Concern at fishing plan

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WHEN I wrote my last letter (November 1, 2016), expressing my concern for the increased Chinese influence, I was not aware of the information that has surfaced regarding the proposed 10,000 acres of farm land in North Andros.

My interest in food production for my country is well known. Both of my grandfathers were full time farmers and produced food for the lumber camps as well as for the sponging vessels, for more than 40 years.

I feel this gives me the right to express my views on the current situation.

1) In principle I am in agreement with joint partnership with non-Bahamians for food production but only after very careful safeguards. It worked in Abaco during the 80s and 90s.

2) The proposal is well constructed and much thought went into the document. I find it difficult to understand why it was not shared with Cabinet and the general public before reaching its present stage. (There is too much secrecy in government).

3) I am not a company lawyer, but I have serious reservations on the formation of the 100 joint venture companies, especially the ‘Participating Company’ (see section A of the draft document).

4) As mentioned in my previous letter, I am becoming deeply concerned about the footholds being established by the Chinese, ie Grand Bahama, New Providence, Abaco and now North Andros, resulting in an investment of multiple billions of dollars. My concern is not the short term, but rather the long term for my grandchildren. Too much my fellow Bahamians.

5) Another serious concern is the safe-guarding of our environment. The Chinese are famous for ignoring such considerations.

6) I respectfully suggest the government share the hidden agenda with the Bahamian public.

7) Finally let me add that under no circumstances can we have joint partnership in the Fishing Industry.

That belongs completely to ‘we Bahamians’. We demonstrated against long line fishing in the 1990s (FNM) and we will do so again to protect the Bahamian Fishing Industry.

Think my fellow Bahamians!

For what it’s worth.


Marsh Harbour, Abaco,

November 9, 2016.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

I disagree with the fishing. But I would like to hear more about the farming on leased land, There have been many comments. I have heard nothing from the people in Andros.

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