Group and president & CEO of BAF Financial & Insurance (Bahamas).

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts told The Tribune last week that Mr Cooper’s ratification is expected to happen soon.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

This was a cut deal ........... as usual ............. Tony Moss will not be suckered into "retiring" like Old Dick, Neko and Chippy

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