Minnis calls for Gray to resign

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis

Reader poll

Do you think the $2.1bn agriculture and fisheries proposal with Chinese investors would be beneficial to the Bahamas?

  • Yes, it would be beneficial. 7%
  • No, it would not. 93%

87 total votes.


Tribune Staff Reporter


OPPOSITION Leader Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday called on Bahamians to mobilise against the $2.1bn agriculture and fisheries proposal with Chinese investors for Andros that he believed would bring the country one step closer to “being colonised once again”.

The Free National Movement (FNM) leader also called for the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries V Alfred Gray to resign from his Cabinet post. Additionally, Dr Minnis put the government of China “on notice” that if elected, his party would review and reverse any “secret deal” that gives land or fishing rights to foreigners.

He said that the Bahamian people “were hoodwinked” by the government into believing that the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) “would provide opportunity for local entrepreneurs to create a direct-to-market supply line that would stimulate the economy and benefit Bahamians, leading to the further development of the agricultural sector of our economy, and ultimately greater food security.”

He stressed: “But if this under the table deal is allowed to stand, only the Chinese will benefit. We must not - under any circumstances - allow these negotiations to go on.

“As leader of the Free National Movement, as leader of the (Official) Opposition, we call upon the Christie-led government to cease and desist in the underhanded deals that would give away our land, give away our heritage, give away our birthright, give away our fishing grounds and finally, give away our sovereignty. During his term in office, the Prime Minister and his PLP government have kow-towed, bowed and scraped to the Chinese overlords from time and time again.

“But this time, this time, he and his minister have gone too far. And they know that they’ve gone too far to give away our people’s rights, resources, land and birthright for a bowl of porridge is despicable and unacceptable.

“Let me make this patently clear. The FNM will do everything in its power to stop Prime Minister Christie and his government from giving away the (thousands of) acres of Crown land and the rights to our Bahamian exclusive economic zone and fishing grounds to foreign states, the agents of foreign states, companies in anyway associated with citizens of foreign states, and any other foreigners.

“And we call out all freedom loving Bahamians to join us in this righteous cause. This is a righteous cause and we must deal with it.”

His comments came during a press conference at the FNM’s Mackey Street headquarters before a crowd of party supporters.

Dr Minnis said he and his opposition team are unified and opposed “to this giveaway”.

“And we put the Chinese government on notice that upon election to office, the Free National Movement government will immediately and vigorously review and cancel any secret agreement or deal which proposes to give away our land, or rights to our fishing ground for years to any foreign government.”

According to an earlier report the proposed partnership will entail the incorporation of 100 companies, with the agricultural products and seafood to be used for local consumption, and exported to China and the United States for sale. The proposal also includes the option to lease 10,000 acres of Crown land in Andros.

Mr Gray has since explained that Bahamas Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China Paul “Andy” Gomez had submitted the proposal as an overview of items that he sought clearance from the government to discuss with investors in China.

As the firestorm over the potential implications of such a deal continued, Mr Gray also took aim at The Nassau Guardian, which first published the proposal on Tuesday. He insisted that the newspaper was linked to an opposition candidate, and charged that he would not be a “scapegoat for their mission.”

Mr Gray underscored that it was the previous FNM administration that negotiated for Chinese workers in the Baha Mar deal and gave the Chinese licenses for the rerouting of the airport corridor, and to construct a dock in Abaco.

Prime Minister Perry Christie, meanwhile, insisted on Friday that he is not “easy” when it comes to Crown land approvals when pressed about the controversial proposal.

Mr Christie said while his administration continues to be accused by critics, he would soon release every proposal that was submitted to the government in relation to Andros, dating back to the very first administration.

At yesterday’s press conference, Dr Minnis stressed that Bahamians have been waiting for years to be approved for their Crown land requests.

“Yet the PLP’s Chinese allies just snapped their fingers and they are considered for (thousands of) acres of our land. Why is this so? This government owes the people a straight answer as to why the prime minister and his ministers put the Chinese allies above the interest of the Bahamian people.

“Does the prime minister and his PLP government realise the true scale of the Bahamian land they are proposing to give away? Allow me to put this in perspective so that they and the entire Bahamas can put into perspective what we are talking about. Twenty thousand acres is almost four times the size of Bimini. It is more acreage than on Rum Cay. It’s almost half the size of New Providence. It is also half the acreage of San Salvador.

“The people of the Bahamas were once colonised by a colonial power and 43 years later, we are at that very same fate of being colonised, once again, by a Communist nation. This is a wake up call for all Bahamians to become engaged in the democratic process by registering to vote. I’m asking all Bahamians who love their country, if you love your people, if you love your children, to register to vote,” the opposition leader warned.


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 4 months ago

This fool Minnis has once again taken the bait. It was not Alfred Gray's idea to sell our agriculture and fisheries industries to Crooked Christie's Red China friends and at the same time give them tens of thousands of acres of our Crown Land. This whole idea was conceived by Crooked Christie and his Bag Man, Baltron Bethel, as part of the additional concessions they have agreed to give the Chinese enterprises associated with the Baha Mar development. Alfred Gray is simply the lackey Crooked Christie decided to use to get the word out on what he has already agreed with his Chinese friends. Using Alfred Gray like this is a typical political ploy often used by Crooked Christie to deflect attention and blame away from himself.

Honestman 8 years, 4 months ago

You are 100% on the nail there. What else has Christie signed away? It will seep out slowly but surely.

Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

And what is that supposed to accomplish when this is Christie's agreement that the Cabinet has already approved in some portions thereof? How does Gray being removed change what the Prime Minister and his Cabinet has executed for China? It's almost as if Minnis is like a child. He just points at whoever is apparently out front at the time and screams "tag, you're it". He consistently fails to demonstrate the level of considered response that someone who has already served in the Cabinet at the substantive level, should be able to give.

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrades! The Bahamaland as we once knew Her will no longer exist 20 years from now. ... and that's regardless of come the 2017, if it's the PLP or Red Movement's similar politics that is returned as the governing party come the 2017 General.
Minnis's guarded threat over the Chinese Fisheries deal is timid. The leader of the official opposition party in waiting, plays the same politics as his PLP counterparts when he won't come right out to condemn the PLP cabinet's deal with the Chinese.....but his softens his threats to cancel any deals made with the Chinese, but only if "done in secret." Comrades, it should matter not to the Red Movement Party if any attempt to struck a deal to return The Bahamaland back to its Colonial Days, was made in "secret" or out in the open.
Minnis paints a miserable picture of his party when he says he is against the $2.1 Billion Andros Agriculture and Fisheries Proposal with Chinese investors (government) for Andros - although he believes the deal would bring the country one step closer to “being colonized once again”.....but only if it's done with the Chinese behind those PLP cabinet room's door. If done out in the open, Minnis is okay with the PLP's great Chinese deal for the planned colonization of The Bahamaland?
Comrades! The red opposition's "conditional" vow to do cancel any "done in secret" deals by the government. just proves both parties act from the same colonial political play books. . Noticeably absent from The Red Movement Leader's threats is the words that his part, if elected government, would also match the PM's promise to "un secret" the names of all who benefited from 'done in secret Crown Lands grabs?
But isn't this the same opposition leader who willingly signed the Montagu constituency candidacy papers for "Wash em, Dry em & Press Em" Dionisio? A candidate that really needs to fully explain his position on not only Izmirlian's Baha Mar, but workers entitlement to a decent and livable working wage? Is he the candidate for Montagu or is he the undeclared contender for the leadership of the red party? Some thinks he's Loretta's 'trouble making" twin, politically?

banker 8 years, 4 months ago

Not to worry. The fix is in. It will all be better shortly. Guarantee it.

We asked for signs the signs were sent: the birth betrayed the marriage spent Yeah the widowhood of every government -- signs for all to see.


TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Banker, The PM will be forced to rungs the 2007 General's bell no later than Tuesday, February 28, 2017. But your Comrade is damn certain of one election fact. That if Dionisio can run in Montagu, about anyone can be delegated to run for the Red Movement party. Isn't this man's a clear sign that it will not be "the sounds of, for and on behalf of we Bahamalander average peoples rungin of the 2017 General Elections bell?"
No wonder the PLP won't run a candidate should Richard decide he wants to run in 2017 as Montagu's Independent (PLP) Candidate, and he'll probably beat the living hell out "Wash em, Dry em & Press em's" Soapy Dionisio. Once upon a time Papa Hubert and Sir Stafford Sands could 99.01% of General Elections count on both the Montagu and Long Island constituencies electing their party's candidates to the Peoples Honourable House of Assembly..but not come the 2017 General.

banker 8 years, 4 months ago

I love your love of the Red Party. Is Zhivargo your brother on the other side of the blanket? :-)

birdiestrachan 8 years, 4 months ago

"Roc with Doc" should come with clean hands , but he does not. He knows that the Freeport Harbor and Air Port and the hotel deals were signed by his Papa.. There was no out cry. the Harbor and the airport and the beach hotel are owned. sold and not leased. Their Papa even made a deal by which no one could build a harbor in Grand Bahama even outside of the bonded area. Do you all know who are the owners.?

BahamaPundit 8 years, 4 months ago

Perry made it clear that "these hands" are the mangled claws behind every Chinese deal. He admitted it! Mr. Gray is just a breeze in his hurricane.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

Minnis and his 37 colleagues in the House need to resign asap

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrades! I wonder if there's any Truth that the Chinese government is to build and donate the official residence (compound) for Bahamaland's prime minister? That China wants The Bahamaland to be declared an Republic nation, by the end of 2017.

John 8 years, 4 months ago

Whenever ships show up in our black peoples lives it usually spells trouble. It was ships that took us from the mother land and brought us into 500 years of slavery. Some of the most brutal and deadly and disturbing years in the history of mankind. Now ships again from all the way on the other side of the world are coming to take our most precious resources: Our FOOD! seafood, scale fish especially. But the Korean boats were turned back and, as a test of faith, the same must be done to the Chinese and the people who are bringing them here to rule over their own people (if only suttely). When they take all your seafood away then you are forced to eat more pork and processed foods. Then what happens to your health? If you want to know if this is a good deal with the Chinese, go to any and every church in the Bahamas and count the Chinese you see...I'll wait.

John 8 years, 4 months ago

Ps.. when the cruise ships came they forced us of our beaches, and many into modern day slavery.

John 8 years, 4 months ago

Behold redemption draweth nigh!

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