THE most valuable player (MVP) in Financial Bowling League competition last night was Perry Williams of Moonlight Strikers with a 589 high three game set.

Runner-up was Sonith Lockhart of Rubis Oil Stars who downed the pins the second high set of 579 with Jason Williams of Moonlight Strikers coming up with a respectable second high game of 225. 

Most outstanding player among the ladies was Joy Lockhart of BTC Night Hawks with a 191 second high game and a 537 high three game set. She was followed by Tara Culmer of Forsythe Communications who toppled the pins for a 199 high game and a 515 second high set.   

The team scores for the evening were as follows: Moonlight Strikers 3, BTC Night Hawks 0; Forsythe Communications 2, Leno Corporate Services 1; Rubis Oil Stars 2, Deloitte & Touche 1 and Strike Force 2, Best Deal Kirki Bar 1.



THE Fourteen Clubs Golf Academy is scheduled to hold another Skills Golf competition on Saturday in the Driving Range at the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex.

The academy will run from 11am to 1pm.

Registration will take place at 10:30am. The fee is $10 per golfer, which includes lunch, drinks and prizes based on performances.

“As we are preparing to resume our skills competitions for Fall 2016, we want to ensure that we are prepared for the numbers,” Rolle said. “We have received a number of confirmations for attendance, but we ask that you please reconfirm by replying to this email.”

For those whose timing conflicts but can arrive by 11:30 am (as that is our normal start time), Rolle said they will still be accommodated in the rotation.


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