Minnis hits out over spike in murders in October

FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis expressed concern about the number of murders in October compared to September, even though the country remains on a path to record the least number of murders for any year since at least 2010.

Nine people were murdered in October, compared to six in September, according to The Tribune’s records.

The country has averaged about eight murders per month this year, with the best month being July, which saw no murders.

Dr Minnis said: “It is a sad state of affairs in our country when we see a spike in murders in October following the devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew. We can all agree that the Bahamian people deserve safety and security – especially in the aftermath of a hurricane.

“However, it is this government’s failure to deliver on their commitment to the Bahamian people as they try to recover and rebuild their lives that has created within them a state of worrisomeness about their own safety and protection of property and possessions. We have had nine murders in the Bahamas in October bringing the current murder rate to 84.”

Dr Minnis, former minister of health under the previous Ingraham administration where crime become a major issue as it escalated throughout society, said Bahamians have not felt safe for years “because of the government’s failure to keep their promise to ensure safety on our streets.”

He added: “Since the passing of Hurricane Matthew we have witnessed rampant crime across the islands – multiple murders, shootings involving young children, looting of homes and schools, and the list goes on,” Dr Minnis said.

Police have downplayed rumours of looting due to the hurricane, saying the incidents of theft experienced in the aftermath of the storm was not the same thing.

“All of this is happening at a time when the Bahamian people have more than enough hardships to shoulder,” Dr Minnis added. “Particularly at this time, Bahamians should not have to worry about a crime wave this government has shown absolutely no capacity to fix.”

“It is time for this government to finally develop and implement a plan to fully protect our citizens. It starts with acknowledging the problem, not treating it like a campaign issue that they are afraid to address. The people deserve safety and security – they pay taxes and live up to their obligations as citizens. It is time for the government to finally bring forth a real plan to address the high crime rate in our country.”


birdiestrachan 8 years, 4 months ago

Poor "Roc with Doc" he is grasping at straws. Should he became God forbid PM. does he believe there will be no more crime? and all will become saints. Because he is in town? the rise in crime as he should know started its rise when his party was in power. The matter of crime goes deeper than any political party. It is a mind set. Doc. There will be the same people and the same Police Force. no matter who the Government is.

John 8 years, 4 months ago

Minnis is correct and everyone should be concerned about the spike in crime. But the fact is the increase started before the hurricane, which resulted in a young man being gunned down and killed while the country was just about locked down for the storm. It appears that there is some tic for tac going on with gangs who are striking back when one of their gang bangers gets killed. Of more concern is the young females that have also been killed in October, a teen age girl being 'head shot."apparently by someone known to her. Maybe more information needs to be given on how many of these murders (during October) were solved by the police and/or if they are aware of the motives for any of them and itf they seem to be isolated killings or somewhat related. reports are that the police has a suspect in the latest murder that occurred less than 24 hours ago.

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