PM: I'm not easy when it comes to Crown land approvals

On the tour of the Public Hospitals Authority's new Supply Chain Management Agency on Friday, Prime Minister Perry Christie (centre) was accompanied by Frank Smith, Chairman of the PHA Board of Directors; Herbert Brown, PHA Managing Director; Dr Perry Gomez, Minister of Health; and Dr Glenn Beneby, Chief Medical Officer. Photo: Peter Ramsay/BIS

On the tour of the Public Hospitals Authority's new Supply Chain Management Agency on Friday, Prime Minister Perry Christie (centre) was accompanied by Frank Smith, Chairman of the PHA Board of Directors; Herbert Brown, PHA Managing Director; Dr Perry Gomez, Minister of Health; and Dr Glenn Beneby, Chief Medical Officer. Photo: Peter Ramsay/BIS


Deputy Chief Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie insisted yesterday that he is not “easy” when it comes to Crown land approvals amid revelations that the Bahamas Embassy in China was given the nod to discuss a $2.1bn agri-fisheries proposal with Chinese investors for Andros.

He said any major development that takes place on that island would not be because the government “imported foreign labour”, but the result of Bahamian labour.

The proposed partnership for Andros will apparently entail the incorporation of 100 companies, with the agricultural products and seafood to be used for local consumption, and exported to China and the United States for sale. It also reportedly includes the option to lease 10,000 acres of Crown land in Andros.

“At the end of the day there are these hands, these same hands here, that will be responsible for determining Andros. Don’t make no mistake about it,” an animated Prime Minister told reporters yesterday while motioning in response to critics who assert the government has been too accommodating to the Chinese.

He was speaking during a tour of the Public Hospitals Authority's new Supply Chain Management Agency facility on Shirley Street.

Mr Christie continued: “I’m the minister responsible for lands. I am. And at the end of the day as I listen to debates and discussions in the country, I have been fighting to give 200 acres to some Bahamians who had wonderful proposals. I have had to bring in a calculated effort to say you’ll get it in installments of 50 acres. These are two Bahamians. One of whom is a prominent former FNM politician with a wonderful proposal.

“I am not easy with respect to matters of that kind. You have to be proof positive and the Cabinet of the Bahamas makes those decisions after the Prime Minister has determined there is something worthy to present to them.

Mr Christie said while his administration continues to be accused by critics, he would soon release every proposal that was submitted to the government in relation to Andros, dating back to the very first administration.

“What is happening in Andros today I told them I was gonna do and this is essentially the greatest manifestation of support and commitment to the people of Andros. That is what I promised. And there is no possibility of my compromising on that. 

“And all the ups and downs I want BAMSI to be a campus or a college of the University of the Bahamas. I want them to add more disciplines to that campus. There is no doubt about that and that is in progress.

“Andros (is) 104 miles long, 43 miles wide (and) as big as Trinidad with assets that are wonders of the world. I want Andros integrated with all of its natural assets into the economy of the Bahamas in a more meaningful way and it will happen.

“It will not happen because we have imported foreign labour to make it happen. I will put out for the Bahamian public all of these proposals that have come in to all governments of the Bahamas dating back to the first government of who wants to do what with Andros. Then I will show them what my government is doing, not talking about, (but) doing.”

V Alfred Gray, the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, has been at the centre of a public backlash this week over contradictory comments he made in regard to this matter.

However on radio talk show Off Air with Andrew Burrows on Thursday, Mr Gray said the proposal for the development of agriculture and fisheries in Andros was pitched to his ministry by the government’s ambassador to China, and not the Chinese government or investors. 

During the show he further insisted that he would not be a “scapegoat” as he took steps to further clear his ministry’s role in the proposal.

Mr Gray explained that Bahamas Ambassador to China Paul “Andy” Gomez had submitted the proposal as an overview of items that he sought clearance from the government to discuss with investors in China.


BahamaPundit 7 years, 11 months ago

Sounding more and more like an African dictator.

BahamaPundit 7 years, 11 months ago

It seems evident from the PM's response that he is not at all surprised by Minister Gray's China proposal. He does not in any way discredit it or suggest that it is ridiculous. It seems very likely from his lack of consternation that he played a role in framing and advocating the China proposal and Minister Gray is just a figurehead.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 11 months ago

No he never refuted it. Never denounced it. Scary hands

SP 7 years, 11 months ago

.................. Desperate PM Christie Grabbing At Straws ......................

Unquestionably Christie is the architect behind this failed attempt to find something "substantial" to run on in 2017.

He absolutely has nothing to campaign on, so obviously must now revert to "throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks".... Yet another failure!!

We all know Idiot Gray isn't half intelligent enough to come up with anything, and nothing could have progressed without Christie's consent anyway.

banker 7 years, 11 months ago

The rape and pillage of Andros -- our last hope for food security. Sell absolutely everything to the Chinese.

SP 7 years, 11 months ago

.............. FOOK Bahamians! "We Believe In Chinese" "Chinese First" ................

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 11 months ago

Who takes this old fool seriously anymore????

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 11 months ago

Just look at the minion idiots in the above photo that this man (the King Idiot) typically surrounds himself with! Not a one of them is competent at doing anything and all of them could not care less about the Bahamian people. Don't be fooled fellow Bahamians, our stupid, greedy, and power and wealth hungry Crooked Christie is the one who from the start was behind the $2.1 billion sellout of our agriculture and fisheries industries and the giveaway of tens of thousands of acres of our Crown Land to his RED China friends. Crooked Christie's use of the corrupt and very dumb Alfred Gray to get the word out is just a typical cowardly political ploy by Crooked Christie to distract and deflect attention and blame away from himself. Crooked Christie's Red Chinese friends obviously now have a very tight vice-grip on Crooked Christie's shrivelled smelly nuts that they can further tighten at anytime they want. Yes fellow Bahamians, it is Crooked Christie and none other than Crooked Christie alone who is in the process of selling our country to Red China as a result of his unconscionable and insatiable greed for power and wealth. Just ask Baltron "Bag Man" Bethel how filthy rich he, our AG Wicked Witch and Crooked Christie have become selling us out to Red China. These three evil creatures could not care less about our sovereignty and national security!

TalRussell 7 years, 11 months ago

Comrades! The PM must be mindful to include in his promised discloses the time when after being fired by Pindling only to return to the PLP fold back in 1990, he was appointed by Pindling as the Crown's Minister responsible for Agriculture. Tell it all PM, 1990 all?

birdiestrachan 7 years, 11 months ago

Folks on this site are sounding more and more like Mr: Trump supporters. Mr: Christie has a heart for the Bahamian people. and he will guard Bahamian land for Bahamians .The FNM papa removed the real property act that Sir Lynden left in place. It should be put back into law.

TalRussell 7 years, 11 months ago

Comrades! Since the PM wants to talk the agriculture and crown lands illusory, then he must explain why during his tenure as minister of agriculture a project under his management was reduced to nothing. PM do tell all about the Horses and livestock that you as the minister responsible for the failed project were left to starve. Many millions of dollars in expensive equipment left discarded to rust. So was the project's workshop, training center and other facilities that were part and parcel of the taxpayers funded project also left abandoned by your ministry.
PM do you recall that back at the time government officials, including you Perry Christie as the agriculture minister were accused over attempts to cover up the project's abandoned and lots equipment just left behind to rust, and your ministry also left the Horses and Livestock to starve.
PM, this is not hearsay, these things did in fact occur under you as the Substantive Crown Minister responsible for that failed project.
Yes, Mr. PM, do tell it all...all. Yes, talk all the millions taxpayers moneys that went down the drain.
PM, please tell all way BAMSI is not about to repeat history...but this time you are really in full charge as the Substantive Chief Minister over all Crown Ministers, and unfortunately, that includes Crown Minister V. Alfred.

truetruebahamian 7 years, 11 months ago

30 companies for him, 30 companies for Davis,30 companies for Maynard Gibson, and 10 for Roberts who can't run anything but his loud exasperating mouth!

truetruebahamian 7 years, 11 months ago

Birdie, you have mastered the art or idiocy - but the thing is - no thinking person or truly Bahamian hearted person wishes or would wish to follow your lead - neither that nor your behind! Please stop being a silly and non sensical promoter of a corrupt administration which has failed every step of the way. Leave the dark side and open your mind!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 11 months ago

Birdie, these men do not love the Bahamas or you, they love money, and that love is the root of all evil. They will do anything for money, including selling that nest under your butt. They think nothing of fast tracking citizen ships, selling land or resources, remember Shane and Anna Nichole? "Bahamian" means nothing to them. Will you say something when they give the paradise island bridge to the Chinese? For years they have told us we have nothing of value here, prepping us for the give away of everything we are.

The Prime Minister didn't once say he's not giving away this land, didn't once say this proposal is preposterous. That is the scariest omission ever. Have you thought that once the 500 Chinese are granted Bahamian citizenship, they are free to be the "Bahamian" side of the proposed 50/50 partnerships? Open your eyes

Start chirping birdie before the tree holding your nest is cut down.

SP 7 years, 11 months ago

....... EU governments to block takeovers by China firms in strategic industries .........


Only a true fooking idiot, like Perry Gladstone Christie does just the opposite!

licks2 7 years, 11 months ago

This is getting scary in this nation. . .I am afraid that we are heading for a civil up-raising like we have never seen before! I think if they go ahead with this fool-headed rush to "give" the Bahamas to the government of China. . .Granada can repeat itself here in our country!

Honestman 7 years, 11 months ago

Perhaps now it's becoming clearer why China donated all that weaponry!

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