Sense of balance lost over march

EDITOR, The Tribune.

OF course the guarantee  of free demonstration must always be protected, and sensible permits must be granted.

This Friday’s march and speeches are being organised for a good cause.

However, when I read that this event is to start at 1pm and last for 12 hours to Saturday 1am, I was astounded. Who in authority could have been rash enough to grant a 12-hour permit?

If, as the backers hope, it is well attended, it will not be demonstration but rather an occupation –a take-over of our central downtown.

The rights of public assembly must always be balanced against the rights of citizens to enjoy free movement and the rights of shop-keepers to conduct their business. Here, all sense of balance has been lost.

I only hope our stressed police officers can keep reasonable good order.

The American Embassy’s release does nothing to help. What can one make of the fatuous warning that US citizens should “avoid the area of demonstration”?

Are the thousands of cruise ship passengers supposed to stay off our principal thoroughfare Bay Street on one of the busiest holiday Fridays? A little more realism from the Embassy would be welcome.



November 24, 2016.


TheMadHatter 7 years, 10 months ago

You obviously have NO IDEA of the terrible shape that this country is in. The things you mention are very trivial. One day, to save a nation is a small price to pay. The Embassy "warning" simply helped to get the word out - and they are not stupid - they understand that - the real reason (I'm sure) for them doing that. They don't want to see our currency devalued - won't be good for business for them.

Hopefully you will write another article - with a different attitude - after our currency is devalued in June next year (if people like you win the order of the day). Unfortunately, your late wake up call will be too late. No country has every gotten their currency value back after devaluation - in history.

Thankfully, however, you will not win - and the people will win instead.

Change is here - signified by the death of Castro on the very same night.


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