Energy plan revealed as candidates ratified

The FNM ratification event last night. Photo: Yontalay Bowe

The FNM ratification event last night. Photo: Yontalay Bowe


Deputy Chief Reporter


WHILE officially launching three of his party’s final six New Providence candidates last night, Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis revealed his plans to tackle energy reform in the country through the implementation of a national solar power initiative.

This programme, he told scores of party supporters, will not only remedy the high cost of electricity, but will allow customers to receive money or credit toward account balances from electricity provider Bahamas Power and Light (BPL).

The initiative also aims to create much needed jobs in an economy where unemployment remains at unsavoury levels, Dr Minnis said.

He further repeated plans to stop, review and cancel any secret deals the party discovers that hands over the Bahamas’ precious natural resources to foreign interests.

Before providing a glimpse of his plans should the party be elected to office in the 2017 general election, the new candidates – radio talk show host and attorney Jeff Lloyd, for South Beach, founder of the Public Transit Association Reuben Rahming, for Pinewood Gardens, and Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells, for the same constituency – each took the stage. All stressed that the FNM is the only viable option to govern this country.

“We must invest in Bahamian entrepreneurs who can provide employment in the renewable energy industry by creating a national solarisation initiative,” Dr Minnis said during the event at the FNM Headquarters on Mackey Street.

“Our energy policy will include a national solarisation programme beginning with residential and small businesses where, through net billing, these homes can receive quarterly, six-monthly or even yearly checks or credit on their accounts from the major power company. That’s what your FNM government will do for you.”

He added: “We will also have advanced metering infrastructure to include pre-payment. We will create a new Building Bahamian Entrepreneurs initiative, which is a public-private partnership that will focus on giving Bahamian entrepreneurs opportunities to develop and provide services.

“We will allow these Bahamians who provide the best proposal for development and employment the opportunity to manage certain services, which the government presently provides.

“We will introduce a strong, vibrant and effective local government to New Providence. Imagine for a second what this would have done to the clean up programme that we see throughout New Providence after Hurricane Matthew. And fifth, our anti-corruption initiative will be a priority. There are too many crooks. These crooks must be dealt with.”

Regarding the government’s relationship with the Chinese, Dr Minnis said despite the government’s attempts to “give away” Bahamians’ birthright, the FNM would not allow it.

“The Free National Movement respects the Chinese government and the Chinese people. The Bahamas has good relations with China and that will not change under this FNM government. However, let me state for the record that we in the opposition stand united with the people completely opposed to the PLP giving away our birthright to the Chinese.

“And we put the Chinese government on notice that, upon coming to office, we will immediately and vigorously review and cancel any secret agreement or deal, which proposes to give away our land or rights to our fishing grounds to theirs or to any foreign government. The FNM will always protect our natural resources,” Dr Minnis said.


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